Missouri Lawmaker Says Consensual Rape in Debate About New Abortion Laws

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

Trump's supporters are glad to be on board with a sexual perv; they voted for it, knowingly

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

Having an orgasm while being raped does not equal consent.


Some women have intense orgasms while being raped at DuckDuckGo

I Had My First Orgasm While Being Gang Raped! Confused &

Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies?

Woman Falsely Accuses Man of Rape & Then Says She 'Forgot' There Was Consent - Brass Pills

Woman jailed for falsely screaming rape prompting mob to beat innocent man to DEATH | Daily Mail Online
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Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

oh wow, look; some asshole attempting to rationalize rape.

I bet you are a 'conservative'
Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.
That a woman orgasms during a rape is not admissible in any court. It is considered an involuntary physical reaction.

Once we scrubbed the crime of Seduction we have nothing to charge these mental or emotional rape incidents. Women who falsely accuse men of rape are going to have to start going to prison. It's getting out of hand.
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

oh wow, look; some asshole attempting to rationalize rape.

I bet you are a 'conservative'

You are trying to play politics with rape...a deslpicable thing to do.

Rape has nothing to do with politics....just ax Bill Clinton
While the crazy angry left focuses pretend outrage about a state republican legislature's gaffe regarding the connection between "consensual" and date rape, nobody seems concerned that a doctor who happens to be Governor of Virginia is on the record for advocating manslaughter. In a statement supporting a poorly written abortion bill by a democrat legislator, Gov. Northam said that the "baby would be made comfortable" while the parents and the doctor discuss how to kill it as if it was a freaking puppy that nobody wanted. You can depend on the liberal media to launch into feigned outrage about the word "consensual" while babies are being murdered every day and democrats are trying to expand the abortion concept to living humans. No surprised here.
Last edited:
Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

oh wow, look; some asshole attempting to rationalize rape.

I bet you are a 'conservative'

You are trying to play politics with rape...a deslpicable thing to do.

Rape has nothing to do with politics....just ax Bill Clinton

you are the one attempting to rationalize rape; not me

what a fucking moron U R
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.
That a woman orgasms during a rape is not admissible in any court. It is considered an involuntary physical reaction.

Once we scrubbed the crime of Seduction we have nothing to charge these mental or emotional rape incidents. Women who falsely accuse men of rape are going to have to start going to prison. It's getting out of hand.

I would agree that in most cases it probably is a involuntary response....but it happens and it coinfuses a lot of women making them feel guilty when they should not feel guilty just because they have a very intense and enjoyable orgasm.

Not to say some women should not blame themselves aka those who put themselves in a situation they should have had better sense than to get into....or those who get intoxicated whilst alone or with people who are not her friends and will not help her if she gets in trouble.

I say all this and all the other things I have said about rape to point out that it is not a simple thing...rape can be very complex....and women differ in how they handle it...some never get over it...some even committ suicide...so it is not something to be handled lightly...it needs to be talked about and especially women need to understand that there are things they can do to avoid it or if it happens to them...there are things they can do to defend themselves if they are properly prepared.

Above all they need to understand who the perps are...how to spot them and avoid them etc.

The media bears a lot of responsibiity for covering up the group that does the majority of rape....thus a lot of naive and innocent girls get into situations they perhaps would not have gotten into if the media had spread the word on who is doing most of the raping. But since it is not politically correct to point out the perps ...some women suffer grievious consequences they could perhaps have avoided if they had been better informed...thus the media has blood on their hands for not being more involved in promoting public safety.
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If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.
That a woman orgasms during a rape is not admissible in any court. It is considered an involuntary physical reaction.

Once we scrubbed the crime of Seduction we have nothing to charge these mental or emotional rape incidents. Women who falsely accuse men of rape are going to have to start going to prison. It's getting out of hand.

True but unfortunately it is going the other way...women are being given too much credibility in cases where they have little or no credibility....women falsely screaming rape has put a lot of innocent men in prision and even gotten some killed.
Students cleared of rape sue college, claim they were sexually harassed by allegations

These lesbo activists ...some of which we see on here seek to promote the idea that all men are evil and all women are angels....thus my posts to demonstrate it is not that simple and that evil women do exist like some evil men do.

