More GOP emploding!

The fact that he's a Republican today is more concerning than the idea of him seeking help thirty years ago.
wow, bashing someone for political purposes because he was treated for depression. you are one sick fuck.
Tell that to the opposing candidate who dug up the information in the first place. That's typical American politics.
wow, bashing someone for political purposes because he was treated for depression. you are one sick fuck.
Karl Rove suggested Hillary was brain damaged because she spent time in the hospital for a concussion and blood clot on the brain. IS HE A SICK FUCK???? Back in 1972 the republicans viciously attacked vice presidental candate Thomas Eagleton because he had spent time in a mental hospital. DOES THAT MAKE REPUBLICANS SICK FUCKS? I suspect that by the end of the year you will be parroting Rove's comments and condemning Hillary at the top of your voice. WHAT WILL THAT MAKE YOU?.
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Meanwhile Onesey's liberalism - a serious mental disorder - goes untreated. Alas, another casualty of the insufficiency of "up to age 26" family Obamacare coverage?

Isn't that covered 100% in Canada? Perhaps you should seek help.
Top 10 Unhappiest States

1. West Virginia - Republican/Democrat
2. Kentucky - Republican
3. Mississippi - Republican
4. Tennessee - Republican
5. Arkansas - Republican
6. Alabama - Republican
7. Ohio - Republican/Democrat
8. Louisiana - Republican
9. Indiana - Republican
10. Oklahoma - Republican
Top 10 Unhappiest States

1. West Virginia - Republican/Democrat
2. Kentucky - Republican
3. Mississippi - Republican
4. Tennessee - Republican
5. Arkansas - Republican
6. Alabama - Republican
7. Ohio - Republican/Democrat
8. Louisiana - Republican
9. Indiana - Republican
10. Oklahoma - Republican

Happiest state should be Nevada....We don't have to pay for most of it.
The political double standard again? I mean you don't even have to look it up about Kennedy family politicians and rehab. How many people ever died in Sen Patrick's car?
The political double standard again? I mean you don't even have to look it up about Kennedy family politicians and rehab. How many people ever died in Sen Patrick's car?

As many as 17,000 Americans will die directly as a result of Republican states deciding not to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, according to a new study.

Researchers from Harvard University and City University of New York have estimated that between 7,115 and 17,104 deaths will be "attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states" in a study published in Health Affairs.

"The results were sobering," Samuel Dickman, one of the authors, said, according to the Morning Call. "Political decisions have consequences, some of them lethal."

Study: Thousands Of People Will Die In States That Don't Expand Medicaid
The political double standard again? I mean you don't even have to look it up about Kennedy family politicians and rehab. How many people ever died in Sen Patrick's car?

As many as 17,000 Americans will die directly as a result of Republican states deciding not to expand Medicaid under Obamacare, according to a new study.

Researchers from Harvard University and City University of New York have estimated that between 7,115 and 17,104 deaths will be "attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states" in a study published in Health Affairs.

"The results were sobering," Samuel Dickman, one of the authors, said, according to the Morning Call. "Political decisions have consequences, some of them lethal."

Study: Thousands Of People Will Die In States That Don't Expand Medicaid
Chris, you have to look at this from the republicans perspective: The vast majority of those who will die will be poor people and they do not vote republican in the first place. They see death as just another way to deny certain Americans the vote.
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wow, bashing someone for political purposes because he was treated for depression. you are one sick fuck.
Karl Rove suggested Hillary was brain damaged because she spent time in the hospital for a concussion and blood clot on the brain. IS HE A SICK FUCK???? Back in 1972 the republicans viciously attacked vice presidental candate Thomas Eagleton because he had spent time in a mental hospital. DOES THAT MAKE REPUBLICANS SICK FUCKS? I suspect that by the end of the year you will be parroting Rove's comments and condemning Hillary at the top of your voice. WHAT WILL THAT MAKE YOU?.

You got the WRONG party, he was asked if he had any skeletons in his closet and lied to McGovern. He and his wife conspired to lie, it all in the history books. Journalists got ahold of the info and it spread like wildfire. McGovern was pissed he was lied to and feared that the electric shock therapy would detract from his campaign platform. He replaced him in 18 days.

Eagleton made no mention of his earlier hospitalizations, and in fact decided with his wife to keep them secret from McGovern while he was flying to his first meeting with the Presidential nominee.

Now after McGovern fired him, republicans jumped McGovern's handling of the controversy. This was an opening for the Republican campaign to raise serious questions about his judgment. McGovern created the situation by firing him.

pressure from party leaders, campaign contributors and members of Mr. McGovern’s own staff was unrelenting. On July 31, the candidates met again, this time in Washington, and Mr. McGovern forced Mr. Eagleton to withdraw. He stepped down after 18 days as the nominee, saying he had done so for the sake of “party unity.”

Thomas Eagleton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As far as Clinton its no different from the left suggesting McCain should not run because he may have mental issues from being a POW for 6 years. That is exactly what the left did to him when he ran.

So tell me what this has to do with stating someone was treated 30 years ago for depression means the Republican Party is imploding?

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