More Americans are now questioning this statement..."over 100 million Americans"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“President Trump has said he would only nominate someone who would overturn the Affordable Care Act, taking away health care protections from 100 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic,” Coons said Sunday. Coons is on the Barrett hearings.

WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?

That seems to be the issue with idiots who don't seem to understand!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage. THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System. THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!

How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.4 million!!!
Original medicare 37.6
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million
or combined total of 62.4 million!
Do you understand now? Why I used 62 million covered by Medicare???

Now as far as Medicaid? You are right! per the above link there are 76.5 Million!
So... let's add these up again!!!
156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
62,745,770 Medicare
76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
Check out the link I provided OK???

Coons is getting his numbers from Mumbles Biden.
The MSM does NOT do any investigating of this gross "context" erroneous statement!
Over 85,400 NEWS articles all discussing "100 million Americans"!
BUT why aren't the adding this line... with almost ALL covered by health insurance and NOT ACA!"

But this is NOT how the issue is presented. AGAIN MSM totally continuing a FALSE premise, i.e. these 100 million are not covered!
Total LIE!

Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 5.28.45 PM.png
Watching Harris grill Barrett and Harris repeats... "Over 125 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose them!"
125 million!!! UN BE LI EV ABLE!!!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System. THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!

How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.4 million!!!
Original medicare 37.6
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million
or combined total of 62.4 million!
Do you understand now? Why I used 62 million covered by Medicare???

Now as far as Medicaid? You are right! per the above link there are 76.5 Million!
So... let's add these up again!!!
156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
62,745,770 Medicare
76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
Check out the link I provided OK???

If one is paying for health insurance then the company should cover anything that occurs no questions asked. And I'm talking about preventative and treatment of illness, not elected surgeries. No questions asked.
WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?
That WON'T have coverage...because without the ACA those who have employer provided healthcare can LOSE it because hey have pre-existing conditions or be priced out of coverage
If one is paying for health insurance then the company should cover anything that occurs no questions asked. And I'm talking about preventative and treatment of illness, not elected surgeries. No questions asked.
“No questions asked” sounds like a really good way to be defrauded.
WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?
That WON'T have coverage...because without the ACA those who have employer provided healthcare can LOSE it because hey have pre-existing conditions or be priced out of coverage
No what are the real numbers?
See the fake news is 100 million have pre-exiting conditions that can't get coverage!
Now here are the FACTS!!!
The Obama administration has lied with statistics!
Instead of 150 million, there are 1.5 million Americans, who “cannot get insurance or must pay higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.” The pre-existing conditions crisis becomes a gnat bite when things are measured correctly. How to Lie with Statistics of the 1960s showed how to fudge statistics a little, not to exaggerate by a hundred-fold. The Obama administration has taken this to a new level befitting the 21st century.

“President Trump has said he would only nominate someone who would overturn the Affordable Care Act, taking away health care protections from 100 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic,” Coons said Sunday. Coons is on the Barrett hearings.

WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?

That seems to be the issue with idiots who don't seem to understand!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System. THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!

How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.4 million!!!
Original medicare 37.6
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million
or combined total of 62.4 million!
Do you understand now? Why I used 62 million covered by Medicare???

Now as far as Medicaid? You are right! per the above link there are 76.5 Million!
So... let's add these up again!!!
156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
62,745,770 Medicare
76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
Check out the link I provided OK???


A dozen facts about the economics of the US health-care system

U.S. per capita health-care spending nearly quadrupled from 1980 to 2018. Spending on U.S. health …
U.S. health-care spending is almost twice as high as the OECD average. The United States spends …
Most health-care spending is on hospitals and professional services. U.S. health-care spending is …
Five percent of Americans accounted for half of all U.S. health-care spending in 2017. Health-care
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
“President Trump has said he would only nominate someone who would overturn the Affordable Care Act, taking away health care protections from 100 million Americans in the middle of a pandemic,” Coons said Sunday. Coons is on the Barrett hearings.

WHERE are the 100 million Americans who have Pre-existing conditions that don't have coverage?

That seems to be the issue with idiots who don't seem to understand!
49% of Americans (156,199,800) HAVE employer health insurance THEIR PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE COVERED!

