Montana approves Initiative 166: Corporations are not people!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Corporations Are Not People in Montana

BLLINGS, Mont. (CN) - Montana voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an initiative stating "that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings."

Voters approved Initiative 166 by 75 percent to 25 percent, according to early, unofficial returns reported by the Billings Gazette.

The initiative also clarified that in Montana, money is not speech; it's property.
The initiative was a rebuke to the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which unleashed corporate political donations. According to the Gazette's early returns, 224,679 Montanans voted for the measure, and 74, 361 opposed it.
Now that's giving power back to the states!
It's "persons", not "people"....There's an important legal distinction to the semantic difference.

After that, they'll have to repeal the 14th Amendment and overturn both Santa Clara County vs Union Pacific Railroad and Citizens United to make that stick.

Good luck with that.
Corporations Are Not People in Montana

BLLINGS, Mont. (CN) - Montana voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an initiative stating "that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings."

Voters approved Initiative 166 by 75 percent to 25 percent, according to early, unofficial returns reported by the Billings Gazette.

The initiative also clarified that in Montana, money is not speech; it's property.
The initiative was a rebuke to the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which unleashed corporate political donations. According to the Gazette's early returns, 224,679 Montanans voted for the measure, and 74, 361 opposed it.
Now that's giving power back to the states!

Does Montana even have any corporations? And, what do they plan to replace them with?
Let's pass a law saying that the written word isn't speech. After all, you don't say it, you read it. Does anyone honestly think that would or should pass First Amendment scrutiny?
You peeps really don't want the Government deciding if the New York Times Corporation should be silenced.

You think you do, but your really don't.
Try educating yourself!

Corporations Are Not People in Montana

BLLINGS, Mont. (CN) - Montana voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an initiative stating "that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings."

Voters approved Initiative 166 by 75 percent to 25 percent, according to early, unofficial returns reported by the Billings Gazette.

The initiative also clarified that in Montana, money is not speech; it's property.
The initiative was a rebuke to the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which unleashed corporate political donations. According to the Gazette's early returns, 224,679 Montanans voted for the measure, and 74, 361 opposed it.
Now that's giving power back to the states!

Does Montana even have any corporations? And, what do they plan to replace them with?
Already decided:

'Because spending money is essential to disseminating speech, as established in Buckley v. Valeo, limiting a corporation's ability to spend money is unconstitutional because it limits the ability of its members to associate effectively and to speak on political issues.'

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It needs to be overturned. MONEY IS NOT SPEECH. A corporation can "speak" about anything it wants to, but there should be NO money changing hands.
Already decided:

'Because spending money is essential to disseminating speech, as established in Buckley v. Valeo, limiting a corporation's ability to spend money is unconstitutional because it limits the ability of its members to associate effectively and to speak on political issues.'

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It needs to be overturned. MONEY IS NOT SPEECH. A corporation can "speak" about anything it wants to, but there should be NO money changing hands.
USSC disagrees and Citizens United it the law of the land - ALL OF THE LAND- just like Roe.
Corporations Are Not People in Montana

BLLINGS, Mont. (CN) - Montana voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved an initiative stating "that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings."

Voters approved Initiative 166 by 75 percent to 25 percent, according to early, unofficial returns reported by the Billings Gazette.

The initiative also clarified that in Montana, money is not speech; it's property.
The initiative was a rebuke to the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, which unleashed corporate political donations. According to the Gazette's early returns, 224,679 Montanans voted for the measure, and 74, 361 opposed it.
Now that's giving power back to the states!

You support state power when it comes to taking away rights, but oppose it when it comes to giving people rights. gotta admire your consistent position of reducing rights, even if I am going to fight you every time you open you pea brain driven mouth.
Already decided:

'Because spending money is essential to disseminating speech, as established in Buckley v. Valeo, limiting a corporation's ability to spend money is unconstitutional because it limits the ability of its members to associate effectively and to speak on political issues.'

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It needs to be overturned. MONEY IS NOT SPEECH. A corporation can "speak" about anything it wants to, but there should be NO money changing hands.

They just revisited it and re-decided it, moron.
Money is not speech.

Strangely enough, I agree with you.

What you seem to be unaware of is that, according to the various government agencies that control politics, the only way to say anything today is by forming corporations, and then getting government approval on how you spend your money to facilitate speech. Unless, of course, you are rich, then you can just go out and buy TV time to say whatever you want without the government trying to stop you.

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