More drilling would add 1 million jobs


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Drill Baby Drill!!

(Reuters) - The United States could create more than one million jobs by 2030 by expanding offshore drilling, limiting federal regulation of shale gas development and quickly approving a Canadian oil sands pipeline, according to a study commissioned by a major oil industry trade group.

The study's bottom line would depend on some major policy shifts by President Barack Obama and Congress, and comes just ahead of a key speech by Obama on his plan to boost U.S. employment as the nation struggles to regain its economic footing.

The study was conducted by consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, and paid for by the American Petroleum Institute, and the findings were released on Wednesday. The consultants found that 1.4 million new jobs could be created through more oil and natural gas development.
Drill Baby Drill!!

(Reuters) - The United States could create more than one million jobs by 2030 by expanding offshore drilling, limiting federal regulation of shale gas development and quickly approving a Canadian oil sands pipeline, according to a study commissioned by a major oil industry trade group.

The study's bottom line would depend on some major policy shifts by President Barack Obama and Congress, and comes just ahead of a key speech by Obama on his plan to boost U.S. employment as the nation struggles to regain its economic footing.

The study was conducted by consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, and paid for by the American Petroleum Institute, and the findings were released on Wednesday. The consultants found that 1.4 million new jobs could be created through more oil and natural gas development.

Not just drilling but exploring and extracting our shale oil and coal resources would create enough wealth and create enough jobs to fix our bad economy. The new wealth would mean new tax revenue for the govt and new jobs for people. New jobs for people also equals more tax revenue for the govt.

Plus it would up the supply, lowering the price, and adding even more money back into the economy for items other than fuel.

Its a Win Win Win.
Drill Baby Drill!!

(Reuters) - The United States could create more than one million jobs by 2030 by expanding offshore drilling, limiting federal regulation of shale gas development and quickly approving a Canadian oil sands pipeline, according to a study commissioned by a major oil industry trade group.

The study's bottom line would depend on some major policy shifts by President Barack Obama and Congress, and comes just ahead of a key speech by Obama on his plan to boost U.S. employment as the nation struggles to regain its economic footing.

The study was conducted by consulting firm Wood Mackenzie, and paid for by the American Petroleum Institute, and the findings were released on Wednesday. The consultants found that 1.4 million new jobs could be created through more oil and natural gas development.

Not just drilling but exploring and extracting our shale oil and coal resources would create enough wealth and create enough jobs to fix our bad economy. The new wealth would mean new tax revenue for the govt and new jobs for people. New jobs for people also equals more tax revenue for the govt.

Plus it would up the supply, lowering the price, and adding even more money back into the economy for items other than fuel.

Its a Win Win Win.

But, but, but... people that are in the oild industry are MEAN and EVIL and only care about making money...

God forbid we do anything that reduces our dependency on people that hate us...
Hell we don't need that many jobs after all those the tax cuts added.

Oh dude the tax cuts saved like 10,000,000 jobs!

Ok ok seriously though, how many jobs did the stimulus add? Rhetorical there are less jobs today than when it was passed.

Rumor has it that Barry hired numerous extra census takers last year.

That was a big help...
Hell we don't need that many jobs after all those the tax cuts added.

Oh dude the tax cuts saved like 10,000,000 jobs!

Ok ok seriously though, how many jobs did the stimulus add? Rhetorical there are less jobs today than when it was passed.

Rumor has it that Barry hired numerous extra census takers last year.

That was a big help...

Are they still working? ;)

Temporary govt jobs don't work nor do jobs we have to BORROW money to pay for ;)
If they really wanted to hire a lot of people, dig those oil wells with shovels. Think of all the extra people you could hire!
The oil and gas industries are competing for labor- skilled and unskilled. North Dakota operators can't find enough people willing to "work" for a living. Folks are at home on their sofas waiting for their unemployment to run out.

It's ironic that this is one of the very few (if any) sectors of the economy that is booming, yet Obama's proposed budget still contains tens of billions of dollars in punitive tax measures. He said it himself in his SOTU speech... "we need to put a million electric cars on our roads (and) pay for it by taking taxpayers' dollars back from the oil industry".

