More kids at school being transitioned without parents notified


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

It works like this, children are targeted for transition as they meet with "councilors" to decide how to transition into another sex, all without their parents knowing. In fact, the children are told to not tell their parents.

But parents are beginning to form groups to fight back, both for support and for information

As the article states, KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS TRANSGENDER POLICIES, front and back.

And if need be, pull them out of school.

It works like this, children are targeted for transition as they meet with "councilors" to decide how to transition into another sex, all without their parents knowing. In fact, the children are told to not tell their parents.

But parents are beginning to form groups to fight back, both for support and for information

As the article states, KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS TRANSGENDER POLICIES, front and back.

And if need be, pull them out of school.
Get a lawyer and sue the fucking trash.

It works like this, children are targeted for transition as they meet with "councilors" to decide how to transition into another sex, all without their parents knowing. In fact, the children are told to not tell their parents.

But parents are beginning to form groups to fight back, both for support and for information

As the article states, KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS TRANSGENDER POLICIES, front and back.

And if need be, pull them out of school.
Denying the realities of your child's gender dysphoria will be looked at as child abuse and neglect one day just as it would if you ignored their cancer or diabetes. Good on this counselor for providing a safe and trusting environment for confused and troubled teens.
The catholic mafia and CIA-puppet piece of shit now in the WH does not oppose the symbology of this media-sponsored pedophiliac trajectory.
Denying the realities of your child's gender dysphoria will be looked at as child abuse and neglect one day just as it would if you ignored their cancer or diabetes. Good on this counselor for providing a safe and trusting environment for confused and troubled teens.
Since gender studies has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up some 4000%.

Meanwhile, children can have their sex changed before being old enough to even have sex.

This is child abuse as many children have started to come forward saying they regret their decision, but due to surgery and hormones the damage has been done, they are sterile.
I work with kids with autism, emotional disturbance, ADHD, OCD, ODD, and a few other alphabet soup mental disorders that you have likely not heard of. They are real, I'm not denying that. I have a Masters in Special Ed, and a Masters in psychology. My point is not to run down the behavior science professions.

At a recent meeting, we were discugging whether a kid who had been acting out, might have emotional disturbance, autism, or something else. This one counselor suddenly says that she's read an article that transgender youth often don't know that they are transgender. So, that confusion leads to acting out, because the kid just knows that they feel wrong. Since this is a conservative district where even school counselors have at least one foot in the real world, people just looked at her like she was crazy.

I said, "He wears boys clothes and keeps his hair less than an inch. He gets into fights. He shows strong interest in girls. He has never shown any sign at all of being feminine."

Her answer: "Sounds like he is trying to convince himself." How can you argue with "logic" like that?

Point is that in another district, this woman might be taken seriously. She looks like the exact person that will die with jelly jar wineglass in one hand and a tablespoon in the other that she was eating ice cream from the tub with.

Do NOT trust your kids to the public schools. Teach them that any adult that asks them to keep a secret is up to no good and should be reported to you immediately.
The catholic mafia and CIA-puppet piece of shit now in the WH does not oppose the symbology of this media-sponsored pedophiliac trajectory.
Joe's true colors are off the scale. The Rainbow flag needs many new ones. A few years ago, Soledad O'Brien when she was on a cable station pushed taking infants from parents and warehousing them all. To make that suggestion means that in the future there will be a movement to do just that. For she is a Progressive shill under the globalists.
I work with kids with autism, emotional disturbance, ADHD, OCD, ODD, and a few other alphabet soup mental disorders that you have likely not heard of. They are real, I'm not denying that. I have a Masters in Special Ed, and a Masters in psychology. My point is not to run down the behavior science professions.

At a recent meeting, we were discugging whether a kid who had been acting out, might have emotional disturbance, autism, or something else. This one counselor suddenly says that she's read an article that transgender youth often don't know that they are transgender. So, that confusion leads to acting out, because the kid just knows that they feel wrong. Since this is a conservative district where even school counselors have at least one foot in the real world, people just looked at her like she was crazy.

I said, "He wears boys clothes and keeps his hair less than an inch. He gets into fights. He shows strong interest in girls. He has never shown any sign at all of being feminine."

Her answer: "Sounds like he is trying to convince himself." How can you argue with "logic" like that?

Point is that in another district, this woman might be taken seriously. She looks like the exact person that will die with jelly jar wineglass in one hand and a tablespoon in the other that she was eating ice cream from the tub with.

Do NOT trust your kids to the public schools. Teach them that any adult that asks them to keep a secret is up to no good and should be reported to you immediately.

Yes or no.

I work with kids with autism, emotional disturbance, ADHD, OCD, ODD, and a few other alphabet soup mental disorders that you have likely not heard of. They are real, I'm not denying that.

Not all that long ago much of that was being dismissed?
Since gender studies has been taught in schools, gender confusion is up some 4000%.

Meanwhile, children can have their sex changed before being old enough to even have sex.

This is child abuse as many children have started to come forward saying they regret their decision, but due to surgery and hormones the damage has been done, they are sterile.
The counselor helped the student socially transition with something to bind their chest with they, didn't administer hormone treatments or perform any surgery. Hormones don't make you sterile and transition surgery should and usually is only performed after extensive and exhaustive examination and evaluation. And the percentage of people who end up detransitioning is somewhere around 2% which makes this effective treatment for around 98% of patients who it's administered to.
I would love to meet the parents whose kids are able to transition without them knowing about it. That is some involved parenting there.

You guys will believe anything.

It works like this, children are targeted for transition as they meet with "councilors" to decide how to transition into another sex, all without their parents knowing. In fact, the children are told to not tell their parents.

But parents are beginning to form groups to fight back, both for support and for information

As the article states, KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS TRANSGENDER POLICIES, front and back.

And if need be, pull them out of school.
"Despite fearing that Child Protective Services might break up her family, citing her refusal to accommodate the so-called transition, Jennifer ultimately pulled her daughter out. CPS fortunately never came, and Jennifer now homeschools her child"

So, the so-called "Mother" didn't want CPS coming around. Hmmm, I do wonder why. Something fishy going on here.

It works like this, children are targeted for transition as they meet with "councilors" to decide how to transition into another sex, all without their parents knowing. In fact, the children are told to not tell their parents.

But parents are beginning to form groups to fight back, both for support and for information

As the article states, KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS TRANSGENDER POLICIES, front and back.

And if need be, pull them out of school.
My step great granddaughters school did that to her. At first she didn't know what to do. She played along with being a boy, who identified as a girl. She started suffering from depression and anxiety. One day she came home in near hysterics terrified that her breasts were going to be cut off. She was on the next plane to relatives in Texas. She's doing just fine now. Just a normal teenage girl.
Meanwhile, children can have their sex changed before being old enough to even have sex.
Can you provide the Statistic of under 13 year olds (13 year old do have sex) that have actually undergone a sex change.

I bet it is ZERO.
Prove me WRONG.
My step great granddaughters school did that to her. At first she didn't know what to do. She played along with being a boy, who identified as a girl. She started suffering from depression and anxiety. One day she came home in near hysterics terrified that her breasts were going to be cut off. She was on the next plane to relatives in Texas. She's doing just fine now. Just a normal teenage girl.
How OLD are you if you have a step GREAT Grand Daughter that is currently over 13?
How OLD are you if you have a step GREAT Grand Daughter that is currently over 13?
Pretty old. But my son married an older woman who already had teenaged kids. Hence the step part. I once knew a 26 year old grandma.

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