More Americans support arming teachers…..good.

That's nice.

How many teachers are willing?
That's nice.

How many teachers are willing?
Evidently quite a few in my AO.....Last week about release time some fuckin' Karen called in a "man in camo with a gun" near a school. They locked it down and several armed teachers were reported at the doors.

Come to find out it was just a guy way down the street putting his shotgun in his truck to go dove hunting.
More Americans are beginning to grasp the idea that you deter attackers by making sure they don’t have unarmed victims….

What a great idea! I've met a lot of elementary school teachers and "cold-blooded steely eyed sharpshooter killer" is the way most of them come across.

And who knows? Maybe one day EVERYONE will have gun training and be armed to the teeth to ensure civility! Everyone strapped and packin' heat. Cool.

Of course RATIONAL people realize we left the days of grog slam rock on head of og get what og have but you guys never really left that part of the past.

And, of course, you lot will be the first to piss your pants when the shooting starts. But we'll have to wait I guess.
Evidently quite a few in my AO.....Last week about release time some fuckin' Karen called in a "man in camo with a gun" near a school. They locked it down and several armed teachers were reported at the doors.

Come to find out it was just a guy way down the street putting his shotgun in his truck to go dove hunting.

LOL. It's so hard to tell a random dove hunter from a child murderer these days.

That's nice.

How many teachers are willing?

In NORMAL places the number is pretty low. There's a reason that these people went into TEACHING rather than POLICE WORK. But in the glorious Second Amendment Future EVERYONE will be expected to kill or be killed.

That's civilization for ya.
That's nice.

How many teachers are willing?
It doesn't matter. Those who don't want to carry will not be required to do so. Those who do want to take the training and be able to protect their students and themselves would be allowed to do so.

That's how liberty works in this country. Or used to.

Right after the Columbine shooting, a friend of mine who teaches shop in his local high school told me that unknown to anybody else or the student, he and his assistant had loaded weapons safely hidden on premises and he would be ready if needed to protect the students. I suspect he isn't alone. (That friend and his assistant are both retired now. And yes, they took the weapons with them when they left.)
It doesn't matter. Those who don't want to carry will not be required to do so. Those who do want to take the training and be able to protect their students and themselves would be allowed to do so.

So you don't really want to keep ALL children safe? Just the ones who "lucked out" and got a teacher with a penchant for shooting people?

Right after the Columbine shooting, a friend of mine who teaches shop in his local high school told me that unknown to anybody else or the student, he and his assistant had loaded weapons safely hidden on premises and he would be ready if needed to protect the students.

Gosh, that sounds really dangerous. I hope they lost their jobs.

I suspect he isn't alone. (That friend and his assistant are both retired now. And yes, they took the weapons with them when they left.)

Thankfully no kids in the school found the weapons.

They were pretty bad people bringing something that dangerous into a school and HIDING IT. Were they planning on doing something maybe?
So you don't really want to keep ALL children safe? Just the ones who "lucked out" and got a teacher with a penchant for shooting people?

Gosh, that sounds really dangerous. I hope they lost their jobs.

Thankfully no kids in the school found the weapons.

They were pretty bad people bringing something that dangerous into a school and HIDING IT. Were they planning on doing something maybe?

Dipshit….as long as the public knows the school has armed staff, mass public shooters won’t target that school….they’ll attack the gun free schools
Fuckin' Karens.

Yeah....because seeing random dudes handling guns outside of a school shouldn't cause anyone concern.

Besides! America likes to kill little kids at schools, so even if he wasn't a dove hunter it's how the NRA chooses their next convention site!
Dipshit….as long as the public knows the school has armed staff, mass public shooters won’t target that school….they’ll attack the gun free schools


Same goes for Churches. And grocery stores. And theaters.

I know the kind of America YOU want and I'm not particularly impressed.

Same goes for Churches. And grocery stores. And theaters.

I know the kind of America YOU want and I'm not particularly impressed.

Mass public shooters choose gun free zones…the places you guys have created

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