MLK would be labeled woke/racist by white people if he were alive today

Your opinion of uniting is not uniting, it's saying things that make whites feel comfortable. If King was such a uniter why did a white man murder him? You guys post bullshit like what you have done with no links. You can't even explain why you think the OP would call King an Uncle Tom. Then if I don't show you, then I have to read the classic saltine defense of you didn't show me so its not true. Well you were shown what an Uncle Tom is and since King was working for the betterment of blacks and not against it, there is no way in hell the OP would call him an Uncle Tom. Your ass has distilled Kings life to one sentence but he said a lot more and whites like you didn't like it.

In August 1966, less than two years before King was gunned down, when a Gallup Poll asked Americans for their opinion of King, 63 percent of Americans had an unfavorable opinion of the civil rights icon. In a Harris Poll that same year, 95 percent of African-American respondents gave King a favorable rating.

In that same Harris Poll, 54 percent of whites said that they would not march or protest if they “were in the same position as Negroes,” and two months later, in October 1966, 85 percent of whites (pdf) said that civil rights demonstrations hurt Negroes more than they helped. By December, many whites had changed their minds, but 50 percent told Harris pollsters that Martin Luther King Jr. hurt “the Negro cause of civil rights.”

The numbers were more like 75 percent of Americans. And as you can see, most white people did not approve of King or the Civil Rights Movement.

In 1968, Nearly A Third Of Americans Said MLK Brought His Assassination On Himself​

While he was alive, most white Americans didn't think Martin Luther King Jr. was helping the cause of civil rights.

Back in the 1960s, when King was actually leading protests, just 36 percent of white Americans thought he was helping “the Negro cause of civil rights,” according to historical polling data compiled by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. In a 1966 Gallup poll, more than 60 percent of the public rated King more negatively than positively.

After King was assassinated, two-thirds of Americans said their strongest reaction to his death had been sadness, anger, shame or fear, another survey found. Another 31 percent, however, said they “felt he brought it on himself.”

King’s convicted killer, James Earl Ray, received a flood of supportive letters while he awaited trial, the Los Angeles Times noted.

“King stirred up violence and caused many to lose their lives,” one Californian wrote Ray. “The FBI classified him as a trouble-maker. If you killed King, you did a good job, for he had it coming to him.”

Have a cookie. Because you were a white kid then and you probably didn't pay a lot of attention to what was going on. I saw how the movement worked at the local level and the white resistance to it. We were in local marches with our parents. We went to city hall with our parents. We went to school board meetings with our parents. We attended political events with our parents. We had fights with white kids who called King Martin Luther Coon. Those kids are now like you, trying to repeat one sentence and make claims about how blacks today would not be approved by King.

You guys need to keep that mans name out of your mouths unless you are willing to face what he truly represented and not what you want to gaslight us with. Blacks know what he stood for and he is the original BLACK LIVES MATTER.
So the 75% you just made up. Thanks for the admission.
So you admit that you’re a racist. Good for you.
No, that term was created by a white person and not every white person has white fragility. Maybe you educate yourself so that you don't embarrass yourself with false equivalences.
IM2 lives in a fantasy world so he needs to deny things that are obviously true. Such as him being the most racist person on USMB for example.
You win that one. I live in reality.
So the 75% you just made up. Thanks for the admission.
No, I did not make that up. 75 percent of America hated King. As the numbers show, 85 percent of whites disapproved of the civil rights movement King was leading. But nice try. You still are unable to explain why the OP would call King an Uncle Tom. That's what YOU made up and THAT'S what is in contention.
No, I did not make that up. 75 percent of America hated King. As the numbers show, 85 percent of whites disapproved of the civil rights movement King was leading. But nice try. You still are unable to explain why the OP would call King an Uncle Tom. That's what YOU made up and THAT'S what is in contention.
Yep, he was an Uncle Tom, he was loved.
Yep, he was an Uncle Tom, he was loved.
Explain how you think the OP would call King an Uncle Tom. Because whites didn't love him when he was killed and racist whites wouldn't love him now. You love one sentence he said, you don't love King. Because he said this too:

Where do we go from here? First, we must massively assert our dignity and worth. We must stand up amid a system that still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of values. We must no longer be ashamed of being black. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.

Even semantics have conspired to make that which is black seem ugly and degrading. In Roget’s Thesaurus there are some 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, such words as blot, soot, grim, devil, and foul. And there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity, and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is the “black sheep.” Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Negro child sixty ways to despise himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of inferiority, and the white child 134 ways to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority. The tendency to ignore the Negro’s contribution to American life and strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning’s newspaper.

To offset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Any movement for the Negro’s freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting to be buried. As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. No Lincolnian Emancipation Proclamation, no Johnsonian civil rights bill can totally bring this kind of freedom. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation. And with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the Negro must boldly throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and say to himself and to the world, “I am somebody. I am a person. I am a man with dignity and honor. I have a rich and noble history, however painful and exploited that history has been. Yes, I was a slave through my foreparents, and now I’m not ashamed of that. I’m ashamed of the people who were so sinful to make me a slave.” Yes, yes, we must stand up and say, “I’m black, but I’m black and beautiful.” This, this self-affirmation is the black man’s need, made compelling by the white man’s crimes against him.

Plenty. Because I am black and have been the one outnumbered by whites. You haven't experienced shit. Jim Crow has not been proven to be justified unless you're ignorant and racist. Which you are.
You don't know the first thing about being White and having to deal with you people. Just compare downtown Atlanta today to the ay it was in 1960 to see all the justification Jim Crow will ever need.
You don't know the first thing about being White and having to deal with you people. Just compare downtown Atlanta today to the ay it was in 1960 to see all the justification Jim Crow will ever need.
Downtown ATl is all darks
. You better not go there at night
No, that term was created by a white person and not every white person has white fragility. Maybe you educate yourself so that you don't embarrass yourself with false equivalences.
You'll have zero cred in these race forums until you admit what we can all plainly see, that you're a racist, which I'm sure that even your friends and family know.
Martin would be labeled racist by the modern Woke-white-conservative-marxists were he alive today.

“Why is equality so assiduously avoided? Why does white America delude itself, and how does it rationalize the evil it retains?

The majority of white Americans consider themselves sincerely committed to justice for the Negro. They believe that American society is essentially hospitable to fair play and to steady growth toward a middle-class Utopia embodying racial harmony. But unfortunately this is a fantasy of self-deception and comfortable vanity.”

— Where Do We Go From Here, 1967

“I contend that the cry of “Black Power” is, at bottom, a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro. I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.”

— Interview with Mike Wallace, 1966

“But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear?… It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

— The Other America, 1968

“The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.”

— The Three Evils of Society, 1967

The Woke-White-Right, Critical Post Racialism Theorists like to cherry pick king to gaslight the modern MLK antiracism movements. King would roll over in his grave if he knew that the moderate whites(a euphemism for racists) are exhibiting the same behavior they exhibited towards him. White people hated king back then, just like they hate the modern woke that continue his legacy. It goes to show you that the woke are right after all, and the white moderates are doing what they've always done.
You are delusional if you dont think that MLK's views are FAAAAAAARRRRRRR closer to the right today than the left. MLK would fucking hate progressives and other woke losers.
You don't know the first thing about being White and having to deal with you people. Just compare downtown Atlanta today to the ay it was in 1960 to see all the justification Jim Crow will ever need.
Shut the hell up racist. There is no justification for Jim Crow.

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