Mississippi Congressman Becomes Violent With Palestinian American In Congress

" Anthropocentric Psychosis Of Sectarian Supremacists "

* Genetic Religion Went Off The Rails *

That congressman should be expelled.
Why , for rebuking +1400 years of homicide by doctrine from sectarian supremacists for fictional ishmaelism ?

The surah are ordered based on length and surah 9 was written 113th out of 114 in chronology , and unless the scope of qurayshism remains bound with hejaz then all are entitled to self defense against its militant manifesto to implement violence ,

There is not a directive to kill or be killed in the gospel as exists in qurayn for hejaz .

surah 9:111 ( september 11 2001 )
They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an.
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I am telling you they are not, but they seem to be yours with your support for Al Qaeda and a whole bunch of other head hacking savages.

lol you're just goofy. Try to get off drugs, maybe learn some socialization skills and get laid, instead of relying on stray animals.
" Narcissus Conceit Banters Exclusive Self Interest While Committing Acts Accused Against Others "

* Global Demographic Of Homogeneous Versus Non Homogeneous *

So if Jamal Bowman slapped Margie Greene because shes a racist, that would be OK with you?
Which actions by mtg constitute actual violence against individuals based on race ?

Is yearn applied vocabulary misconstruing racialism for racism ?

Individuals should stop misconstruing the literal meaning of an after life through genetic continuance with metaphors for a means by which to achieve a literal after life .

Is there evidence for " kill scapegoat whitey pogrom " to extinguish the japhetic identity through a barrage of commercials predominantly including miscegenation with its phenotype ?

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No. They don't. Since there is no such thing as a "Palestinian".
This sounds like you.

Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind,
" Sectarian Supremacist Homicide By Doctrine Wants Relief But Not By Recant "

* Might Makes Rite When Killing In The Name Of Gawd *

This sounds like you.

Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind,
The author of the qurayn named surah 47 after himself .

47:4 So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if God had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of God - never will He waste their deeds.

47:11 That is because God is the protector of those who have believed and because the Disbelievers have no protector.

47:35 So do not weaken and call for peace while you are superior; and God is with you and will never deprive you of [the reward of] your deeds .
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This sounds like you.

Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind,
Bullshit. They are ARABS. And the ARABS have more land than the USA. Besides ,Islam is the same as Nazism .
Bullshit. They are ARABS. And the ARABS have more land than the USA. Besides ,Islam is the same as Nazism .
You are just an ignorant clown, Zionism has more in common with Nazis, racist and extreme Nationalist ideology with the Nazis they saw themselves as Ubermench the Zionists see themselves as the chosen people.
" Goaded By Gullibility To Breed Themselves Out And Be Supplanted "

* Anti Racist Racists Motivations For Universality Of Fictional Ishmaelism Authoritarianism *

You are just an ignorant clown, Zionism has more in common with Nazis, racist and extreme Nationalist ideology with the Nazis they saw themselves as Ubermench the Zionists see themselves as the chosen people.
The allusion to zionists is that they are of japhetic lineage and the regional semites reject their objectives to establish a religious polity of torahnism within israel .

The anti-racists racist clap trap of the left is directly funded by the sectarian supremacists for fictional ishmaelism that view rejection of its pretentious universality as a threat to implementation , as the pogrom to sack the japhetic peoples of europe has continued for +1400 years .

The sectarian supremacists for fictional ishmaelism believe in abdication to authoritarian dictates of government for implementation of sharia and moreover for the implementation of socialism which is where the left buys into its ploy .

Muslim socialist leaders believe in the derivation of legitimacy from the public, and wish to implement a government based on social welfare and the concept of zakat. In practice, this has been seen through guaranteed incomes, pensions, and welfare.

Islamic religious police (also sometimes known as morality police or sharia police) are official Islamic vice squad police agencies, often in Muslim-majority countries, which enforce religious observance and public morality on behalf of national or regional authorities based on its interpretation of sharīʿah.[1][2]

The practice is generally justified with reference to the religious doctrine of ḥisba, which is based on the Quranic injunction of enjoining good and forbidding evil, and refers to the duty of Muslims to promote moral rectitude and intervene when another Muslim is acting wrongly.[4] In pre-modern Islam, its legal implementation was entrusted to a public official called muhtasib (market inspector), who was charged with preventing fraud, disturbance of public order, and infractions against public morality.

You are just an ignorant clown, Zionism has more in common with Nazis, racist and extreme Nationalist ideology with the Nazis they saw themselves as Ubermench the Zionists see themselves as the chosen people.
Islam is Evil. Mohammed was the Anti-Christ. Allah is the Prince of Darkness.
LOL! wondered when some clown would play the Commie card you have some evidence ? meanwhile it gets worse the code pink Woman was sexually assaulted by a female Cop, she should be arrested for a sex crime.

What sexual assault?
Is everyone who is against Israeli Genocide a Hamas supporter? don't be silly.
Sorry, this big Pally wiggly Propaganda LIE that there is "genocide" of Palestinians was concocted in October of 2023 along with the dumb "occupation " Pallywood Propaganda campaign. This sad middle east war should end for all parties involved. The USA does not need chaos here. Your video shows an aggressive stranger inappropriately touching a US lawmaker and he rightly waves the camera that is invasive away. Thanks again for a CRAP VIDEO Dumbstick
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Sorry, this big Pally wiggly Propaganda LIE that there is "genocide" of Palestinians was concocted in October of 2023 along with the dumb "occupation " Pallywood video Propaganda campaign. Your video shows an aggressive stranger inappropriately touching a US lawmaker and he rightly waves the camera that is invasive away. Thanks again for a CRAP VIDEO Dumbstick
Give it up arsehole you sound deranged.
It isn't even about Religion, it's about Colonialism and Aprtheid just like it was in South Africa, and it's very telling the Zionist State supported the South African nazis for years.
So dumbstickly Ignorant are you...Zionists were an integral part of the Black Civil Rights movement and honored and welcomed as brothers by Martin Luther King, and Jews have always supported South African freedoms


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Soo many people on this thread are catching you Dumbstick liar in your ignorance of reality and outrageous deranged dumbstick LIES !!! See how both Mandela and MLK had Jewish support...go read the truth
There were Jews in the ANC including the leadership of Umkhonto We Sizwe, that doesn't change the fact the Zionist State of Israel supported the South African Nazi Apartheid Regime,Israel also supported that other racist Nazi Regime in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe get back to me when you have learned some History :ahole-1:
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Unfuzz me plz

Hamas wants ceasefire /peace agreement

UN wants ceasefire / peace agreement

Protestors want ceasefire / peace agreement

Even Israeli citizens want ceasefire / peace agreement

US Congress does not want ceasefire / peace agreement


Unfuzz me plz

Hamas wants ceasefire /peace agreement

UN wants ceasefire / peace agreement

Protestors want ceasefire / peace agreement

Even Israeli citizens want ceasefire / peace agreement

US Congress does not want ceasefire / peace agreement


Ham-ass DOESN'T want a peace agreement. They do want a ceasefire, so they can reequip. But that's all it would be for.
There were Jews in the ANC including the leadership of Umkhonto We Sizwe, that doesn't change the fact the Zionist State of Israel supported the South African Nazi Apartheid Regime,Israel also supported that other racist Nazi Regime in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe get back to me when you have learned some History :ahole-1:
No, Jewish people never support anything that deprives Blacks of their dignity.
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