We need to re-assert some common sense into a society driven by the fallacious ideology of political correctness.

woman falsely accuses man of rape
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Should a woman go to a strange bar alone...of course we all know some do....but are they just axin for trouble? Or....perhaps they have a rape fantasy?

Here is how one things about it............ "If you've read any of my posts you'll know that my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago. IT was bound to happen...anyways I'm ok with it...we have NC for a while---except when he came over the other day to get a few things. We moved away together to attend school...I haven't really made any friends down here. That part kind of sucks, but the alone time has been really good too. I'm finding "my old" self and trying to regain some self-confidence. It's a beautiful night tonight and I really feel like going out. I have gone to a bar by myself once...it was weird. Nasty old men kept hitting on me. I just wanted a freakin' beer and they wouldnt leave me a lone. I know I'm damn sexy, but why do the nasty men have to hit on me DO u think it's a bad idea for a girl to go to a bar by herself. I mean --I'm not looking to get any or anything like that. I'm jsut hoping to meet some girls and guys who are cool and want to shoot the breeze...I just wanna have a good time. I don't want to send the wrong impression...like i'm a hore or easy or looking for action or anything like that. I dunno...I'll probably just rent a movie."
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

Some want to sensationalize rape, make it political, profit from it etc.etc.etc. and so on and so forth ...in other words they just want to make too much of it...like it is the worst thing in the world....do not get me wrong...it is not a good thing for sure...but it happens and most women get over it....those who let it ruin their lives or even go and kill themselves because they cannot deal with it have been misled unfortunately....being convinced that it is the most horrible thing in the world they thus cannot cope and even in many cases blame themselves out of a misplaced sense of guilt aka having orgasmed ....anyhow here is some interesting commentary................Rape isn't that bad. : unpopularopinion

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

oh wow, look; some asshole attempting to rationalize rape.

I bet you are a 'conservative'

You are trying to play politics with rape...a deslpicable thing to do.

Rape has nothing to do with politics....just ax Bill Clinton

you are the one attempting to rationalize rape; not me

what a fucking moron U R[/QUOTE

What I am attempting to do is to shed some light on the subject....it is ot a black and white issue....many complexities, much ignorance and misunderstanding and a lot of women feel guilty and due to how rape has been exploited in an attempt to play politics...has led women to consider themselves something less than human just because they got raped....not realizing it is not something they should let ruin their lives....or something that such great importance should be attached to it...in other words....if they have the proper mindset set they can get over it and go on to have enjoyable and productive lives.

History of rape culture and how African customs promote it - Face2Face Africa
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Fucktard.... we're talking about him grabbing women by the pussy. No one on the planet, including trump, has said he grabbed that married woman by the pussy. I would say it's baffling that you would drag her into this conversation; but knowing how fucked in the head you are, I can't really say I'm surprised.

He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

You leftards have proved that you will gin up false accusations of sexual assault when it serves the agenda.

Thus, we do NOT know that he was talking about personal experience, and there was certainly nothing in the tape that suggested that he was.

AND, let us remember, you are the liar that pretends to not know what the word "let" means, so nothing you say, means anything to you, so should not to us either.
Dumbfuck, it wasn't "leftards" who lined up to accuse trump of groping them against their will.
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Again, trump said that... not the women he groped. Many of the women he groped said they didn't "let" him. i.e., no consent.
I'd really like to see all those CRCs who claim that grabbing some woman in the pussy or just walking up and kissing them try the same thing in public or at work. See how that works out for them.
Women expect the man to make the first move. They are attracted to the male who fits that natural dominant role. Grabbing inappropriately is unacceptable. But a first passionate kiss at a party is nature running it’s course. Lesbian feminists are trying to destroy natural heterosexuality and the beautiful dance that exist between a man and a woman falling in love. There is nothing more thrilling than that first kiss. Liberals are unnatural evil people for wanting to destroy that.

Boys will be boys. Women love it.

One of the first things I learned about women way back there in the good ole days.....when you make a move....make a strong one. You got to let the woman know you really want it and you want it right now....anything less and you will not get what you want.

