More Democratic Ballot Harvesting


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Absentee ballots should be allowed. Everyone else needs to go to the polls. And don't give me any shit about COVID or voter suppression. They're only weak excuses that will allow Democrats to cheat. Viva Trump
Good plannng, this, you Trump cultists getting your fake excuses for your humiliating loss in place ahead of time.

Don't try to use those excuses to justify a fascist coup against the democratically elected Biden admin. Law enforcement and the military know you're just making nonsense up.

the sad part is when they say nothing will be done til after the election. he did it. we know it happened. arrest him and send a message.
The sad part is, Republicans are so sure they're going to lose they are PLANNING to contest the election on fraud charges before it's even happened. Will they contest it even if they win, or only if they lose?
Good plannng, this, you Trump cultists getting your fake excuses for your humiliating loss in place ahead of time.

Don't try to use those excuses to justify a fascist coup against the democratically elected Biden admin. Law enforcement and the military know you're just making nonsense up.
Fuck off.

the sad part is when they say nothing will be done til after the election. he did it. we know it happened. arrest him and send a message.
The punishment for voter fraud should be execution, and I am not a death penalty type of guy (except for commies, worthless idiot pettifoggers who always demand fees regardless of merit, and vote thieves).

It is the only way to stop 100,000+ deaths when a civil war breaks out.

Seriously, if we would just round up and execute or expatriate all commies, think how great America would be.
SHE’S RIGHT: Tulsi Gabbard Raises the Alarm: ‘Ballot Harvesting Has Allowed for Fraud and Abuse.’


The Last Honest Democrat.​

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) has raised an alarm over ballot harvesting and voter fraud, filing a bill to prevent the corrupt practice widely deployed by Democrats. Gabbard, a former presidential candidate, has shown extraordinary willingness to buck the propagandistic groupthink in her party. She is right to warn about ballot harvesting and voter fraud, and she noted that the recent Project Veritas sting videos illustrate her point.

“We’re getting closer and closer to Election Day now, and it is critical to remember that the strength of our democracy lies in the integrity of our elections, that every one of us has to have faith that our vote will count,” Gabbard said in a video on Sunday.​

“But right now, there are still many states in our country that allow for something called ballot harvesting,” she warned. “This is a system that allows for third parties to collect and deliver ballots for other people, potentially large numbers of people.”​

“Unfortunately, ballot harvesting has allowed for fraud and abuse to occur by those who could tamper with or discard ballots to try to sway an election,” the Democrat congresswoman warned.​
She pushed H.R. 8285, the Election Fraud Prevention Act, which she cosponsored along with Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.). “Our bipartisan bill protects the custody for every one of our ballots by prohibiting funding from going to states that allow this practice of ballot harvesting to occur,” she explained.​

Gabbard later noted a Project Veritas video in which a ballot harvester identified as Osman Ali Dahquane boasts, “I have forty people,” each of whom he pays $800 for his or her ballot. The Project Veritas video revealed a stunning exchange of cash for a voter registration form, in which a ballot harvester gives a voter $200 in “pocket money” and promises $800 more for the ballot later.

“Project Veritas offers further evidence of the need to ban ballot harvesting,” Gabbard tweeted on Monday evening. “It’s not a partisan issue. It’s been abused in North Carolina & California. Please help by telling your congressional rep to pass our bipartisan bill HR8285.”

Thomas Spencer, a lawyer in the Bush v. Gore (2000) case and vice president of the Lawyers Democracy Fund: “There’s an underworld out there that trades on ballots and forgeries. They prey on old folks or people in very poor communities. It’s a huge problem and it’s one of those subterranean problems where it’s very difficult to find who these people are.”

Spencer warned that Democrats are “taking all the guardrails down,” and he noted Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias, who has spearheaded a “four pillars” approach to further mail voting. One of his “four pillars” involves allowing “community organizations” to “help collect and deliver voted, sealed ballots.”

Yes, a Democrat operative seeking election “reform” is openly advocating ballot harvesting, the very practice Tulsi Gabbard rightly warns against.

Gabbard’s honesty about ballot harvesting is a refreshing departure from this party line, but tragically, it is unlikely to convince Democrats to switch sides on this vital election integrity issue.

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