More Bad News For Obamacrats


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Ruh Roh....more bad news for the Obamacare Democrats.(Obamacrats) :badgrin:

Fox News Poll: Independents more likely to back anti-ObamaCare candidates | Fox News

Most voters say ObamaCare will play an important role in their vote in this year’s elections, and over half are more inclined to back the candidate who opposes the health care law.

That’s according to a Fox News poll released Monday.

The new poll asks voters what they would do if the only difference between two congressional candidates is that one promises to fight for the health care law and the other promises to fight against it.


By a 53-39 percent margin, more voters say they would back the anti-ObamaCare candidate.

Independents, always a key voting bloc, would back that candidate by a 25 percentage-point margin (54-29 percent, with another 14 percent saying it depends).

Losing Independents.....Nothing to worry about!! Right Obamacrats?

Nineteen percent of voters say a congressional candidate’s stance on ObamaCare will be the “single most important factor” in their vote decision, which is more than double the number who felt that way in 2012 (eight percent). Likewise, the number of Republicans who say it will be the “single most important factor” has almost doubled (21 percent today, up from 11 percent).

Overall, 79 percent of those opposing the law say it will be an important factor to their vote, compared to 67 percent of those favoring the law.

If the election were held today, 44 percent of voters would back the Republican candidate in their House district vs. 41 percent who would vote for the Democrat

Winning!! Duh!!
Ruh Roh....more bad news for the Obamacare Democrats.(Obamacrats) :badgrin:

Fox News Poll: Independents more likely to back anti-ObamaCare candidates | Fox News

Most voters say ObamaCare will play an important role in their vote in this year’s elections, and over half are more inclined to back the candidate who opposes the health care law.

That’s according to a Fox News poll released Monday.

The new poll asks voters what they would do if the only difference between two congressional candidates is that one promises to fight for the health care law and the other promises to fight against it.


By a 53-39 percent margin, more voters say they would back the anti-ObamaCare candidate.

Independents, always a key voting bloc, would back that candidate by a 25 percentage-point margin (54-29 percent, with another 14 percent saying it depends).

Losing Independents.....Nothing to worry about!! Right Obamacrats?

Nineteen percent of voters say a congressional candidate’s stance on ObamaCare will be the “single most important factor” in their vote decision, which is more than double the number who felt that way in 2012 (eight percent). Likewise, the number of Republicans who say it will be the “single most important factor” has almost doubled (21 percent today, up from 11 percent).

Overall, 79 percent of those opposing the law say it will be an important factor to their vote, compared to 67 percent of those favoring the law.

If the election were held today, 44 percent of voters would back the Republican candidate in their House district vs. 41 percent who would vote for the Democrat

Winning!! Duh!!

I doubt they're independents if they take FOX polls.
No offense but saying that the Ds are imploding this year is old news. 52-3 seat R senate majority in Jan would be a normal gain if everything were going seemingly right for the Ds. 55-7 the current over/under range with Reid Raving and Obama hiding from the boogieman under the bed in fundraising is at least borderline disgraceful for this kind of defenseless target rich environment.

I would say the Rs need to get their act together starting with vaccination against victory disease.
Before one goes gaa gaa over the impending R win looking at some trend lines on RealPolitics website might give one pause for concern. The trend for Obamacare, Congressional Democrats, even the President, disapproval just dropped under 50%, are all getting better. Two trend lines that are stubbornly not moving in any direction is the direction of country and Congressal favorably. If this were to suddenly turn as the government shutdown did, Republicans get the blame, the shit would hit the fan for the entire Republican party. I am sure it is just a little thing and nothing to worry about though. ;)
INFOGRAPHIC: Obama Lost Independent Vote In Almost Every Swing State - US News

Independent voters did side with Romney in 2012, which just adds more credence to the theory that the democrats largest base is the low information voter.

There are a lot of former Republicans who identify as Independents now. That's why Democrat turnout was so much better than Republican turnout in 2012. There are still plenty of Republicans out there, probably as many as there are Democrats, they just call themselves Independents.

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