Mitch McConell tries to submit the Jobs Bill for a vote and Reid says NO

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Obama has been running around the country saying republicans are blocking HIS jobs bill in an attempt to allow bridges to crumble and to make him look bad right? So lets look at the ACTUAL FACTS shall we.........

NO ONE in the House (Republican OR DEMOCRAT) has signed onto (sponsored) the bill and offered it on the House floor for consideration. NO ONE! Where is Pelosi?

In the Senate Reid said in an interview that too many Democrat coleges were up for re-election to risk voting for TAX INCREASES. McConell has offered the bill for a straight up or down vote and Reid has blocked his efforts saying he is playing a game.
How is it a game when Obama KEEPS DEMANDING THEY PASS THIS BILL NOW! HE ISNT DEMANDING THAT THEY DEBATE THE BILL NOW. McConell wants everyone on record as to their position. Reid simply doesnt want the public to see that they in fact DONT support the president on this issue.

If its not quite clear to you now that it is Obama playing games your either QUITE STUPID or your so partisan that you dont care. Either way if you cant admit it your opinion is nullified.

Obama has NOTHING that is popular to run on besides killing terrorists and even the last one he killed is causing controversy. Simply put he has no choice but to muddy the water with half truths and lies and hope the people are stupid enough to fall for it if he is to have ANY chance at gaining a second term.

Then you have this.......... Reid says its RIDICULOUS AND UNFAIR to vote on the bill without debate. WHERE WAS THE FUCKING DEBATE ON THE HEALTHCARE BILL????????????????? (hint, hint....behind CLOSED doors, with ONLY Democrats)
WE HAVE TO VOTE FOR IT TO SEE WHATS IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reid is hiding behind the China issue because he doesnt want to have his agenda exposed.

[ame=]GOP challenges Senate Dems to vote on jobs bill - YouTube[/ame]

:eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray: :eusa_pray:
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Im sorry, I didnt notice the board was full with this issue. Ive been pretty busy lately and havnt kept up with the board like usual.
Obama uses this rhetoric in campaign speeches for his minions, it shores up the mindless. It's getting out there in the media that this isn't just a republican ploy, but the democrats are not onboard with Obama's bill either.
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Obama uses this rhetoric in campaign speeches for his minions, it shores up the mindless. It's getting out there in the media that this isn't just a republican ploy, but the democrats are not onboard with Obama's bill either.

I have been suprised by Meet The Press lately. They have actually started taking Obama to task for some of his simpleton solutions and remarks. His support is evaporating.....
If its not quite clear to you now that it is Obama playing games your either QUITE STUPID or your so partisan that you dont care. Either way if you cant admit it your opinion is nullified.

This is really what it's come down to at this point and why I think that if Obama is somehow re-elected in 2012, the Republican Party officially becomes obsolete as a viable 2nd party because if the GOP can't win a general election in this current environment where the Marxist ideology being applied by the Obama Administration is so blatant and so transparent, then the demographics have simply hit the point where moving forward it becomes mathematically impossible for a (R) ticket to ever win a presidential election.
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If its not quite clear to you now that it is Obama playing games your either QUITE STUPID or your so partisan that you dont care. Either way if you cant admit it your opinion is nullified.

This is really what it's come down to at this point and why I think that if Obama is somehow re-elected in 2012, the Republican Party officially becomes obsolete as a viable 2nd party because if the GOP can't win a general election in this current environment where the Marxist ideology being applied by the Obama Administration is so blatant and so transparent, then the demographics have simply hit the point where moving forward it becomes mathematically impossible for a (R) ticket to ever win a presidential election.

He may not know what hes doing but hey at least he is a hip articulate black man so thats an automatic sheep youth and black voting base

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