Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024 (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?



All I can say is.....


Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?

Funny how some are so quick to identify nut jobs on the other side, but ignore those saying the same thing on their side! :rolleyes-41:

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


For someone who calls Hill "a nutjob" you sure seem to be eager to accept her premise.
The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?
What does that make you exactly?
That really happened on Jan. 6 at the Capitol. FOUR MEN (including that police officer) died simply of being out of shape and running around too much.


There's a reason they send 18 year olds to war.
Gotta laugh. There won't be a civil war. Anyone saying that is a few cards short of a full deck. Good Lord. Can people be anymore stupid??

I think not.
Oh, I can't agree: sure to be one sooner or later. It's abnormal in geopolitics how long this country HASN'T had one, and how long it's stayed so large. There will be civil war and we'll break up, it's the norm for large polities.
It's more likely that the powers that be won't allow Trump to get as close to the presidency as even being the nominee. The sane Republicans understand too that the whole house of cards they're using for their personal gain, must come down before the 24 election.

There will be gun violence and many deaths but not on the scale of a civil war.
There's probably no other way of ending America's nightmare that Trump has caused!
Shooooooooo --- I predict a civil war if Trump DOESN'T win.

If they steal the election yet again.
Just further reaffirms that Hill is correct. Running a (re)election campaign on the basis of a lie is a good way to start a civil war.

Anti-Trump Nutjob Predicts Civil War If Trump Is Reelected In 2024

24 Oct 2021 ~~ By Mike LaChance
Fiona Hill is a former George W. Bush and Obama administration official. Trump kept her on for a while but she eventually revealed herself to be just another anti-Trump part of the DC machine.
Hill went on to testify at Trump’s first impeachment hearing. Now she is claiming that if Trump wins again in 2024 the United States will face a civil war.
So much of what she says below is pure projection. For example, she talks about Trump not accepting the outcome of the 2020 election. Did Democrats and anti-Trumpers accept the outcome of the 2016 election?
Real Clear Politics offers a transcript:
Fiona Hill: A Trump Victory In 2024 Will Be Seen As “Illegitimate,” Could Start An “Open Civil War”

The liberal media is always complaining about people spreading conspiracy theories.
Does this count?

For more than four years Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist sycophants ranted and created conspiracy theories about Donald J. Trump. It hasn't changed.
If Fiona Hill is so sure Joey Xi won 80 million votes, why is she so worried about President Trump running and winning again?
This rancor and violence reminds me so much of the politics of 1860. Similarly the the Democratic Party then as today was in disarray.
If Civil War is surely to come, it again will be "Democrats" that precipitate it.
In essence Ms. Hill speaks for the PM/DSA Democrat Left and is telling us, if we don't get what we want we break what is there. The America Republic cannot coexist with the PM/DSA Commie Left. Why wait?


At the point I hope he does win and there is a civil war. We need to pull the weeds out by the root before the garden is over grown.
At the point I hope he does win and there is a civil war. We need to pull the weeds out by the root before the garden is over grown.
Your facetiousness aside, there are many other Americans who are honestly looking forward to a civil war or a revolution.

The ordinary American people have been denied a piece of the great American pie and they truly believe that Trump is going to deliver it, a la mode!

A psychotic corporate millionaire is as good a hope as any other establishment politician!

Americans still believe even after they've been snookered so many times by the very wealthy.
I can tell you like the fact that the Dems and the Repubs are exactly one in the same.
Tell us all of the Repub TV and entertainment stars compared to the Progs. Because it is about a thousand to one in favor of the Progs. The real cult is a godless monster that the prog Socialists with help of some Repubs are bringing into this nation known as globalism.
Tell us all of the Repub TV and entertainment stars compared to the Progs. Because it is about a thousand to one in favor of the Progs. The real cult is a godless monster that the prog Socialists with help of some Repubs are bringing into this nation known as globalism.
You have that fog of partisanship to block yer sight. Turn off the echo chamber(s) and get real.
Globalism has been the humans goal since they found out other people live on the planet.

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