

Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
OK, so If I call a man dressed as a women, a man, then I'm mis-gendering it.

Excuse me, but the trans person is mis-gendering itself. Not me.

And btw, if it boils down to the trans feelings, what about my straight feelings? I don't feel right lying to people. And so I'm suppose to lie when calling some transperson their requested pronoun? Screw that.
Instead of nose jobs, boob jobs, hip jobs and all that other crap they do to themselves, maybe they need to get a surgeon to add an extra layer of skin. As in "thickskin." And just stop with the pitty party bullying tactics.
Your feelings of who you are have the liberty to exercise that freedom, don't deny it to another human because you don't like the choice they have made.
You either support freedom and liberty in the USA or you don't. Even if you think it's crazy or insane to recognize a humans ability to pursue happiness.
Excuse me, but the trans person is mis-gendering itself. Not me.

And btw, if it boils down to the trans feelings, what about my straight feelings? I don't feel right lying to people. And so I'm suppose to lie when calling some transperson their requested pronoun? Screw that.
Right. It's fraud, and I won't participate in people defrauding others. I don't like it when people here pretend to be another sex with their avatars or netnames than they actually are: that's as much fraud as these transvestites. It's important for everyone to know what sex someone is, and if people are lying about that, that's terrible, whatever form it takes.

I'm seriously opposed to lying also. That does NOTNOTNOT mean I'll give up any information any dataminer or busybody asks for, probably won't answer any personal questions anymore, but I don't lie. Truth is a weird, difficult concept so it's hard to know WHAT "not lying" is, exactly, but calling someone I know is a male a woman is a step I'm not willing to take. It's ---- collusion, a sort of crime against other people. And it's giving in to craziness! I'm not going to do that.
The best strategy, imo, is to not cooperate with this Anti-Western Civ nonsense.
Your feelings of who you are have the liberty to exercise that freedom, don't deny it to another human because you don't like the choice they have made.

LMAO.. They don't have a choice. They're either a man or a woman. And and they wasn't given an option.
I don't like to lie, so It's not a choice for me either. No one is going to force me to lie. Period. End of story.
Your feelings of who you are have the liberty to exercise that freedom, don't deny it to another human because you don't like the choice they have made.
you always come up with great babble crap .....
..YOU people try to deny US our liberty of free speech/etc
we want to PROTECT children--you and the fruitcakes want to HARM them = fk you
You either support freedom and liberty in the USA or you don't. Even if you think it's crazy or insane to recognize a humans ability to pursue happiness.

Ability to pursue happiness is identifying as a gender you wasn't born? LMAO.. So they have to lie to themselves to be happy? That's not what "Freedom and Liberty" is about. Not even close.
Forcing others to lie about someones gender denies their freedoms and liberties. Even though they're being honest.

I swear the fake woke, cancel culture trans BS has more power than the 1st Amendment now a days.
That's sick.
Your feelings of who you are have the liberty to exercise that freedom, don't deny it to another human because you don't like the choice they have made.

They can mis-gender themselves all they want to. But that doesn't mean I have to.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

I just want to be left alone and to leave others alone to do their own thing. That's what TOLERANCE is. The Progs want to substitute Tolerance for Participation.

No thank you.
exactly--they want to FORCE their '''beliefs'' on others/children = nazism

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