More Of James Carville Panicking Over Bernie Sanders And Democratic Incompetence

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Hotair ^ | 02/07/2020 | John Sexton


Earlier this week James Carville went on MSNBC and told Democrats it was time to panic. ā€œI mean, Iā€™m 75 years old why am I here doing this? Because I am scared to death thatā€™s why,ā€ Carville said. The clip of Carvilleā€™s on-air panic went viral and today, Vox interviewed Carville and gave him a chance to revise and extend his remarks:

Sean Illing
Why are you ā€œscared to deathā€ about the 2020 election?

James Carville
Look, the turnout in the Iowa caucus was below what we expected, what we wanted. Trumpā€™s approval rating is probably as high as itā€™s been. This is very bad. And now it appears the party canā€™t even count votes. What the hell am I supposed to think?ā€¦

We have candidates on the debate stage talking about open borders and decriminalizing illegal immigration. Theyā€™re talking about doing away with nuclear energy and fracking. Youā€™ve got Bernie Sanders talking about letting criminals and terrorists vote from jail cells. It doesnā€™t matter what you think about any of that, or if there are good arguments ā€” talking about that is not how you win a national election. Itā€™s not how you become a majoritarian partyā€¦

Iā€™m not sure Carville is personally that far off from Bernieā€™s positions on these issues, but he knows that winning an election means focusing on issues where you have an electoral advantage, not ones where the electorate is against you. The counter-argument, which Voxā€™s Sean Illing makes, is that maybe things have changed so much that Sanders can win despite his far-left platform.

Sean Illing
A lot of threads there. First, a lot of people donā€™t trust the Democratic Party, donā€™t believe in the party, for reasons youā€™ve already mentioned, and so they just donā€™t care about that. They want change. And I guess the other thing Iā€™d say is, 2016 scrambled our understanding of whatā€™s possible in American politics.

Are we really sure Sanders canā€™t win?

James Carville
Who the hell knows? But hereā€™s what I do know: Sanders might get 280 electoral votes and win the presidency and maybe we keep the House. But thereā€™s no chance in hell weā€™ll ever win the Senate with Sanders at the top of the party defining it for the public. Eighteen percent of the country elects more than half of our senators. Thatā€™s the deal, fair or not.

So long as McConnell runs the Senate, itā€™s game over. Thereā€™s no chance weā€™ll change the courts and nothing will happen, and heā€™ll just be sitting up there screaming in the microphone about the revolution.

As another example of a losing issue, Carville brought up a viral video in which a voter confronted Elizabeth Warren over her college debt forgiveness plan:

Hereā€™s another stupid thing: Democrats talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness. Iā€™m not here to debate the idea. What I can tell you is that people all over this country worked their way through school, sent their kids to school, paid off student loans. They donā€™t want to hear this shit. And you saw Warren confronted by an angry voter over this. Itā€™s just not a winning message.

The core of Carvilleā€™s message is that you have to always be thinking about the persuadable voters because ultimately every election is about persuading a majority of voters with your most appealing issues. As Carville sees it, thereā€™s no alternative: ā€œlook, if no oneā€™s persuadable, then letā€™s just have the revolution.ā€

As for the outcome in 2020, Carville was asked if he sees anyone who can beat Trump and replied, ā€œI donā€™t know, I just donā€™t know.ā€

Carville will be ignored by Sandersā€™ supporters, probably with a jaunty ā€œOk, boomer.ā€ Heā€™s old, heā€™s out of touch, heā€™s moderateā€”lots of reasons to ignore him. But I think heā€™s right about Sanders, at least so far.


Carville actually does understand voters, much like the late great Pat Caddell, another honest democrat. Heā€™s the only one on the left pointing out that the emperor is buck naked and nobody is taking him seriously.

Face it, if they had a Bill Clinton running, weā€™d be sweating. Thatā€™s the kind of candidate Carville is wishing for.....but one who kept his penis in his pants and not in some young Interns mouth as he slid cigars in and out of her...OVAL ORIFICE!!!!!
Carville devoted his life to the democrats. Of course he's going to be devastated.

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