Mitt Romney Spokesman Reveals He’s Not an Automatic ‘No’ On SCOTUS Nominee Confirmation

Regardless of what his hand puppet says it’s a NO vote for the simple reason Trump selected him or her. Heck the moron bought the Ukrainian and Russian garbage hook line and sinker. Snowflake globalists just want to be loved by mainstream media, which is what he is. It’s hard to imagine how Utah would have elect a carpet bagger In the first place.
WTF is up with Grassley? Why is he saying he's a "no" vote on confirmation?!
So I hope Mitt votes for her. Hell, even Collins and Murkowski should vote to confirm AFTER the election.
LOL, Mittens isn't fooling anyone. He's just hoping to have his McCain moment, and will vote no.
He can get away with betraying Republicans, he throws his career away if he betrays Mormons. There is simply no doubt that the voters than sent him there would expect him to confirm a Constitutionalist to the high court. Remember, Mormons differ from Christians a bit on this. They view the Constitution and Declaration as divinely inspired. Christians may admire and appreciate these documents, but Mormons take patriotism to an entirely different level. Romney would be committing a very grave error, that would likely never be forgiven. The idea that the offspring of Orson Pratt would betray the nation like that, would be a shock so severe that even his children could be tainted by the shame.

Mormon scriptures prophecy that the Americas would sprout a place of “promise,” a “land of liberty.” Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are taught that God “raised up” these “choice spirits” to establish a divinely inspired Constitution and a Declaration of Independence that proclaims “all men are created equal.”

AND JUST LIKE THAT, THE MEDIA IS BACK TO HATING MITT ROMNEY: Romney Supports Holding a Vote on Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee.

Yesterday, Colorado GOP Senator Cory Gardner also threw his support to Mitch McConnell. That’s 51 and the ballgame, unless something changes.”


Mitt Romney suddenly reverts to previous status as a dog-torturing venture capitalist.​

Cocaine Mitch wins again.

Sen. Mitt Romney said he would support a floor vote on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court, essentially clinching consideration of Trump’s nominee this year despite the impending election.​

Just two Republican senators have asked for the party to put the breaks on the confirmation. And with a 53-seat majority, Senate Majority Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) now has the votes he needs to move forward with a nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.​

“I intend to follow the Constitution and precedent in considering the president’s nominee. If the nominee reaches the Senate floor, I intend to vote based upon their qualifications,” the Utah Republican said in a statement.​
That adds up to 51. The writing on this wall came yesterday after retiring Sen. Lamar Alexander declared his intent to vote for Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick. Alexander, who usually votes with the majority but likes to work across the aisle, was one of the big votes McConnell needed in harness, pour encourager les autres.

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are still outside the confirm camp. Collins faces a tough election in Maine, so she probably needs to hang tight to her no vote, at least on the motion to proceed to a floor vote. Murkowski, however, faces a similar political climate as Romney. Alaskan Republicans already tried to oust her once, and her attempts to scuttle a normal process for filling a Supreme Court opening might end up being more damaging than supporting the normal process would be. She may try to eat their cake and have it too by voting against the motion to proceed but voting to confirm the specific nominee in the end.

Romney goes Bold and Big:


Colorado GOP Sen. Cory Gardner announces he will vote to confirm Pres. Trump's Supreme Court nominee.


For the first time in my recent adult life, I'm feeling proud to be a Republican!

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