More Bad News For GOP: "Vote-a-rama" A Failure

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Democracy and Freedom Are On The March

By The Washington Post and The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans waged a last-ditch battle late Wednesday to derail the last element of an overhaul of the nation's health-care system. But as night fell, the GOP was making little headway, and Democrats predicted they were just hours away from pushing the measure to final passage.

Republicans offered dozens of amendments — a package of "fixes" to the bill President Obama signed into law Tuesday — with a goal of forcing it back to the House for another vote. Each proposal was easily rejected, although a series of votes, dubbed the "Vote-a-rama," was expected to last deep into the night.

Will the GOP implode or get more hysterical? Hysterical? Yes. Did you see the GOP members on the floor after the vote on the health care bill? It is not flaming to call their rants and raves, hysterical.
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Democracy and Freedom Are On The March

By The Washington Post and The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans waged a last-ditch battle late Wednesday to derail the last element of an overhaul of the nation's health-care system. But as night fell, the GOP was making little headway, and Democrats predicted they were just hours away from pushing the measure to final passage.

Republicans offered dozens of amendments — a package of "fixes" to the bill President Obama signed into law Tuesday — with a goal of forcing it back to the House for another vote. Each proposal was easily rejected, although a series of votes, dubbed the "Vote-a-rama," was expected to last deep into the night.

Will the GOP implode or get more hysterical? Hysterical? Yes. Did you see the GOP members on the floor after the vote on the health care bill? It is not flaming to call their rants and raves, hysterical.

Democracy and freedom on the march? We have a new, third party here or what? Surely you don't correlate Democracy with Democraps?

Want to try again?
Democracy and Freedom Are On The March

By The Washington Post and The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans waged a last-ditch battle late Wednesday to derail the last element of an overhaul of the nation's health-care system. But as night fell, the GOP was making little headway, and Democrats predicted they were just hours away from pushing the measure to final passage.

Republicans offered dozens of amendments — a package of "fixes" to the bill President Obama signed into law Tuesday — with a goal of forcing it back to the House for another vote. Each proposal was easily rejected, although a series of votes, dubbed the "Vote-a-rama," was expected to last deep into the night.

Will the GOP implode or get more hysterical? Hysterical? Yes. Did you see the GOP members on the floor after the vote on the health care bill? It is not flaming to call their rants and raves, hysterical.

Democracy and freedom on the march? We have a new, third party here or what? Surely you don't correlate Democracy with Democraps?

Want to try again?

Democracy is the political system we have.
Yes, Gunny, when one party wins enough seats to have a majority, it makes the policy. That is democracy. And if those policies are really poor and destructuve, they pay for that in ensuing elections. As we saw in 2006 and 2008.
Democracy and Freedom Are On The March

Will the GOP implode or get more hysterical? Hysterical? Yes. Did you see the GOP members on the floor after the vote on the health care bill? It is not flaming to call their rants and raves, hysterical.

Democracy and freedom on the march? We have a new, third party here or what? Surely you don't correlate Democracy with Democraps?

Want to try again?

Democracy is the political system we have.

Not. Still want to try again?
Yes, Gunny, when one party wins enough seats to have a majority, it makes the policy. That is democracy. And if those policies are really poor and destructuve, they pay for that in ensuing elections. As we saw in 2006 and 2008.

It's not democracy when that party's delegates voted against the will of their constituents and nominated someone that lost that party's popular vote in the primaries.

Do YOU want to try again? Collectively, y'all are batting a 1000. Perfect score. You haven't been right yet.
Really? We now have a pretty much done deal on the Health Care Bill. And Financial Reform will be next. Cap and Trade? The Grayson Bill;

This evening Alan Grayson, Orlando’s spectacular and effective fighter for ordinary working families in a Congress that overwhelmingly caters to wealthy and powerful special interests, introduced the most real and straight forward healthcare reform bill that’s come up so far. Unless Obama makes the House leadership kill H.R. 4789– a distinct possibility– this should pass the House more easily than anything that’s been proposed for healthcare reform so far. And I bet it could even win cloture in the Senate! His bill offers the opportunity for everyone in the country to buy into Medicare. “Obviously,” said Grayson, “America wants and needs more competition in health coverage, and a public option offers that. But it’s just as important that we offer people not just another choice, but another kind of choice. A lot of people don’t want to be at the mercy of greedy insurance companies that will make money by denying them the care that they need to stay healthy, or to stay alive. We deserve to have a real alternative… The government spent billions of dollars creating a Medicare network of providers that is only open to one-eighth of the population. That’s like saying, ‘Only people 65 and over can use federal highways.’ It is a waste of a very valuable resource and it is not fair. This idea is simple, it makes sense, and it deserves an up-or-down vote.”
Really? We now have a pretty much done deal on the Health Care Bill. And Financial Reform will be next. Cap and Trade? The Grayson Bill;

This evening Alan Grayson, Orlando’s spectacular and effective fighter for ordinary working families in a Congress that overwhelmingly caters to wealthy and powerful special interests, introduced the most real and straight forward healthcare reform bill that’s come up so far. Unless Obama makes the House leadership kill H.R. 4789– a distinct possibility– this should pass the House more easily than anything that’s been proposed for healthcare reform so far. And I bet it could even win cloture in the Senate! His bill offers the opportunity for everyone in the country to buy into Medicare. “Obviously,” said Grayson, “America wants and needs more competition in health coverage, and a public option offers that. But it’s just as important that we offer people not just another choice, but another kind of choice. A lot of people don’t want to be at the mercy of greedy insurance companies that will make money by denying them the care that they need to stay healthy, or to stay alive. We deserve to have a real alternative… The government spent billions of dollars creating a Medicare network of providers that is only open to one-eighth of the population. That’s like saying, ‘Only people 65 and over can use federal highways.’ It is a waste of a very valuable resource and it is not fair. This idea is simple, it makes sense, and it deserves an up-or-down vote.”

