Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC 1

Nov 15, 2009
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Momentum Transfer Analysis of the Collapse of the Upper Storeys of WTC 1

Here are some facts for the people new to physics and the world of mechanical engineering. The following is and excerpt. You can follow the whole thing at this link.

The author of this work, Gordon Ross, was born in Dundee, Scotland. He holds degrees in
both Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, graduating from Liverpool John
Moores University, in 1984.

Energy Summary:
The energy balance can be summarized as
Energy available;
Kinetic energy 2105MJ
Potential energy Additional downward movement 95MJ
Compression of impacting section 32MJ
Compression of impacted section 24MJ
Total Energy available 2256MJ
Energy required;
Momentum losses 1389MJ
Plastic strain energy in lower impacted story 244MJ
Plastic strain energy in upper impacted story 215MJ
Elastic strain energy in lower stories 64MJ
Elastic strain energy in upper stories 126MJ
Pulverization of concrete on impacting floor 304MJ
Pulverization of concrete on impacted floor 304MJ
Total Energy required 2646MJ
Minimum Energy Deficit -390MJ

The energy balance of the collapse moves into deficit during the plastic shortening phase of the first impacted columns showing that there would be insufficient energy available from the released potential energy of the upper section to satisfy all of the energy demands of the collision. The analysis shows that despite the assumptions made in favor of collapse continuation, vertical movement of the falling section would be arrested prior to completion of the 3% shortening phase of the impacted columns, and within 0.02 seconds after impact.
A collapse driven only by gravity would not continue to progress beyond that point.

LF: Former German Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack Guide the planes in, then destroy the crime scene

Former Helmut Schmidt cabinet member, 25-year German Parliamentarian and global intelligence expert Andreas Von Bülow says that ..."the 9/11 attack was run by the highest levels of the US intelligence apparatus using WTC Building 7 as a command bunker which was later demolished in order to destroy the crime scene."

Former German Minister Says... "Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack Guide the planes in, then destroy the crime scene"


The German Minister says he believes the WTC Buildings were rigged with explosives while Marvin Bush was involved with security for the airlines and the World Trade Center Buildings

Building #7 held offices of the CIA......

Many Americans much of who are prominent physicists, scientists, architects believe likely after an hour was taken to determine where to start the collapse sequence of explosives.

WTC1 went from the top photo to the bottom photo.


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look. still no explosives!!! :cuckoo:

Gordon Ross is a sincere researcher who is actually pitifully trapped by the FEMA deception.

The logical incongruities of the plane impacts and final demise, related to collapse of demo, that must be explained are huge. So I did not read the .pdf. I've thought a great deal on these fundmental issues.

The tower on the right, top above is WTC 1. Flight 11 cut 61% of the shear wall on the north face. Why then is the top of WTC 1 falling south below?


Then, the top of WTC 2 falls west when the tower was hit on the south east corner, then the major portion of the upper tower falls east(?)


Clearly, the direction of topple of both towers intact portions was in the wrong direction twice. Fires will not explain this huge inconsistency.

Then, there is another altogether fundamental realization. There must have been no remote control of plane or explosives and lunatic muslim pilots were at the controls.

Not all of the official story has to be wrong, just the part about why the towers came down. Accordingly, the logic behind the "assertion of no remotes", is that IF there were remotes, the impact/fall sequence of the towers would be correct. Or the first tower hit, hit hardest, burnt worst, WOULD fall first. It did not.

MEANING, if there were remotes, last minute changes would have been possible to make a correct sequence. The backwards sequence is a glaring inconsistency with logic. So there is at least one good reason to think there were lunatic muslim pilots beside GWB saying so.

Then, assuming for comprehensive analysis that there were hijackers flying, what if flight 11 was supposed to hit WTC 2 instead of one, and hit it on the west side, near the top. And flight 175 was supposed to hit WTC 1 on the south, second. Then the apparent direction of fall of the towers pieces AND the impact fall sequence would make some kind of sense.
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look again. still no explosives!!! :cuckoo:

your video is a joke simpleton give it up

a joke? 3000 dead people is a joke? you are looking at thousands of people dying and this is a JOKE to you?

the building clearly buckles in the video. you can play all the "government planted explosives" games that you like. its a free country and you are entitled to your opinions no matter how FUCKING STUPID THEY ARE!!!

but to call a video showing thousands of americans dying a JOKE is just fucking disgusting.
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Here, let me slow it down for you. Listen and learn....

Here, let me slow it down for you. Listen and learn....

i see air pressure inside a collapsing building being higher than the air pressure outside resulting in air being forced out broken windows.

your video is so ridiculous that it actually helps support the official story. you do realize that the more crazy things you post the more you prove that your whacko conspiracy theories are crazy, right?
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