More Blood On Obama's Hands....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

FBI: Illegal Alien Gang Members Murdered Victims 30 Minutes From U.S. Immigration Headquarters
FBI: Criminal Aliens Hacked Up Victims 30 Min. From ICE Headquarters

REFUSING to keep his oath of office...
REFUSING to enforce existing immigration laws...
PROTECTING Human Traffickers...
ENGAGING in Human Trafficking...
DISPURSING them all over the US without informing local / state agencies they're coming...
VIOLATING the Law / Court Orders...
PROTECTING illegals committing crimes from prosecution...
AIDING AND ABETTING criminal illegals by releasing them from jail only to have them disappear...
PROTECTING federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities that give safe haven to violent criminal illegals...
REFUSING to make more of an effort to secure our borders and stop the massive 'invasion'...
GOING AFTER states / groups trying to enforce the laws and stop the massive influx of criminals...
REFUSING to support measures designed to help Americans, such as Kate's law...
MAKING illegals a higher priority that American citizens - food/clothes/housing/medical care while vets wait...
ALLOWING terrorists and violent illegals / illegal gangs into the US to prey upon citizens...

The blood of innocent Americans are on Obama's hands, and the blood continues to flow...


"Just beyond the shadows of the White House and U.S. Capitol, three illegal alien members of the notorious Salvadorian street gang MS-13 were convicted last Friday of a slew of violent crimes including openly shooting one guy and viciously stabbing and hacking up another, as well as engaging in racketeering, weapons crimes, and other various no good, very bad things.

All three defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise and murder in aid of racketeering. Additionally, Moreno-Aguilar and Ortiz-Orellana were convicted of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering, and Ortiz-Orellana and Chach-Perez were also convicted on various related firearms charges.

But despite detailing the heinous crimes and boasting of their own success in apprehending such violent criminals, the Justice Department never once referenced the immigration status of the three convicted criminals in their press release. Apparently, informing the public as to whether these guys should have even been in the country in the first place isn’t relevant."

The DoJ also notes that the infamous criminal gang - MS-13, which is stocked full of illegal alien criminals, is largely prevalent in the Northern Virginia/Southern Maryland region – forming a rather ironic little cluster around the very city that houses the agencies charged with enforcing the nation’s immigration laws...and near the capitol of the man who made their entry into the US...and their stay...possible.


Obama has betrayed the American people, and the number of citizens who have paid the price for his criminal behavior / support of the illegal 'invasion' going on continue to add up:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
Ahh Jesus not this crap again...

This post tells us more about easyt65 than Obama...

For the record Obama deported more Mexicans than any president before him and over saw a net leave to Mexico...

You must be just an idiot... Do you believe everything you are told... Gullible or what...
Ahh Jesus not this crap again...

This post tells us more about easyt65 than Obama...

For the record Obama deported more Mexicans than any president before him and over saw a net leave to Mexico...

You must be just an idiot... Do you believe everything you are told... Gullible or what...
Of course he is.
After Typhoid Barry's speech re: the Paris massacre, that carpet-headed, purple-lipped, raccoon-faced abomination is my most DETESTED living thing on the face of this planet. He sounded bored and dismissive over the 130 people killed and got upset, flustered and mocking toward the 70% of Americans (including MANY democrats) who opposed bringing in thousands of unscreenable muslim "refugee" inbreds to be an extra burden on our welfare system. And with ISIS moles mixed in with them. Obama and his putrid supporters, bathing in the urine-colored glow of their own egos, are simply the most destructive creatures American society has ever produced. All they care about is that genocidal death cult and nothing else. See, these filthy, arrogant Islam-enabling traitors are simply the WORST abomination I've ever seen in my lifetime. There is NO muslim human rights atrocity these anti-American progressive pigs won't defend. You Obama fans & your precious Pisslam are pure human filth.....ABSOLUTELY PURE!

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