It can't work any other way. When the government deficit spends and gives the foreign/domestic private sector new net financial assets, the government holds the liability. This is a "debt" for the government, although, being the sole issuer of the currency, the us government doesn't need to worry about spending past tax receipts. That's for another discussion though. Anyways, we must also note that loans create deposits, when billy wants a $10000 loan from the bank, the bank creates a $10000 deposit and the bank gets a liability/asset, the liability being the deposit, and the asset being billy's promissory note. (His payment to repay + interest.) Billy also gets an asset/liability, you should know what these are by now. Most of the time, this all defaults to zero, but when people who take loans can't pay them back, the bank has taken the risk. Anyways, it should be clear now that money is debt. It has to work this way. It does work this way.