MORE Hillary Clinton cronyism while on the govt payroll

Yep.......and it just won't stop...there is nothing these people will not do for money and power........and it is just getting started...they have laundered bribes through the clinton foundation for years now.....
The Clintons made their millions by crooked deals. Yet the progressive turds will keep trying to vilify Trump, who made his by real estate and building hotels.
It's simply astounding that lefties still try to defend this bitch.

She is....BY FAR...the most corrupt candidate in US history.

WORSE THAN OBAMA....yes....she's worse. Obama is a radical. But...he wasn't in power long enough to BECOME as corrupt as the establishment is. He might be now. Still a radical commie.

But Hillary and Bill....their pay to play scheme is one of the largest political scandals in Western history.
ruh roh!!!

Just when you thought she couldnt be any more of a corporatist tool

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
So will you be going Green Party or Rump this November Dot?
I will do that or sit out. Not going to be held responsible for sending that crony capitalist back to DC

What are you going to do? Hold your nose and vote for that Grifter?
It's simply astounding that lefties still try to defend this bitch.

She is....BY FAR...the most corrupt candidate in US history.

WORSE THAN OBAMA....yes....she's worse. Obama is a radical. But...he wasn't in power long enough to BECOME as corrupt as the establishment is. He might be now. Still a radical commie.

But Hillary and Bill....their pay to play scheme is one of the largest political scandals in Western history.
Don't use words that you don't know the meaning of you FAILED mall cop bucs90
It's simply astounding that lefties still try to defend this bitch.

She is....BY FAR...the most corrupt candidate in US history.

WORSE THAN OBAMA....yes....she's worse. Obama is a radical. But...he wasn't in power long enough to BECOME as corrupt as the establishment is. He might be now. Still a radical commie.

But Hillary and Bill....their pay to play scheme is one of the largest political scandals in Western history.

You are right. What I can't understand is how Hillary isn't held accountable for evidence of her corruption. Here is one Clinton Foundation donor that proves her culpability:

How Clinton Donor Got on Sensitive Intelligence Board

my source was the NYT as well. Not exactly a conservative bastion.

She's bought and paid for BUT all the LW females on this forum, such as Val, SarahG, Jillian, Ravi, candycorn, etc... will vote for her based on her anatomy and overlook her fleecing of the US Taxpayer for her personal gain
ruh roh!!!

Just when you thought she couldnt be any more of a corporatist tool

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
So will you be going Green Party or Rump this November Dot?
I will do that or sit out. Not going to be held responsible for sending that crony capitalist back to DC

What are you going to do? Hold your nose and vote for that Grifter?
Well at least that's better than electing a communist for 4 years and having the Democrat party vanish from the country in the next midterm and Presidential election.
ruh roh!!!

Just when you thought she couldnt be any more of a corporatist tool

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
So will you be going Green Party or Rump this November Dot?
I will do that or sit out. Not going to be held responsible for sending that crony capitalist back to DC

What are you going to do? Hold your nose and vote for that Grifter?
Well at least that's better than electing a communist for 4 years and having the Democrat party vanish from the country in the next midterm and Presidential election.
You really shouldn't use words of which the meaning you're clueless. You're welcome

BTW- having the contemporary (bought-and-paid-for) DemocRAT party disappear is not a bad thing.
ruh roh!!!

Just when you thought she couldnt be any more of a corporatist tool

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
So will you be going Green Party or Rump this November Dot?
I will do that or sit out. Not going to be held responsible for sending that crony capitalist back to DC

What are you going to do? Hold your nose and vote for that Grifter?
Well at least that's better than electing a communist for 4 years and having the Democrat party vanish from the country in the next midterm and Presidential election.
You really shouldn't use words of which the meaning you're clueless. You're welcome

BTW- having the contemporary (bought-and-paid-for) DemocRAT party disappear is not a bad thing.
real funny. You keep staying on the crony capitalist Dem plantation :thup:
my source was the NYT as well. Not exactly a conservative bastion.

She's bought and paid for BUT all the LW females on this forum, such as Val, SarahG, Jillian, Ravi, candycorn, etc... will vote for her based on her anatomy and overlook her fleecing of the US Taxpayer for her personal gain

they understand power...and what to do with it....the first thing they did when they got to the White House? They called in the FBI files of all the people who they needed to control........and that was just the FBI. Imagine what else they did........and they understand the power of the pardon...their minions will do anything for them...they make Renfield look bad....
Remember when they got to the White House...the next thing they did...they fired all of the Federal attorneys...every last one....Reno asked for all of their resignations......I remember I heard this on the news as I was entering my bank.....having voted for clinton that first time...

In any Administration they fill those spots with their people..but they let them finish their cases and resign and then fill them....Reno had them all resign at once...


Because a federal prosecutor was looking into their Whitewater land deals.......they broomed keep from getting investigated.......

And people wonder why they get away with this stuff......they know how to use power and have no hesitation to use it.....and the media, and their party line up right behind them.....
Here.....this is what they one else ever thought to do one else destroyed the justice system like this...

93 U.s. Attorneys Told To Resign Reno, Clinton Move To Reshape Federal Prosecution System

March 24, 1993|By WILLIAM E. GIBSON, Washington Bureau Chief
WASHINGTON -- Attorney General Janet Reno demanded resignation letters from all 93 U.S. attorneys on Tuesday.

The sweeping edict will allow Reno, President Clinton and Democratic senators to reshape leadership on the front lines of federal prosecution all around the country.

Reno, who will advise Clinton on judicial appointments, said she would look for applicants who would bring ``excellence and diversity`` to the justice system.
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