Month of Return to Allah


VIP Member
Jan 14, 2015
the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon.

The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting.

Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan,

Exempted from the fast are the very old and the insane. On the physical side, fasting is from first light of dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. On the moral, behavioral side, one must abstain from lying, malicious gossip, quarrelling and trivial nonsense.

Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are menstruating, pregnant, or nursing are permitted to break the fast, but must make up an equal number of days later in the year. If physically unable to do so, they must feed a needy person for each day missed. Children begin to fast (and to observe the prayers) from puberty, although many start earlier.

In addition to the fast proper, one is encouraged to read the entire Quran. In addition, special prayers, called Tarawih, are held in the mosque every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Quran (Juz') is recited, so that by the end of the month the entire Quran has been completed. These are done in remembrance of the fact that the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was begun during Ramadan.

(Laylat al-Qadr). To spend that night in worship is better than a thousand months of worship, i.e. Allah's reward for it is very great.
Some Tips for A Blessed month of Ramadan (Dr Zakir naik)! ...

Why is Ramadan called the month of forgiveness - Zakir ...

traditionally a time of increased levels of Islamic terrorism. I wonder if Salman Abedi
was GETTING IN THE MOOD----or just trying to lead the way
The Month of 'Return' (HaShev)
to The Night (Al Laila)
where the Archangel Michael left them a black rock and told them to circle it Sheva(7) times as a focus till it's time the secret is revealed.
The focus besides the same name Jews were given in keeping the Sheva day holy in rememberance of that name, was silica the substance that allowed reaching out from the Olam Habah to the past.
A substance that could have
been their focus (computer age) if they hadn't been focused on fear, hate, jealous animosity, unwarranted vengeance against
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK and their measly sliver of land.
Leave Michael out of this miserable bloody "holiday" -----he is a fave or mine.
Any disaster in the world

demonize Islam in the media

It is Islam that scares them, Islam is spreading

despite the
Offender is possible to be a Christian or Jew

Islam is the second most widely practiced religion in France after Roman Catholicism by many faithful. With a total estimated 5 to 10 percent of the national population, France has the largest number of Muslims in Western Europe. The majority of Muslims in France belong to the Sunni community.

Islam is the religion that is in perfect harmony with human nature and that preached by all prophets since the dawn of humanity. Other religions today, such as Christianity and Judaism,
original teachings were either altered or lost and what remains today of these religions is a mixture of truths and lies.
The only religion that has been preserved

Prophets of Islam is the only true religion, which manages all areas of human life, including the religious, moral considerations, the harmonious development of society and the personal development of individuals, and it is the duty of every human being to study this religion to ensure its veracity and to practice it and make it a lifestyle.

I am talking about Islam

'm Not talking about political movements and terrorist playoffs

The attack on innocent people

This is forbidden in Islam is final

The person who does this
allah show him the punishment in this world and the Hereafter

dear brothers

This is not true

Why are the majority of Muslims do not kill and do not steal nor commit adultery nor raped girls?


The reason the desire to obey God and get God's blessing for a Muslim living in the age in the world and paradise in the afterlife

As well as the fear of
allah's punishment in the afterlife

I do not endured the combustion of a cigarette

Who can endured fire, such as volcanoes in the afterlife

There is no death in the afterlife

allah save us from this



Islam must be applied first and correctly

At that time,
You will not believe what you will see

- Mercy - the progress and prosperity

And more than you can imagine


Try to study the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith

The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

Go to the centers of the Islamic Dawa in your town

Listen and ask face to face
God willing,

I am confident
You will change your mind

I know a lot like you
Thank god
Now they Muslims

هذا هو الإسلام الحقيقي | The Real Islam

صحفى أمريكي يفضح دور أمريكا فى العالم العربى والاسلامي

Ramadan has always been a positive turning point in the lives of many Muslims.

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, May Allah be Pleased with Him said:

أنَّ النَّبيَّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم صعِد المِنبَرَ فقال: ( آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ ) قيل : يا رسولَ اللهِ إنَّكَ حينَ صعِدْتَ المِنبَرَ قُلْتَ : آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ قال : ( إنَّ جِبريلَ أتاني فقال : مَن أدرَك شهرَ رمضانَ ولَمْ يُغفَرْ له فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن أدرَك أبوَيْهِ أو أحَدَهما فلَمْ يبَرَّهما فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن ذُكِرْتَ عندَه فلَمْ يُصَلِّ عليكَ فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ) (ابن حبان وصححه الألباني)

Interpreation of the Meaning: "The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said: “Ameen, ameen, ameen.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, you ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said, ‘Ameen, ameen, ameen.” He said: “Jibreel (Peace be upon him) came to me and said: ‘If Ramadaan comes and a person is not forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘O Muhammad, if both or one of a person’s parents are alive and he does not honour them and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘If you are mentioned in a person’s presence and he does not send blessings upon you and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen.”

Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan, 3/188; classed as saheeh by al-Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1679.

This means that Ramadan should be a turning point in the life of every Muslim: a turning point from sins to repentance, from negligence to diligence, from deviation to guidance and from leaning on the life of this world to hastening towards the Paradise of the Hereafter.
هل تريد ان تثبت ان القرآن خطأ؟ شاهد الفيديو - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

مريم جزء من الثالوث طبقاُ للقرآن وهذا خطأ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

Convert To Islam Dr. Volker Enders [Physicist]
What is wrong with being honest, avoiding gossip, violence, and trivial things all year around?
The Month of 'Return' (HaShev)
to The Night (Al Laila)
where the Archangel Michael left them a black rock and told them to circle it Sheva(7) times as a focus till it's time the secret is revealed.
The focus besides the same name Jews were given in keeping the Sheva day holy in rememberance of that name, was silica the substance that allowed reaching out from the Olam Habah to the past.
A substance that could have
been their focus (computer age) if they hadn't been focused on fear, hate, jealous animosity, unwarranted vengeance against
PEOPLE OF THE BOOK and their measly sliver of land.
Interesting I always thought Mecca was spelled that way but apperently in the Arabic it is MeKKah...Isn't that interesting
There was a Ramadan celebration in Kabul, Afghanistan-----yesterday. Muslims
murdered more than 80 of their own with a car bomb------(* RETURN TO ALLAH --amen *)
it seems to me that there should be very serious attempts to trace
the bombs back to their origins. I wonder how Afghanistan was
able to come up with a bomb that murdered 80 people-----???
Islam is the second most widely practiced religion in France after Roman Catholicism by many faithful. With a total estimated 5 to 10 percent of the national population, France has the largest number of Muslims in Western Europe. [1] [2] The majority of Muslims in France belong to the Sunni community. [3]

Islam is the religion that is in perfect harmony with human nature and that preached by all prophets since the dawn of humanity. Other religions today, such as Christianity and Judaism,

original teachings were either altered or lost and what remains today of these religions is a mixture of truths and lies.


The only religion that has been preserved

Prophets of Islam is the only true religion, which manages all areas of human life, including the religious, moral considerations, the harmonious development of society and the personal development of individuals, and it is the duty of every human being to study this religion to ensure its veracity and to practice it and make it a lifestyle.

The truth about Islam.

Why they demonize Islam?

Why the media took Islam and Muslims targeted?

It is Islam that scares them, Islam is spreading

- No alcohol

- No discotheques

- No pornography

- No prostitution

- No rape

- No homosexuality, ...

There will be all these things to.

Previously they were against communism and now they are against Islam.

You always see in the media:

"war against terrorism"

What terrorism?

Kill innocent people and attack the poorest countries.

The best equipped countries attack the poorest countries and the least equipped and it's called a "war against terrorism" !!!

They fear that Islam is spreading, Islam is everywhere and they fear that Islam is spreading despite everything that happened, and despite the 11.

According to CNN, after September 11, over a period of 9 months, 34,000 Americans have converted to Islam.

Despite all their efforts!

Today they attack women

"Islam does not give rights to women."

2/3 of those who converted to Islam in Europe and America are women.

If Islam is against women, so why do these women come into Islam.

Why do women in Europe-they come in Islam?

This is simply because these people have sought the truth and they found it in Islam.

Despite the media demonization.

Allah says in the Qur'an Surah Al-Imran:

"And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. "[Qur'an, Surah Al-Imran 3:54]

So they make plans and plot, Allah also plans, plans of Allah are infallible.

Bergdahl Converted To Islam During Captivity

Last edited:
It is a common misconception with some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of adherents all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force.

The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam.

Islam has always given respect and freedom of religion to all faiths. Freedom of religion is ordained in the Quran itself:

“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.” (Quran 2:256)

The noted historian De Lacy O’Leary wrote:[1] “History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.”

The famous historian, Thomas Carlyle, in his book Heroes and Hero worship, refers to this misconception about the spread of Islam: “The sword indeed, but where will you get your sword? Every new opinion, at its starting is precisely in a minority of one; in one man’s head alone. There it dwells as yet. One man alone of the whole world believes it, there is one man against all men. That he takes a sword and tries to propagate with that will do little for him. You must get your sword! On the whole, a thing will propagate itself as it can.”