Sure you might get slapped in the face sometimes...that was expected and laughed about Most women knew how to take care of themselves very well.

I remember in high school we had a teacher....she was very attractive....she took on several football players....word finally got back to the School Principal....they let her and her husband go...he was a teacher also...no muss no fuss....just leave. hehheh
So sexual assault is ok with you, is that right?
I don't drink, so I've never been around a lot of drunk women, nor would I take liberties, knowing they are not in the right frame of mind. Just because they got drunk or decided to get drunk, doesn't mean they wanted you to grab them, nor is it an excuse for you to take advantage. You want to talk about communication, wait when she gets sobered up, then ask what her opinion is of a man taking advantage of her while she's drunk. Then see what she says. And if she says go for it, then have at it. I wouldn't hesitate myself. But I try and exercise enough respect to give the woman in her sober state of mind the green light. But that's me, and I'm not you. Thank goodness!

How do you know when a woman is "not in the right frame of mind"?
I can only go by her frame of mind when she is sober. I'm not God. But I did at least exercise restraint with respect, while she was sober. I'm not a pig who just feels a woman's body is for the taking, anytime my urges tell me to act, sober or drunk. I'm not that weak.

Well, you are certainly convincingly ignorant on what dating and drinking are like.

Perhaps if you have no experience with alcohol, or women on alcohol, you should be more restrained in talking about stuff you admit to not knowing anything about?
I don't need to drink to get a date boss. I've done quite well without masking a date with alcohol. Supplementing a date with interesting conversation reminds me of what the date was about the next day, and who the date was with.

That's nice.

I've dated plenty of women that liked to drink and drink we did. And often then had sex. None of them ever accused me of taking advantage of them.

Your view of sex and alcohol is very wrong. Take it from some one with some actual experience on the matter.

Don't believe me? Ask some of your lib buddies, the questions I have asked you. Both men and women. Some might lie. But most will admit to drinking and having sex while under the influence.

WTF does that have to do with the some some 2 dozen women complaining he groped them inappropriately and without their consent? Do you have any evidence whatsoever they were all drunk?
Fucktard.... we're talking about him grabbing women by the pussy. No one on the planet, including trump, has said he grabbed that married woman by the pussy. I would say it's baffling that you would drag her into this conversation; but knowing how fucked in the head you are, I can't really say I'm surprised.

He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them in that fashion.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

So...why did they not complain about it back when it happened? Oh wait by bad....they had to wait for someone to tell them that it was wrong and they should complain about it. hehheh What they forgot to tell was how big a kick they got out of it.

Would you complain if some woman came up and grabbed your dick...or in your case if some man grabbed your dick? hehheh
Dumbfuck, not complaining at the time of the assault does not absolve the perpetrator.
Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

Well...lets look at this in an objective manner....Trump has been accused of being sexually aggressive i.e. he grabbed a pussy bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Is there any man on here who never grabbed a pussy?....if so....you are probably one of those who kept waiting for the woman to say......please grab my pussy.........hehheh time and pussy waits for no man....you either grab it or you forget about it.

On the other hand the democratic president who was impeached......actually raped women. Why do democrats prefer not to talk about that....hmmmmmmmmm
Meet Bill Clinton’s Accusers
If you grabbed without consent, they should cut your balls off. Period! Who the hell are you to just grab somebody? Answer , a misogynist ass hole if you did.

Don't be silly....nothing wrong with grabbing some pussy...and most women do not mind...they might be a little shocked or suprised sometimes but most of them find it exciting....women are passive...men are aggressive been that way for thousands of years all over the world.

Rape was part of the Native American culture...that was the way they got married...first rape the one you wanted and then she became your wife.

Not saying that is good or whatever...just the way it worked in their culture.

Men in every society have been dominant since the beginning.

Now of course there is a big push going on to make women equal in every respect. Still...very few dominant women around...just a biological thing. That cannot be changed.
"Most women do not mind?" Have you been with most women? Lol! What a misogynist pig.

If what you said were true, we wouldn't have so many sexual harassment cases. Get a clue.

From the little of that person's posts that I've read, that person is using the same rational about raping a woman as pedophiles do about raping and abusing children.

In their mind they believe the woman likes it and wants it and is enjoying it.

