More nonsense..protesting against Barrycare is 'terrorism'

It's one of the most disgusting and insensitive styles of rhetoric I have seen.

I lost a loved one to REAL terrorism in 2001.


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Use terrorism in a Sentence
See images of terrorism
Search terrorism on the Web
1785–95; terror + -ism
Terrorism | Define Terrorism at

Severed propane line at brother's home of Virgi...

Health Care Reform Leads to Threats - Rochester, News, Weather, Sports, and Events -
Another one with no perspective.

Congrats, you are a fucker who has no respect whatsoever for the survivors of victims of real terrorism.

How you look yourself in the mirror as a sellout, choosing partisanship over decency that most humans know, is a mystery to me.


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stop being violent

problem solved

speak out against violence

problem solved

stop making excuses for the violence, or giving cover for the violence, defending the violence.

problem solved

It is the same problem with all of the legitimate and concerned people that work at or support PETA, where the few violent ones, give the entire group a bad name and also puts the entire group under close scrutiny of the fbi and homeland security.
Accept that a free society comes with the warts and all, or live in a police state.

Did you know you could be fined or jailed in places like France if you tell a joke or state an opinion that is not politically correct?

Would you like to see that here?

No, but that's not the current reality here, either. Violence is and that's not acceptable anywhere. And you can't credibly argue that it's bad on the left as it is the right. The potential is there on both sides and always has been, but at the moment it's definitely more on the right and it's been that way since before this POTUS even took office.
stop being violent

problem solved

speak out against violence

problem solved

stop making excuses for the violence, or giving cover for the violence, defending the violence.

problem solved

It is the same problem with all of the legitimate and concerned people that work at or support PETA, where the few violent ones, give the entire group a bad name and also puts the entire group under close scrutiny of the fbi and homeland security.
Accept that a free society comes with the warts and all, or live in a police state.

Did you know you could be fined or jailed in places like France if you tell a joke or state an opinion that is not politically correct?

Would you like to see that here?

No, but that's not the current reality here, either. Violence is and that's not acceptable anywhere. And you can't credibly argue that it's bad on the left as it is the right. The potential is there on both sides and always has been, but at the moment it's definitely more on the right and it's been that way since before this POTUS even took office.
If you took off those partisan glasses you'd realize how laughable you sound.

I heard the exact same bullshit about every anti-war protest I went too that I hear about every tea party protest I go too.


You make up this bullshit that you are now the 'Ghandis' of the world because you now are in power, but when it suited them, the other side you supported was as violent, threatening and abusive as possible.

The hypocrisy meter is off the hook with you people.
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YouTube - Clyburn: Health Care Opponents Aiding Terrorism

These corporate stooges are losing what little minds they have left.

You wouldn't agree the imagery in that video is disturbing, even dangerous?

Although I agree that using "Terrorism" is out of line.
No, what is dangerous is trying to silence protest by these tactics.

Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
You wouldn't agree the imagery in that video is disturbing, even dangerous?

Although I agree that using "Terrorism" is out of line.
No, what is dangerous is trying to silence protest by these tactics.

Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
It wasn't 'out of line' when done to Chimpola, its not out of line for Barry.
You wouldn't agree the imagery in that video is disturbing, even dangerous?

Although I agree that using "Terrorism" is out of line.
No, what is dangerous is trying to silence protest by these tactics.

Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
For freedom of speech to survive, what one views as the most offensive of speech, must be protected the most.

I value many things higher than partisan politics.
Accept that a free society comes with the warts and all, or live in a police state.

Did you know you could be fined or jailed in places like France if you tell a joke or state an opinion that is not politically correct?

Would you like to see that here?

No, but that's not the current reality here, either. Violence is and that's not acceptable anywhere. And you can't credibly argue that it's bad on the left as it is the right. The potential is there on both sides and always has been, but at the moment it's definitely more on the right and it's been that way since before this POTUS even took office.
If you took off those partisan glasses you'd realize how laughable you sound.

I heard the exact same bullshit about every anti-war protest I went too that I hear about every tea party protest I go too.


You make up this bullshit that you are now the 'Ghandis' of the world because you now are in power, but when it suited them, the other side you supported was as violent, threatening and abusive as possible.

The hypocrisy meter is off the hook with you people.

Nope, sorry. The incidents with RWingers recently has been far more severe - and there have been more of them, too - than anything LWingers did during the Bush admin. I never said we were "Ghandi", but lately it's the right that's been more violent. That's just a fact.
No, what is dangerous is trying to silence protest by these tactics.

Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
For freedom of speech to survive, what one views as the most offensive of speech, must be protected the most.

I value many things higher than partisan politics.