If Islam was spread by the sword, it was the sword of intellect and convincing arguments. It is this sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Quran says in this connection:

“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.” (Quran 16:125)

The facts speak for themselves

• Indonesia is the country that has the largest number of Muslims in the world, and the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. But, no Muslim army ever went to Indonesia or Malaysia. It is an established historical fact that Indonesia entered Islam not due to war, but because of its moral

message. Despite the disappearance of Islamic government from many regions once ruled by it, their original inhabitants have remained Muslims. Moreover, they carried the message of truth, inviting others to it as well, and in so doing endured harm, affliction and oppression. The same can be said for those in the regions of Syria and Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, North Africa, Asia, the Balkans and in Spain. This shows that the effect of Islam on the population was one of moral conviction, in contrast to occupation by western colonialists, finally compelled to leave lands whose peoples held only memories of affliction, sorrow, subjugation and oppression.

• Muslims ruled Spain (Andalusia) for about 800 years. During this period the Christians and Jews enjoyed freedom to practice their respective religions, and this is a documented historical fact.

• Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslim lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan all have significant Christian and Jewish populations.

• Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years, and therefore had the power to force each and every non-Muslim of India to convert to Islam, but they did not, and thus more than 80% of the Indian population remains non-Muslim.

• Similarly, Islam spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. And likewise no Muslim army was ever dispatched to the East Coast of Africa.

• An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, yearbook 1986, gives the statistics of the increase of the percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article also appeared in The Plain Truth magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, while Christianity had increased by 47%. During this fifty-year period, there was no “Islamic conquest” yet Islam spread at an extraordinary rate.

• Today the fastest growing religion in America and Europe is Islam. The Muslims in these lands are a minority. The only sword they have in their possession is the sword of truth. It is this sword that is converting thousands to Islam.

• Islamic law protects the privileged status of minorities, and that is why non-Muslim places of worship have flourished all over the Islamic world. Islamic law also allows non-Muslim minorities to set up their own courts, which implement family laws drawn up by the minorities themselves. The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether they are Muslims or not.


It is clear, therefore, that Islam did not spread by the sword. The “sword of Islam” did not convert all the non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries. In India, where Muslims ruled for 800 years, they are still a minority. In the U.S.A., Islam is the fastest growing religion and has over six million followers.

In his book The World’s Religions, Huston Smith discusses how the prophet Muhammad granted freedom of religion to the Jews and Christians under Muslim rule:

The Prophet had a document drawn up in which he stipulated that Jews and Christians “shall be protected from all insults and harm; they shall have an equal right with our own people to our assistance and good offices,” and further, “they shall practice their religion as freely as the Muslims.”[2]

Smith points out that Muslims regard that document as the first charter of freedom of conscience in human history and the authoritative model for those of every subsequent Muslim state.\\\\\\\\\\\

Indeed, the Holy Qur’an is the most precious guidance to every Muslim and Recitation of the Holy Qur’an is the greatest treasure which drives us to make full advantage of time to increase our rewards. Virtues of Recitation have been approved in the Holy Qur’an and Noble Sunnah as well. The Messenger of Allah (Prayer and Peace of Allah be upon him) said:

مَنْ قَرَأَ حَرْفًا مِنْ كِتَابِ اللهِ فَلَهُ بِهِ حَسَنَةٌ، وَالحَسَنَةُ بِعَشْرِ أَمْثَالِهَا، لاَ أَقُولُ الْم حَرْفٌ، وَلَكِنْ أَلِفٌ حَرْفٌ، وَلاَمٌ حَرْفٌ، وَمِيمٌ حَرْف
(Interpretation of meaning):
“Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will have one hasanah (good deed) for it, and the hasanah (good deed) brings a tenfold reward. I do not say that ‘Alif-Laam-Meem’ is a letter; rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.”
Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, 2910. classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in (Saheeh at-Tirmidhi).
This great virtue encourages us to devote our time for Recitation continuously, which sustains us to become more closer to Allah the Almighty and to be well-prepared for the day of Judgement via increasing our rewards. A Muslim should be wise to recognize that this life will end and good deeds will be a great help after death. We make Duaa to Allah the Almighty for granting us the blessing to be among righteous Muslims who follow the guidance in the Holy Qur’an. Praise due to Allah the Almighty, Prayer and Peace of Allah the Almighty be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family and all his Companions.

12 Things to Avoid during Ramadan by Dr. Zakir Naik - ...

Common Mistakes done by Muslims every Ramadhaan by ...
from toty>>>>
"The Prophet had a document drawn up in which he stipulated that Jews and Christians “shall be protected from all insults and harm; they shall have an equal right with our own people to our assistance and good offices,” and further, “they shall practice their religion as freely as the Muslims.”[

what is the title of this "DOCUMENT WHICH 'THE PROPHET' HAD DRAWN UP" ???

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