Monica Goodling

Pretty desperate and incoherent stuff coming out of the left lately.

"LATELY" ??????

ooooh come now my friend, these anti America SOB's have been desperate and incoherent since JFK was offed and that murdering LBJ took over the oval office !! and in my OPINION re-freed the "slaves" :up:
How 'bout when Clinton fired 29 attorneys general to get to one? Bottom Line, partisan hacks love to punish their enemies (what President said that?) using the IRS and DOJ.

What Monica Goodling did is not about who got fired, but rather, the moles she was able to embed in DOJ who will pop their little heads out of their dirt mounds when their plutocratic taskmasters tell them to stir the pot.

DOJ employees are supposed to maintain, at least, the demeanor, of non-partisanship, Monica Goodling under the direction of Karl Rove via Alberto Gonzales' stewardship destroyed that dynamic by deeply embedding rightwing political types into the DOJ bureaucracy. Unlike political appointees, civil servants can't be fired on a whim.
Why is this so important to you now? It's nothing more than a lame attempt at quid pro quo to deflect attention from today's problems and it serves no useful purpose.

Nope, no quid pro quo here. The lame attempt is, all throughout the Bush government, the Bushies embedded political types into civil service positions.

Another one of these moles popped her head out of the dirt recently; it's interesting that the whistle-blower for the IRS 'so-called scandal' is a Bush appointee (Lois Lerner) and-----and she's (Lois Lerner) the only person (Lois Lerner) to be called before Darrell Issa's fishing expedition to invoke the fifth.

Sarah Jones: "What I’ve taken from all of these scandals so far is that by Republicans refusing to allow Obama his own nominees, they’ve saddled him with their appointees, who may or may not have an agenda and may or may not be utterly incompetent. That’s a nifty game. So now Bush appointee Lois Lerner, who claims to be “nonpolitical” but yet donated the maximum amount to Romney if this Open Secrets note is the right Lois Lerner, is the Obama administration’s undoing according to Republicans."

Now, do you see why Monica Goodling's unethical hiring practices are important now and will be important for the next 10, 20 even 30 years after the fact?
I posted this but the right suddenly stopped caring about govt officials pleading the fifth when I showed them someone on their side did the same.

See how that works...Be outraged until you see the home team did. Outrage...gone.
I posted this but the right suddenly stopped caring about govt officials pleading the fifth when I showed them someone on their side did the same.

See how that works...Be outraged until you see the home team did. Outrage...gone.

I have no problem with anyone pleading the 5th.

Lerner's problem is before she pleaded the 5th she had misled or provided incomplete information or in layman's terms freaking lied her ass off to the House Committee 4 times before she took the 5th.

Big freaking "whoopsies". And they know she "misled" them.

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