As a rape survivor I can tell you, THAT IS A LIE. No woman who is experiencing rape likes it. No child experiencing rape or abuse likes it. I've spent a lot of time with rape survivors in my life through my own healing process and in helping other women through the healing process. Never, not one ever said they liked it. None of them ever acted as if they liked it. All of them, including me, were destroyed mentally, emotionally and physically because of the experience. It takes years. Decades. To be able to get enough past it to be able to be whole. It never goes away. Ever. It just becomes easier to deal with.

That person is a very sick person and should be monitored by authorities. I wouldn't be surprised at all if that person has raped women.

I scroll right past posts like that. It's just way to disgusting for me to read. The very sad thing is that the police and authorities will never do anything to stop this sick person. The horrifying thing is that so many agree with that person.

I have said there are different types of rape...some women do suffer horribly as in being beaten within an inch of their lives and some are murdered by their rapist....so you or anyone else cannot lump all rapes into the same category...there is a great variance in them.

Some women get over it relatively easy and some like you dwell on it and thus increase their suffering. I cannot judge your particular case since you give us no details nor can you categorize all rapes as being like yours...whatever that was.

Anyhow it is documented that many women do orgasm during rape and that pregnancies result from rape at a greater percentage than they do from consensual sex.

It has also been shown that a lot of women's guilt aka blaming themselves for being raped is based in a lot of cases on the fact that they do orgasm during their rape...they should not feel guilty for this...that is just the way womens bodies respond in some or many cases...it is beyond their control.

Thus when some rapists see this...they conclude the woman enjoyed it and leave them their phone number or tell them they will be in contact again.

Do not misunderstand me I am not saying rape is ok or that it cannot be a terrible experience for women. But again ....not all rapes are the same.

Having an orgasm while being raped does not equal consent.


Some women have intense orgasms while being raped at DuckDuckGo

I Had My First Orgasm While Being Gang Raped! Confused &

Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies?

Woman Falsely Accuses Man of Rape & Then Says She 'Forgot' There Was Consent - Brass Pills

Woman jailed for falsely screaming rape prompting mob to beat innocent man to DEATH | Daily Mail Online
He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them in that fashion.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

So...why did they not complain about it back when it happened? Oh wait by bad....they had to wait for someone to tell them that it was wrong and they should complain about it. hehheh What they forgot to tell was how big a kick they got out of it.

Would you complain if some woman came up and grabbed your dick...or in your case if some man grabbed your dick? hehheh
Dumbfuck, not complaining at the time of the assault does not absolve the perpetrator.

Back for more punishment eh? hehheh

After you demonstrated your inability to properly analyze evidence and that you have little or no ability to engage in deductive reasoning and thus had to withdraw from the Zimmerman discussion you once again pop up thinking I guess that you can do better this time....but you begin with an error...not a good start boyo...but hang in there you might learn something.

Anyhow....no one said that a failure to report something when it actually supposedly happened absolves anyone nor does it convict anyone...it simply is a huge mistake if the alleged victim ever wants to charge the alleged perp with a crime. As in...makes it much more difficult for the prosecutor.
He was talking about how women treat rich and famous celebrities differently.

That is not an admission of anything.
He was talking about grabbing women by the pussy which is sexual assault.

He was talking about what women LET rich and famous men do.

Not only did he not claim to have personally engaged in that behavior, but he specifically mentioned consent.

So, once again, everything you spewed from your face anus, turns out to be shit.
Can you take trump's cock any deeper? We know he was talking from personal experience since women came forward and said he groped them in that fashion.

There is no defense too stupid for you to imagine, is there?

So...why did they not complain about it back when it happened? Oh wait by bad....they had to wait for someone to tell them that it was wrong and they should complain about it. hehheh What they forgot to tell was how big a kick they got out of it.

Would you complain if some woman came up and grabbed your dick...or in your case if some man grabbed your dick? hehheh
Dumbfuck, not complaining at the time of the assault does not absolve the perpetrator.
Not having a complaint at the time of the alleged assault does indeed absolve the alleged perpetrator.
How do you know when a woman is "not in the right frame of mind"?
I can only go by her frame of mind when she is sober. I'm not God. But I did at least exercise restraint with respect, while she was sober. I'm not a pig who just feels a woman's body is for the taking, anytime my urges tell me to act, sober or drunk. I'm not that weak.