And you call that good, right? That;s what's wrong with you and your ilk. Mind your own business and take care of yourself ring a bell?

No, you need a "daddy" -- Big Brother -- to wipe your ass because you can't handle the responsibility of YOU.

Give your lips a rest, huh? Your party is fucking up any notion of democracy this nation ever had.
dante fail

Senate will have to return health bill to House

Senate will have to return health bill to House - Yahoo! News

have to obey the law democrats

Yes, they will fix the two tiny errors in the bill and have it passed again before the end of the day. What's your next trick? Oh that's right, Sarah Palin has already produced a political map with gunsights on it and is telling all of your Cons to "reload".....:cuckoo:
Yes, Gunny, when one party wins enough seats to have a majority, it makes the policy. That is democracy. And if those policies are really poor and destructuve, they pay for that in ensuing elections. As we saw in 2006 and 2008.

A simple temporary majority does NOT get to rewrite the Constitution.
The Democrats thought it was going to be a lot harder than this getting all of the changes. Rs simply screwed up with their monotonous message and continuing to be the party of no.

Voters may not have been too excited about healthcare reform but once they see what it will do for them, they are coming around. Democrats needed to get a clearer message out and they have been doing that.

Repeal healthcare? Rs will be toast in November if they continue with this strategy. Although their teabag strategy has been more sinister than that even:

March 25, 2010

The Wingers Who Cried Wolf
By Joe Conason

Listening to right-wing talk radio on the day after Congress passed health care reform, Bill O'Reilly was stunned. To him, the hosts and the callers sounded "crazed" as they shrieked about "the end of the world, we're socialist now, we have to take the country back." Maybe the Fox News host hasn't been listening, but there has been plenty of crazy in the air now for many months on his network and elsewhere on the airwaves.

Going too far for O'Reilly is going very far indeed, but the madness of the conservative reaction has yet to abate. His friend and colleague Glenn Beck declared that health care reform means "the end of prosperity in America forever ... the end of America as you know it."

Bill Hemmer, another Fox host who probably needs medication, has suggested that the legislation will send Americans who don't have health insurance to prison. The Washington Times editorial page compared the bill to the Black Death, and the Drudge Report put up a headline suggesting that its passage is the equivalent of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

RealClearPolitics - The Wingers Who Cried Wolf
The Democrats thought it was going to be a lot harder than this getting all of the changes. Rs simply screwed up with their monotonous message and continuing to be the party of no.

Voters may not have been too excited about healthcare reform but once they see what it will do for them, they are coming around. Democrats needed to get a clearer message out and they have been doing that.

Repeal healthcare? Rs will be toast in November if they continue with this strategy. Although their teabag strategy has been more sinister than that even:

March 25, 2010

The Wingers Who Cried Wolf
By Joe Conason

Listening to right-wing talk radio on the day after Congress passed health care reform, Bill O'Reilly was stunned. To him, the hosts and the callers sounded "crazed" as they shrieked about "the end of the world, we're socialist now, we have to take the country back." Maybe the Fox News host hasn't been listening, but there has been plenty of crazy in the air now for many months on his network and elsewhere on the airwaves.

Going too far for O'Reilly is going very far indeed, but the madness of the conservative reaction has yet to abate. His friend and colleague Glenn Beck declared that health care reform means "the end of prosperity in America forever ... the end of America as you know it."

Bill Hemmer, another Fox host who probably needs medication, has suggested that the legislation will send Americans who don't have health insurance to prison. The Washington Times editorial page compared the bill to the Black Death, and the Drudge Report put up a headline suggesting that its passage is the equivalent of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

RealClearPolitics - The Wingers Who Cried Wolf

thank you. i salute your service to America.:lol:
The Democrats thought it was going to be a lot harder than this getting all of the changes. Rs simply screwed up with their monotonous message and continuing to be the party of no.

Voters may not have been too excited about healthcare reform but once they see what it will do for them, they are coming around. Democrats needed to get a clearer message out and they have been doing that.

Repeal healthcare? Rs will be toast in November if they continue with this strategy. Although their teabag strategy has been more sinister than that even:

March 25, 2010

The Wingers Who Cried Wolf
By Joe Conason

Listening to right-wing talk radio on the day after Congress passed health care reform, Bill O'Reilly was stunned. To him, the hosts and the callers sounded "crazed" as they shrieked about "the end of the world, we're socialist now, we have to take the country back." Maybe the Fox News host hasn't been listening, but there has been plenty of crazy in the air now for many months on his network and elsewhere on the airwaves.

Going too far for O'Reilly is going very far indeed, but the madness of the conservative reaction has yet to abate. His friend and colleague Glenn Beck declared that health care reform means "the end of prosperity in America forever ... the end of America as you know it."

Bill Hemmer, another Fox host who probably needs medication, has suggested that the legislation will send Americans who don't have health insurance to prison. The Washington Times editorial page compared the bill to the Black Death, and the Drudge Report put up a headline suggesting that its passage is the equivalent of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

RealClearPolitics - The Wingers Who Cried Wolf

thank you. i salute your service to America.:lol:

No problemo...

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