Mister Speaker Donald J. Trump…is it possible?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Could you imagine? What would Democrats do…what would the establishment do?

The Patriot Voice:

TWO YEARS AGO TODAY we sat in front of our televisions and wept for an election which we knew was unlawfully stolen from the American people.

While seemingly unconventional, the following theory is legal. The following is a theory from Ivan Raiklin on How Trump Could Become Speaker of the House and Impeach Biden:

The Steps Would Include:
1. Full exoneration.
2. Exposing everyone who conducted illegal activity against Trump
3. Reinstatement of Trump which would require, at minimum: Arizona Mark Finchem , Michigan Christina Caramo, and Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano decertifying their 2020 electors via their respective Secretaries of State appointed by Governors.

The Impeachment Managers:
Matt Gaetz
Joe Kent
Paul Gosar

How It Would Work:
1. When Speaker Trump is elected on January 3, 2023, he gets immediate immunity from the Department of Justice, FBI, raids, lawsuits, etc.

2. Trump appoints his Sergeant at Arms.

3. His Sergeant at Arms releases all 14,000 hours of January 6, 2021 tape to get the real story out and all communications at the Capitol and does criminal referrals on ANTIFA and BLM members who have yet to be arrested, and reconsider all peaceful/nonviolent attendees.

4. Impeachment hoax nullification hearings begin. During those hearings across all 30 committees that Trump is now the Speaker of, there would be 24/7 uncensored televised broadcasting on all CSPANS 1, 2, and 3, to expose the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the last 3 administrations (Bush, Obama, Biden, and Deep State crew) of all their illegal activities, and how the fake impeachment hoax occurred, all the way back to Crossfire Hurricane.

5. Afterward, the House votes to nullify Trump Impeachment Hoax 1. And then the House votes to expel impeachment managers who were involved in Impeachment Hoax 1.

6. Nullify Impeachment Hoax 2. Get all players who were involved or expelled out of Congress.

7. Introduce Articles of impeachment against Biden, which would include, at least: (1 ) Crossfire Hurricane (2) Unmasking General Flynn (3) Afghanistan withdrawal

8. Garrett Ziegler testifies on the Hunter Biden laptop.

9. The 60 former Intelligence officers who claim the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation would testify as witnesses. Give them 6 hours and if they don’t show up we’ll give them the Bannon treatment.

Would he even fit in the chair? Can he lift a gavel at this point?

Could you imagine? What would Democrats do…what would the establishment do?

The Patriot Voice:

TWO YEARS AGO TODAY we sat in front of our televisions and wept for an election which we knew was unlawfully stolen from the American people.

While seemingly unconventional, the following theory is legal. The following is a theory from Ivan Raiklin on How Trump Could Become Speaker of the House and Impeach Biden:

The Steps Would Include:
1. Full exoneration.
2. Exposing everyone who conducted illegal activity against Trump
3. Reinstatement of Trump which would require, at minimum: Arizona Mark Finchem , Michigan Christina Caramo, and Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano decertifying their 2020 electors via their respective Secretaries of State appointed by Governors.

The Impeachment Managers:
Matt Gaetz
Joe Kent
Paul Gosar

How It Would Work:
1. When Speaker Trump is elected on January 3, 2023, he gets immediate immunity from the Department of Justice, FBI, raids, lawsuits, etc.

2. Trump appoints his Sergeant at Arms.

3. His Sergeant at Arms releases all 14,000 hours of January 6, 2021 tape to get the real story out and all communications at the Capitol and does criminal referrals on ANTIFA and BLM members who have yet to be arrested, and reconsider all peaceful/nonviolent attendees.

4. Impeachment hoax nullification hearings begin. During those hearings across all 30 committees that Trump is now the Speaker of, there would be 24/7 uncensored televised broadcasting on all CSPANS 1, 2, and 3, to expose the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the last 3 administrations (Bush, Obama, Biden, and Deep State crew) of all their illegal activities, and how the fake impeachment hoax occurred, all the way back to Crossfire Hurricane.

5. Afterward, the House votes to nullify Trump Impeachment Hoax 1. And then the House votes to expel impeachment managers who were involved in Impeachment Hoax 1.

6. Nullify Impeachment Hoax 2. Get all players who were involved or expelled out of Congress.

7. Introduce Articles of impeachment against Biden, which would include, at least: (1 ) Crossfire Hurricane (2) Unmasking General Flynn (3) Afghanistan withdrawal

8. Garrett Ziegler testifies on the Hunter Biden laptop.

9. The 60 former Intelligence officers who claim the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation would testify as witnesses. Give them 6 hours and if they don’t show up we’ll give them the Bannon treatment.

Its a pipe dream that MAGA clings to because they have lost the capacity to distinguish desire driven fantasy from reality.
Why would Republicans want to see Trump lose a second time?

More importantly, why would Trump want the job when he endorses McCarthy?
It's because we know the House has become a Joke. And it wasn't the Republicans who have acted on the edge the last dozen years and even longer.

The House under your 'leadership' can't perform the simplest of tasks. Its not even particularly hard. Every congress since the 1920s has been able to accomplish it.

But GOP leadership is so wildly incompetent, so mired in ineptitude and drenched in self inflicted chaos that they've accomplished absolutely nothing. Not even electing a Speaker.

10 times out of 10, they fail.

This is what passes for 'leadership' among conservatives. You've made us an international laughing stock. Sigh....again.
Your messiah was terribly unpopular and lost. Get over it and carry on.

A sitting president in the midst of a struggling economy........lost?

Impossible! Its only happened 3 out of 3 times its occurred the last 40 years.

The only possible explanation is the most diabolically complex international conspiracy ever conceived involving republican secretaries of State, North Korean submarines, secret CIA bases in Germany, Democratic 'mules' by the thousands, and the ghost of Hugo Chavez.

All so expertly executed that it left jack shit for evidence that it ever occurred.
Another Trump lose. Too funny. 1 single vote. One. Out of 435 possible supporters.

Would he even fit in the chair? Can he lift a gavel at this point?


Did you really cry over Trump's loss? What a pussy.

No. Next preposterously stupid idea? :auiqs.jpg:

Its a pipe dream that MAGA clings to because they have lost the capacity to distinguish desire driven fantasy from reality.

They laughed at the “1”! Hilarious.

I think I see the play here CLEAR as day…
Ok, just so there is NO confusion, Trump’s name would NOT be on the ballot if he wasn’t absolutely OK with being Speaker of the House.
Matt Gaetz was likely asked by DJT to nominate his name for Speaker, to get him on the ballot.
The House Republicans have mentioned several times how much they like DJT’s policies.
WHO are they going to vote for when McCarthy drops out, DJT flies to DC & enters the House chamber???
Serious question.
Be honest….if Trump were to show up in the house chamber tomorrow and accept the nomination to become Speaker would any of you kill yourselves?
He could still run for president if he becomes speaker, yes?

See, all this should tell you something.

The speakership is about money, and they don't want Trump near the money.

Because Trump doesn't recognize their elite tax free insider trading status. And he'll shut down their gravy train.

The Republicans are just as corrupt that way, they get their money from the same places the Dems do. Not even the Republicans want Trump near their money.

Congress is a cesspool. They haven't passed a budget or an immigration bill in what... 30 years?

Look at the concessions demanded by the PACs, look at the concessions bring demanded by the rightards. They're all about money. Not policy, not ideas, not solutions - money.

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