Well, you are certainly convincingly ignorant on what dating and drinking are like.

Perhaps if you have no experience with alcohol, or women on alcohol, you should be more restrained in talking about stuff you admit to not knowing anything about?
I don't need to drink to get a date boss. I've done quite well without masking a date with alcohol. Supplementing a date with interesting conversation reminds me of what the date was about the next day, and who the date was with.

That's nice.

I've dated plenty of women that liked to drink and drink we did. And often then had sex. None of them ever accused me of taking advantage of them.

Your view of sex and alcohol is very wrong. Take it from some one with some actual experience on the matter.

Don't believe me? Ask some of your lib buddies, the questions I have asked you. Both men and women. Some might lie. But most will admit to drinking and having sex while under the influence.

WTF does that have to do with the some some 2 dozen women complaining he groped them inappropriately and without their consent? Do you have any evidence whatsoever they were all drunk?

See...once again you start off on the wrong foot....do you have any evidence they were not drinking,drunk or under the influence of something....as in prescribed or illegal drugs?

Since none of these cases ever came to trial....no evidence has been presented either way....thus your post is irrelevant...no supprise there....just another exhibition of your illogical approach to a discussion.

You want to play the 'lawyer' as you demonstrate time and again but you lack the ability and you should know by now that some of us actually have a good understanding of the law. hehheh
No means no. End of story.

hate to break it to you, but with some women no means yes,,,

I hate to break it to you, but you are wrong in the eye of the law. If a woman says no, then you better stop, if not risk a rape case.

There is no argument here.

sorry but when the women wants it she wants it,,,she only says no while she undress's

and also the law says she has to file a complaint,,,
And you're a woman so you would know right? Lol! What an idiot.

I do no think most women even today would agree with all these lesbo-fanatics running around trying to keep men from the women...they think they should get all the women for themselves....the incidence of lesbian rape has gone way up.
You really are sick.
"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Again, trump said that... not the women he groped. Many of the women he groped said they didn't "let" him. i.e., no consent.
I'd really like to see all those CRCs who claim that grabbing some woman in the pussy or just walking up and kissing them try the same thing in public or at work. See how that works out for them.
Women expect the man to make the first move. They are attracted to the male who fits that natural dominant role. Grabbing inappropriately is unacceptable. But a first passionate kiss at a party is nature running it’s course. Lesbian feminists are trying to destroy natural heterosexuality and the beautiful dance that exist between a man and a woman falling in love. There is nothing more thrilling than that first kiss. Liberals are unnatural evil people for wanting to destroy that.

Boys will be boys. Women love it.

One of the first things I learned about women way back there in the good ole days.....when you make a move....make a strong one. You got to let the woman know you really want it and you want it right now....anything less and you will not get what you want.

Sure you might get slapped in the face sometimes...that was expected and laughed about Most women knew how to take care of themselves very well.

I remember in high school we had a teacher....she was very attractive....she took on several football players....word finally got back to the School Principal....they let her and her husband go...he was a teacher also...no muss no fuss....just leave. hehheh
So sexual assault is ok with you, is that right?

If you had gone to law school you would have learned that a good lawyer never axs a question he does not know the answer to.

Irregardless....today even a kiss can be construed to be sexual assault, look at all the trouble Biden has gotten into for just hugging a woman or sniffing one's hair...I mean....we need to face reality....things have gone crazy...it is like society has suddenlly flipped out...maybe due to muslim influence...they think a man should not even look at a woman during certain times of the year.

Not even to mention your hypocrisy along with the rest of your fellow democrats...aka attempting to link politics with all this b.s. of alleged mis-treatment of women....as in specifically trying to make it a conservative or republican thing.

You seem not to remember JFK or more recently Bill Clinton who actually went out and raped women....he did not just sniff their hair, or just grab their pussy...he flat out raped women....and hillary stood by him and defended him and then tries to convince women she is just oh so concerned about their rights....ultimate hypocrisy...that is the legacy of the democrats boyo!

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