According to Medicare a total 62,745,770 Americans are enrolled or about 18% have health insurance coverage.
Topic: Medicare THEY ARE COVERED for Pre-existing conditions!!! THEY ARE COVERED!

Medicaid 17.9% of all Americans or a total 59,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
Topic: Medicare THEY HAVE PRE-EXISTING Conditions covered!!!

Approximately 12,000,000 military personnel received coverage through the Veteran's Administration and Military Health System. THEY HAVE Pre-existing conditions covered!

How many people do you see in Part A/and B? 62.4 million!!!
Original medicare 37.6
Medicare Advantage (which there are over 600 plans nationwide) 24.4 million
or combined total of 62.4 million!
Do you understand now? Why I used 62 million covered by Medicare???

Now as far as Medicaid? You are right! per the above link there are 76.5 Million!
So... let's add these up again!!!
156,199,800 HAVE employer health insurance
62,745,770 Medicare
76,070,000 Americans are enrolled in Medicaid .
12,000,000 military personnel received coverage
84,000,000 non-employer private health insurance
Check out the link I provided OK???


A dozen facts about the economics of the US health-care system

U.S. per capita health-care spending nearly quadrupled from 1980 to 2018. Spending on U.S. health …
U.S. health-care spending is almost twice as high as the OECD average. The United States spends …
Most health-care spending is on hospitals and professional services. U.S. health-care spending is …
Five percent of Americans accounted for half of all U.S. health-care spending in 2017. Health-care
And guess what the LARGEST component that could be fixed is?
It is called "Defensive Medicine"...
Defensive medicine is costing us a fortune."[$850 billion a year!]

Defensive medicine is the situation in which a doctor practices medicine, either through diagnosis or treatment, not to help the patient, but rather to prevent legal action (a malpractice suit) if a problem occurs. The doctor goes beyond what is usually necessary for diagnosing and treating the patient so they can ensure they are not missing any unlikely but possible condition.
It may contribute as much as 34% of the annual healthcare costs in the United States.
NHE grew 4.6% to $3.8 trillion in 2019, or $11,582 per person, and accounted for 17.7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
34% of $3.8 trillion is $1,292,000,000,000 !
Now where are all you uninformed, ignorant of how to use the Internet readers? Why don't you provide retorts? FACTS???
And the insurance companies when faced with lawsuits:
How much have they paid out in out of court settlements...which ADD to the cost!
The average out of court settlement for a medical malpractice lawsuit is just over $425,000, while the average jury award is now over $1 Million.
According to the published report, approximately $4,031,987,700 was paid to plaintiffs in medical malpractice lawsuits in 2018.

WHO paid that $4 trillion??
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
It's funny the way you expect me to believe that just because you say so.
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
It's funny the way you expect me to believe that just because you say so.

Its common knowledge.

Donald Trump denied medical care to severely disabled ...
Jun 22, 2020 · In legal papers, Donald, Robert and Maryanne Trump lay out their reasons for refusing to pay for the healthcare of their disabled infant great nephew William. The Trumps claimed William didn't ...

Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Donald Trump cut off medical funds to nephew's sick baby ...
Jan 04, 2016 · After this came to light, Freddy's children sued, claiming Donald Trump (their uncle) and his siblings had wielded "undue influence" over Fred Sr, who suffered from dementia in the last years of...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Trump denies health insurance to nephew's sick baby in 2000
May 05, 2017 · This is how Trump spitefully &vindictively punished his nephew, his dead brother's son, over a family legal dispute. After his uncle terminated his medical insurance, Fred 3rd struggled to …

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's ...
Jan 03, 2016 · Donald Trump admits cutting off medical treatment for his nephew's sick baby after will dispute with alcoholic brother's family Trump's older brother Freddy died an alcoholic at the age of 43 in...
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
It's funny the way you expect me to believe that just because you say so.

Its common knowledge.

Donald Trump denied medical care to severely disabled ...
Jun 22, 2020 · In legal papers, Donald, Robert and Maryanne Trump lay out their reasons for refusing to pay for the healthcare of their disabled infant great nephew William. The Trumps claimed William didn't ...

Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Donald Trump cut off medical funds to nephew's sick baby ...
Jan 04, 2016 · After this came to light, Freddy's children sued, claiming Donald Trump (their uncle) and his siblings had wielded "undue influence" over Fred Sr, who suffered from dementia in the last years of...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Trump denies health insurance to nephew's sick baby in 2000
May 05, 2017 · This is how Trump spitefully &vindictively punished his nephew, his dead brother's son, over a family legal dispute. After his uncle terminated his medical insurance, Fred 3rd struggled to …

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's ...
Jan 03, 2016 · Donald Trump admits cutting off medical treatment for his nephew's sick baby after will dispute with alcoholic brother's family Trump's older brother Freddy died an alcoholic at the age of 43 in...
Think of it as a retroactive abortion. You lefties like eugenics. You'll get a warm fuzzy feeling.

Don't even pretend you care about the child. He's just a convenient club with which to bash Trump.

You lefties like exploiting children, too.
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
It's funny the way you expect me to believe that just because you say so.

Its common knowledge.

Donald Trump denied medical care to severely disabled ...
Jun 22, 2020 · In legal papers, Donald, Robert and Maryanne Trump lay out their reasons for refusing to pay for the healthcare of their disabled infant great nephew William. The Trumps claimed William didn't ...

Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Donald Trump cut off medical funds to nephew's sick baby ...
Jan 04, 2016 · After this came to light, Freddy's children sued, claiming Donald Trump (their uncle) and his siblings had wielded "undue influence" over Fred Sr, who suffered from dementia in the last years of...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Trump denies health insurance to nephew's sick baby in 2000
May 05, 2017 · This is how Trump spitefully &vindictively punished his nephew, his dead brother's son, over a family legal dispute. After his uncle terminated his medical insurance, Fred 3rd struggled to …

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's ...
Jan 03, 2016 · Donald Trump admits cutting off medical treatment for his nephew's sick baby after will dispute with alcoholic brother's family Trump's older brother Freddy died an alcoholic at the age of 43 in...
Think of it as a retroactive abortion. You lefties like eugenics. You'll get a warm fuzzy feeling.

Don't even pretend you care about the child. He's just a convenient club with which to bash Trump.

You lefties like exploiting children, too.

What sort of man would do that to a toddler? Trump is viscious. He did it to his brother's family out of spite.

Does character matter to you? If not, that's a very fundmental problem and why you support Trump.
All Democrats have is emotional manipulation of people all too willing to take everything they say at face value.

Democrats count on Americans being dumb. Far too many people are okay with proving them right.

Trump cut out his father's family healthcare plan and denied healthcare for his infant nephew with Cerebral Palsy.
It's funny the way you expect me to believe that just because you say so.

Its common knowledge.

Donald Trump denied medical care to severely disabled ...
Jun 22, 2020 · In legal papers, Donald, Robert and Maryanne Trump lay out their reasons for refusing to pay for the healthcare of their disabled infant great nephew William. The Trumps claimed William didn't ...

Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Donald Trump cut off medical funds to nephew's sick baby ...
Jan 04, 2016 · After this came to light, Freddy's children sued, claiming Donald Trump (their uncle) and his siblings had wielded "undue influence" over Fred Sr, who suffered from dementia in the last years of...

Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Trump denies health insurance to nephew's sick baby in 2000
May 05, 2017 · This is how Trump spitefully &vindictively punished his nephew, his dead brother's son, over a family legal dispute. After his uncle terminated his medical insurance, Fred 3rd struggled to …

Donald Trump cut off medical treatment to his nephew's ...
Jan 03, 2016 · Donald Trump admits cutting off medical treatment for his nephew's sick baby after will dispute with alcoholic brother's family Trump's older brother Freddy died an alcoholic at the age of 43 in...
Think of it as a retroactive abortion. You lefties like eugenics. You'll get a warm fuzzy feeling.

Don't even pretend you care about the child. He's just a convenient club with which to bash Trump.

You lefties like exploiting children, too.

What sort of man would do that to a toddler? Trump is viscious. He did it to his brother's family out of spite.

Does character matter to you? If not, that's a very fundmental problem and why you support Trump.
That's amusing, coming from a Biden supporter.

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