More details emerge of Fauci’s animal torture for medical experiments (viewer discretion)


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is some sick shit.

They cut the vocal cords of puppies so they could not bark and they forced their head into a box and let them get eaten by infected sand flies.


Lefties….what is stronger, your tribalism or your hatred of animal abuse?

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Already a thread. I do hope you defend animals by not having them butchered for a meal or spraying pesticide to play holocaust on the animals(insect) when growing crops...
Not only should he be fired. He should be arrested.

Who would listen to this vile piece of shit?
When lefties are silent on this…it is just one more piece of evidence PROVING what lying bags of shit they are.



I'm far more outraged over that quack tyrant's abuse of people, but will still take whatever it is that gets rid of that revolting little hobbit.
IMO? I believe the political maneuvering of this issue to the fore, is to try to wake up the leftist masses of the Covidian cult from their slumbering.

It is pretty well known, that a lot of them, value animal life more than human life, especially in the vegan community. If you spend any time in their echo chambers, looking at their chat, they really want the complete destruction of human civilization, and look at this virus as a god send, so they don't give a rats ass if Fauci is connected to gain of function or not, they look at it as a good thing.

They pretty much have the same attitude as prince Phillip.

"Prince Philip said that he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus as a form of revenge against human overpopulation."

IMO? I believe the political maneuvering of this issue to the fore, is to try to wake up the leftist masses of the Covidian cult from their slumbering.

It is pretty well known, that a lot of them, value animal life more than human life, especially in the vegan community. If you spend any time in their echo chambers, looking at their chat, they really want the complete destruction of human civilization, and look at this virus as a god send, so they don't give a rats ass if Fauci is connected to gain of function or not, they look at it as a good thing.

They pretty much have the same attitude as prince Phillip.

"Prince Philip said that he would like to be reincarnated as a deadly virus as a form of revenge against human overpopulation."

The only problem is it will only work with a minority on the left because that is who it is pointed at.....
So now that Mooncrow has admitted he enjoys animal abuse will the moderators take an action or give him a participation ribbon ?
The only problem is it will only work with a minority on the left because that is who it is pointed at.....

Sureee. . .

I have never seen you protest so damn much. . .


Already a thread. I do hope you defend animals by not having them butchered for a meal or spraying pesticide to play holocaust on the animals(insect) when growing crops...

Fauci never did the hands on parts of the experiment.

Why is this in politics? I t has nothing to do with politics or a politician.

and the thread isn't even a page old. You have already probably logged a report or two, haven't ya, ya tankie.


You threw away your humanity to defend a guy who tortured puppies. How does that feel?
You support people who torture animals in egg cages to provide you with yolks. You support the consumption from disable cattle, calves that are forced to be tied down and fed milk until slaughtered to make veal and you also support the people who force feed geese for yer pate', bon appetit mf....Don't forget your love embrace of sod busters using poison to grow food by devastating millions of animals a year to grow food for your self centered selfish ass and polluting the groundwater that humans drink.

How can you live with yerself you monster!!
You threw away your humanity to defend a guy who tortured puppies. How does that feel?

These are true believers.

Fauci over humanity.

People like this are brainwashed cult members and should be marginalized by polite society.

News stories such as this really flush them out.
These are true believers.

Fauci over humanity.

People like this are brainwashed cult members and should be marginalized by polite society.

News stories such as this really flush them out.
There is a place in Rogers, Arkansas that little bunny rabbits are delivered to every day but the weekends they sell them for biomedical products and the company name is Pel- Freeze.....Why are you not protesting that company?

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