More Eric Swalwell (D) corruption.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Oh no......he did what EVERY congress member in our lifetime has done.
Where is your outrage for ALL other "campaign finance corruption".
Oh the outrage,
Oh no......he did what EVERY congress member in our lifetime has done.
Where is your outrage for ALL other "campaign finance corruption".
Oh the outrage,

Plus just about every POTUS candidate.
It should also be noted that the American Accountability Foundation is a far right group ran by former Trump admin/campaign members.
Ooh, did someone accuse your democrat masters ... triggers you dem lovers.

I see you not a big fan of truth and facts.

Oh, and since you have the IQ of a head of cabbage, " every POTUS candidate" would include Dems as well as Repubs.
You would think conspiring with a Chinese spy would be enough to sink this guy, but then he is a Democrat.

Now he is facing campaign finance corruption complaint.

It's not a crime when a democrat does it
You would think conspiring with a Chinese spy would be enough to sink this guy, but then he is a Democrat.

Now he is facing campaign finance corruption complaint.

There's definitely a "stench" about the Fang-banger. Amazingly, despite his documented collusion with known Chinese spies, the Democrats put this guy on their national security committee!
You would think conspiring with a Chinese spy would be enough to sink this guy, but then he is a Democrat.

Now he is facing campaign finance corruption complaint.

Omar and Waters have gotten away with it
The complaint, exclusively obtained by Fox News, alleges that the Swalwell campaign's FEC reports suggest "anomalies in campaign expenditures that raise troubling questions as to whether campaign disbursements went towards personal use or to the direct benefit of family members."

"These anomalies include what appears to be preloading of campaign dollars to a Starbucks account and/or gift cards, paying a family member over $17,000 for 'childcare', attending the musical Beach Blanket Babylon, and personal medical testing for COVID-19, among others," the complaint continues.

Well good, if he did it then he deserves what's coming to him.
Oh no......he did what EVERY congress member in our lifetime has done.
Where is your outrage for ALL other "campaign finance corruption".
Oh the outrage,
We should apologize to the Rosenberg Family, because spying for Communists is now a qualification for being a democrat politician
We should apologize to the Rosenberg Family, because spying for Communists is now a qualification for being a democrat politician
When it was Trump who kicked the American press out of the oval office, so he could meet communist, in private.

May 15 2017
The White House was facing criticism Thursday for a possible security breach after it allowed a Russian news service photographer into the Oval Office to snap photos of President Donald Trump and a pair of top Russian officials.

While the White House downplayed the threat, a senior administration official acknowledged to the Associated Press that the White House had been misled about the role of the Russian photographer, who was actually employed by a state-run news agency. The official requested anonymity to discuss matters of security.

The photographer — who on Wednesday stood feet from Trump as he talked with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak — had told the White House that he was Lavrov's official photographer, the administration official said.

But he did not say that he also works for Tass, a Russian state-run news agency.

It wasn't democrats that spent July 4 in Moscow.

July 5 2018
Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

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