Mmm-hmm. Would that include racist and homophobic comments made to congressmen recently?
Barry's quite the uniter, eh? :rolleyes: What a fucking failure as president.

This is just starting.


The guy who managed to get this bill passed (with help, of course) when it looked dead just a few months ago??

Mmm-hmm. Would that include racist and homophobic comments made to congressmen recently?

Even comments by the most racist and homophobic people should be protected because of the first amendment.

Is it wrong to say? You betcha. However, what makes this country great is the freedom to say something that is completely ignorant and not be taken off to jail because of it.
Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
For freedom of speech to survive, what one views as the most offensive of speech, must be protected the most.

I value many things higher than partisan politics.

Mmm-hmm. Would that include racist and homophobic comments made to congressmen recently?
Link to the comments?

Irrespective of whether the comments occurred or not, we still (at least as of today) have a right in this country to say almost anything we want.

But, then again, the Alinskite left is in power.
It's one of the most disgusting and insensitive styles of rhetoric I have seen.

I lost a loved one to REAL terrorism in 2001.


the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.
the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
Use terrorism in a Sentence
See images of terrorism
Search terrorism on the Web
1785–95; terror + -ism
Terrorism | Define Terrorism at

Severed propane line at brother's home of Virgi...

Health Care Reform Leads to Threats - Rochester, News, Weather, Sports, and Events -
Another one with no perspective.

Congrats, you are a fucker who has no respect whatsoever for the survivors of victims of real terrorism.

How you look yourself in the mirror as a sellout, choosing partisanship over decency that most humans know, is a mystery to me.


But it is always perfectly OK for the hate-filled CON$ervoFascists to disrespect the survivors of victims of real terrorism by saying the Obama government is WORSE than the 9/11 terrorists. :cuckoo:

March 23, 2010
CALLER: No, it doesn't. And you know that sick feeling that I heard one of your other callers talk about that you also mentioned, you know,it's worse in my own stomach, it's worse than when 9/11 occurred, you know, at least then we knew it was a foreign enemy. But it's clear now that our enemy, the new enemy, is our own government and its disregard for the people's will of this country --

RUSH: Right. I hope you people in the media are listening to this because this is what people think, the enemy, the biggest threat we face is our own government right now, and we're not going to lose passion on that subject, we're not going to all of a sudden stop caring about that. You people in the media and the White House need to know. That's well put, Sandy. Thank you.
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stop being violent

problem solved

speak out against violence

problem solved

stop making excuses for the violence, or giving cover for the violence, defending the violence.

problem solved

It is the same problem with all of the legitimate and concerned people that work at or support PETA, where the few violent ones, give the entire group a bad name and also puts the entire group under close scrutiny of the fbi and homeland security.

Go ahead cite for us all the right wing violent protests in the last 50 years. Then cite for us all the left wing violent protests in the same time dear. The left not the right resorts to violence all the time.
Having POTUS caricatured as Hitler, and saying "Bye Bye Miss American Pie, Hello Socialism" is not dangerous? Not out of line? C'mon.
For freedom of speech to survive, what one views as the most offensive of speech, must be protected the most.

I value many things higher than partisan politics.

Mmm-hmm. Would that include racist and homophobic comments made to congressmen recently?

If you are referring to Sunday, made up things needd not apply.

BTW, IT DOES include racist, stupid, and offensive things as well, such as calling protestors 'teabaggers', 'racists' and so on.

I will never understand this fascination so many people have trying to come up with 'gotchas'
Another one with no perspective.

Congrats, you are a fucker who has no respect whatsoever for the survivors of victims of real terrorism.

How you look yourself in the mirror as a sellout, choosing partisanship over decency that most humans know, is a mystery to me.


But it is always perfectly OK for the hate-filled CON$ervoFascists to disrespect the survivors of victims of real terrorism by saying the Obama government is WORSE than the 9/11 terrorists. :cuckoo:

March 23, 2010
CALLER: No, it doesn't. And you know that sick feeling that I heard one of your other callers talk about that you also mentioned, you know,it's worse in my own stomach, it's worse than when 9/11 occurred, you know, at least then we knew it was a foreign enemy. But it's clear now that our enemy, the new enemy, is our own government and its disregard for the people's will of this country --

RUSH: Right. I hope you people in the media are listening to this because this is what people think, the enemy, the biggest threat we face is our own government right now, and we're not going to lose passion on that subject, we're not going to all of a sudden stop caring about that. You people in the media and the White House need to know. That's well put, Sandy. Thank you.
[Emphasis added] First of all, morons assume they know the views of another. Moron.

Secondly, the words by the caller are not my words nor are they Limbaugh's. In fact, note Limbaugh says right now. Moron.

Libs simply cannot think properly, so it's not really your fault that you look like the moron you are.

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