What a phenominal fail of a President.
June 9, 2011
COULTER: The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.
June 9, 2011
COULTER: The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.


Drill baby drill doesn't make sense? Ok if you say so.....drilling for oil would create new wealth, new jobs, and new tax revenue but if you say drilling doesn't make sense then I guess you don't care about jobs.
June 9, 2011
COULTER: The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.


Drill baby drill doesn't make sense? Ok if you say so.....drilling for oil would create new wealth, new jobs, and new tax revenue but if you say drilling doesn't make sense then I guess you don't care about jobs.
Dang, you are milking the dumb act to death.

"Drill baby drill" IS a slogan, and it was COULTER who said it doesn't make sense. The :asshole: condems Libs for slogans and denies CON$ use slogans.

I was merely pointing out that CON$ always condemn Libs for doing the same things CON$ do themselves but deny doing.
June 9, 2011
COULTER: The first quarter of the book is on how liberals are a psychological mob. It has to do with their slogans, how they formulate arguments. They get a lot of slogans, whereas conservatives just don't speak in slogans and we don't understand slogans, and for good reason: It's always sort of glib and superficially appealing, but if you stop and actually think about it for five seconds, slogans never make sense.


Drill baby drill doesn't make sense? Ok if you say so.....drilling for oil would create new wealth, new jobs, and new tax revenue but if you say drilling doesn't make sense then I guess you don't care about jobs.
Dang, you are milking the dumb act to death.

"Drill baby drill" IS a slogan, and it was COULTER who said it doesn't make sense. The :asshole: condems Libs for slogans and denies CON$ use slogans.

I was merely pointing out that CON$ always condemn Libs for doing the same things CON$ do themselves but deny doing.

Well your response was not on topic then, sorry I assumed you wanted to actually talk about how drilling would (or wouldn't) add jobs but I see your just taking partisan pot shots and not interested in discussing the actual topic.
drilling for more oil is just a temporary solution to a long term problem.

Maybe, but we should utilize our own resources while we develop alternative energy.

I mean, we get the benefit of creating jobs, reducing the price of a necessity and reducing our dependency on people that hate us.
Despite the heavy environmental and financial costs of expanding oil drilling within US borders, these undertakings may impact oil prices paid by US consumers only negligibly, due to the relatively small amount of US proved oil reserves and the financial structure of the international oil market. According to the EIA, total US proved reserves of crude oil amount to only 21.3 billion--less than 10 percent world proved reserves. Furthermore, US oil is drilled solely by investor-owned corporations, whose allegiance is to shareholders, not US consumers. Oil produced in the US is sold by these multinational corporations on the open international market for the best price, and therefore, US oil prices are not directly impacted by any increase in domestic drilling. Moreover, developing infrastructure and permits for new drilling takes many years. Increasing offshore drilling as of 2008 would not impact overall domestic oil production or prices until at least 2030, according to the EIA.

Read more: Pros & Cons of Oil Drilling in the United States | Pros & Cons of Oil Drilling in the United States |

long term solutions is to have renewable energy produced on local levels for local consumption.

Drill baby drill doesn't make sense? Ok if you say so.....drilling for oil would create new wealth, new jobs, and new tax revenue but if you say drilling doesn't make sense then I guess you don't care about jobs.
Dang, you are milking the dumb act to death.

"Drill baby drill" IS a slogan, and it was COULTER who said it doesn't make sense. The :asshole: condems Libs for slogans and denies CON$ use slogans.

I was merely pointing out that CON$ always condemn Libs for doing the same things CON$ do themselves but deny doing.

Well your response was not on topic then, sorry I assumed you wanted to actually talk about how drilling would (or wouldn't) add jobs but I see your just taking partisan pot shots and not interested in discussing the actual topic.
That is true, I just could not resist taking a shot at the CON$ervative "Drill baby drill" SLOGAN since CON$ deny having slogans and mock Libs for having slogans.
Cary on.
Obama doesn't want more jobs, hell living has risk so does drilling. We need energy and it is a fact that green is not working. I am not paying $40,000 for a small car that can only go about 100 miles before recharging. Gas was below $2/gal before boy wonder came on the scene. We elected an idiot, admit it and move on. Let don't make this mistake twice.

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