

May 31, 2009
Have people lost their morals. I went to work to discover that one of my coworkers was missing. Not to my surprise people began to ask each other about him. Eventually they began to talk about him and the reasons they don't like him. I was slightly surprised to find that some of his friends were also making notes and inputting upon the conversation. I began to wonder why they must vent off their feelings to other people instead of telling the person directly. When he came back everyone seemed happy to see him and was back to their old routines. I began to think and i now believe that everyone is a lying SOB. But are they, Am i the only person who prefers to hear the good and bad things about me?
Have people lost their morals. I went to work to discover that one of my coworkers was missing. Not to my surprise people began to ask each other about him. Eventually they began to talk about him and the reasons they don't like him. I was slightly surprised to find that some of his friends were also making notes and inputting upon the conversation. I began to wonder why they must vent off their feelings to other people instead of telling the person directly. When he came back everyone seemed happy to see him and was back to their old routines. I began to think and i now believe that everyone is a lying SOB. But are they, Am i the only person who prefers to hear the good and bad things about me?

well odd day for this post...since i am quitting my job....yeppers...and its for those reasons...people talking and saying shit they wont say to my face..and it is petty shit....i got this one bitch ...she mothers everyone...makes them cookies...etc...comes in..hello so and so...and rubs their back...she bitched at me for not stocking...well guess what....that aint my job...its the guy you baby and rub his back..its just a rat race...and its not worth it...i dont think it has so much to do with morals....she is a good church going woman blah blah blah it has more to do with lack of nerve...and the candy ass road is the easier road...fuck em
I hear my daughter tell me a lot about the gossip and bs that goes on in workplaces. I'm grateful that I did not always have to work in settings like that.

People should be able to just face another with whatever it is that bothers them but they don't. Human nature to pick and bitch at one another over petty issues I guess.

Those holier than thou people like you mentioned bother me too strollingbones. We had this one preachers wife that would throw a hissy fit about smokers at a restaurant so she could get a free meal. She was a nasty bitch in all matters as far as we could see. She could not understand why the majority really did not want to sit near her in workshop.
I agree with your statements but the deffinition of morals states that morals are an ethical motive: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. Shouldant these people relize what is wrong and right and use this in their own conversations.
I agree with your statements but the deffinition of morals states that morals are an ethical motive: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. Shouldant these people relize what is wrong and right and use this in their own conversations.
Some people have a tough time seeing what is actually in that interior mirror. It is human nature. Also a part of maturing/growing up.
naw, i am not quitting cause of her....let me tell you about a few of my customers, one shook his one week old baby nearly to death, has brain damage, he is out of bail. one is a child molester. i am not a judgemental person as much as possible but there is a point where being called a ****, bitch or told to fuck youself because you won't give them credit or free beer. i santize my hands after each customers.
i have a few good ones but i assure that that after dealing with trash it takes you down mentally for more than the few hours you are there and i am not a wuss. i am sick of it. the boss who runs the place has been my friend for years, i always thought he had a heart of gold, now i realize just no spine.
he gives people discounts, then they expect if from everyone else, well its not my money to give away.
lots of people like to "hang out" well, i am not there to listen to their sobs stories and breath their 2nd hand smoke. i think i will be happier, poorer but happier.
This depends on how one looks at gossip. If your girlfriend/ wife comes to you and says how does my hair look what do you say? I'm assuming a man started this thread! In the workplace this goes on constantly, it is an evaluation of the other. And the other plays a role too. Trouble is it can often lead to hard feeling if someone is hurt or the kiss-ass gets the promotion. Such is life. Goffman is interesting if you want a read on the topic, I read this many moons ago, check a library.

[ame=] The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life: Erving Goffman: Books[/ame]

Issues of morality are debated often here. Here is a link to a recent debate.

I look at ethics as living a life that extends beyond simple commandments. Morals are for children, ethics are for adults within limits of course.
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Thank you for the sugestion Midcan5 and i suppose you are right in a way. however i do not lie to make people happy i very rarely lie. And when i do it concerns me. The truth is that i do not believe that lies should be told for self well being, but i know that i can't stop them from occuring.
Have people lost their morals. I went to work to discover that one of my coworkers was missing. Not to my surprise people began to ask each other about him. Eventually they began to talk about him and the reasons they don't like him. I was slightly surprised to find that some of his friends were also making notes and inputting upon the conversation. I began to wonder why they must vent off their feelings to other people instead of telling the person directly. When he came back everyone seemed happy to see him and was back to their old routines. I began to think and i now believe that everyone is a lying SOB. But are they, Am i the only person who prefers to hear the good and bad things about me?

Blame the etiquette police, the ones who don't like certain things mentioned around them ... :eusa_whistle:
I don't always like what is mentioned around me but i deal with it. I believe that criticism is a way to better yourself.
naw, i am not quitting cause of her....let me tell you about a few of my customers, one shook his one week old baby nearly to death, has brain damage, he is out of bail. one is a child molester. i am not a judgemental person as much as possible but there is a point where being called a ****, bitch or told to fuck youself because you won't give them credit or free beer. i santize my hands after each customers.
i have a few good ones but i assure that that after dealing with trash it takes you down mentally for more than the few hours you are there and i am not a wuss. i am sick of it. the boss who runs the place has been my friend for years, i always thought he had a heart of gold, now i realize just no spine.
he gives people discounts, then they expect if from everyone else, well its not my money to give away.
lots of people like to "hang out" well, i am not there to listen to their sobs stories and breath their 2nd hand smoke. i think i will be happier, poorer but happier.

When I worked for others, and I found the work environment "compromising" I left as quickly as possible. I was never sorry that I did. In those environments, speaking up doesn't get you anywhere, but at least it makes you feel justified if you do, and then get your answer. When working for yourself as in self employed, you are actually working for numerous others, but at least there is usually a forthcoming terminal point, and seldom do you feel compromised, and self employment teaches one a lot about human nature.

After 33 years of being self employed I worked 3-months on a job by the hour. At one point the frustration level was so intense that one of my eyes "bled" out into the white of my eye, and the SOB that caused it insiisted that I go to "Emergency". There, without a word of comment from me, the attending physician asked if I had a problem with someone where I worked. It seems they are familiar with certain symptoms from those experiences.

I have no idea what was said when I wasn't around, but I was there to prevent stealing, and absenteeism by the crew. It always seemed to me that hourly work was socially a lot like like being in high school.
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I agree with you, AH. The workplace can be quite compromising especially if you want to move up. You can't be honest if you wish to keep your job. Most of the time, you just have to swallow a lot of bs and lick other people's boots.

As far as talking about other people behind their back, that's cowardly. If you can't say it to a person's face, you shouldn't say it at all. I suspect people gossip thinking that this is way of building relationships, but they are completely mistaken.
i just like to go my time....take care of what is needed and get out...i am not one of these ...o lets do lunch, tanning bed etc.....its gotten too depressing...i have too much going on with my mom to be worried about a damn part time job...i am at the point i think i need to take her to the doctor...8 hour round trip for me...but i got one mom....and things are gonna change the owners puts no money back into his business etc.

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