Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs

I understand it very well thank you...........You just ignore what works............

Riddle me this smart ass................Why has the job participation rate fallen since 2000..............

The labor market in general has struggled for a lot of reasons but among them are trade imbalances/globalization and demand growth not keeping up with productivity growth.

and what actions caused these trade imbalances here in the United States............Why did many of our jobs leave............

A lot of it comes down to the US failing to respond to a changing world. Everything from tax policy to trade policy is based off of a global economy that doesn't exist anymore.

Also foreign nations manipulating our currency doesn't help.
EPA chief visiting China amid record air pollution | TheHill

On Monday, Shanghai warned children and the elderly to remain indoors due to increasing smog that has reached the worst levels since the Chinese government began monitoring it last year.

Last week, Vice President Biden met with China's president to discuss relations between the two superpowers. The two leaders also discussed battling climate change, as China is the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

"We agreed to work with [China] to open up their shale gas to investment and development," a senior administration official said last week.

Free trade with China..........LOL...........Biden going there to boost their shale gas for investment....................perhaps the retard needs to come back home here and do one for the home team..........As they have attacked it here, even though it is growing across the country.............

One area of improvement here..............

China & India Are Building 4 New Coal Power Plants ? Every Week | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

As China and India build 4 coal burners a week................

We attack it here, but give Free Trade to China building the hell out of coal burners.............

Well that's really fair Trade now isn't it...............
The labor market in general has struggled for a lot of reasons but among them are trade imbalances/globalization and demand growth not keeping up with productivity growth.

and what actions caused these trade imbalances here in the United States............Why did many of our jobs leave............

A lot of it comes down to the US failing to respond to a changing world. Everything from tax policy to trade policy is based off of a global economy that doesn't exist anymore.

Also foreign nations manipulating our currency doesn't help.

As our own Fed manipulates it as well.................The global economy isn't the real deal.........It's Free Trade at the bequest of big business.........who leave here to lower their costs and want Free Trade at the cost of U.S. jobs..........

Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.

Let's simply repeal all International Trade treaties created by Clinton and GW and not repealed yet by Obama.
And eliminate Tax Shelters which DON'T promote US citizen employment.

Absolutely............Free Trade to countries with laughable EPA and Wage standards are complete BS, and have outsourced millions of jobs...................While we don't want full protectionism, we should have Fair Trade and not Free Trade............

Yep! Comparative Advantage.
And we DO need to eliminate Federal/State/Municipal cronyism.
What a mess!
BS.........Look at the poverty rates under Obama after 5 years and get back to me..........

Your side creates and underclass by your own policies..........

Who gets out of poverty if you abolish the minimum wage and end all government programs for the poor?

Explain that in detail.

Exactly when did I say I'd abolish the minimum wage................

Exactly when did i say I'd abolish all Gov't programs for the poor.............

You are taking my points out of context...............As usual...........and inputting your own leftist talking points in place of my comments..........Hardly truthful, and Not even close to the truth....................

I've never argued against smaller increases due to the CPI increases..........I've tried to let you know that these increases must be done in reason as there are effects of doing so..................

But you people blab on about chit we didn't even say.........

It's all you have...........Because after 5 years the recovery is a joke.

Oh so you support raising the minimum wage to where it would be if it had kept up with CPI and you support all the government programs for the poor we have.

You should be arguing with your rightwing pals, not with me.
Who gets out of poverty if you abolish the minimum wage and end all government programs for the poor?

Explain that in detail.

Exactly when did I say I'd abolish the minimum wage................

Exactly when did i say I'd abolish all Gov't programs for the poor.............

You are taking my points out of context...............As usual...........and inputting your own leftist talking points in place of my comments..........Hardly truthful, and Not even close to the truth....................

I've never argued against smaller increases due to the CPI increases..........I've tried to let you know that these increases must be done in reason as there are effects of doing so..................

But you people blab on about chit we didn't even say.........

It's all you have...........Because after 5 years the recovery is a joke.

Oh so you support raising the minimum wage to where it would be if it had kept up with CPI and you support all the government programs for the poor we have.

You should be arguing with your rightwing pals, not with me.

I support limited there are effects to do so.............

I don't accept all of the programs for the poor as free phones.............

I believe in a hand up not a hand out...........Where we really disagree is why they need the hand outs............and we disagree completely on the solutions to get people out of poverty.
and what actions caused these trade imbalances here in the United States............Why did many of our jobs leave............

A lot of it comes down to the US failing to respond to a changing world. Everything from tax policy to trade policy is based off of a global economy that doesn't exist anymore.

Also foreign nations manipulating our currency doesn't help.

As our own Fed manipulates it as well.................The global economy isn't the real deal.........It's Free Trade at the bequest of big business.........who leave here to lower their costs and want Free Trade at the cost of U.S. jobs..........

The Federal Reserve manipulates OUR currency by trying to establish a constant effective supply. That is not comparable to China buying USD in order to maintain a trade imbalance.

Finding lower cost labor in other countries is inevitable and good for the economy. The problem is when other countries manipulate capital flows and other things that impact trade making it imbalanced. It is also a problem when the US fails to respond to this new economic dynamic and income inequality grows decade after decade after decade.
Longknife, your thread is getting it's ass kicked. Where are you? Researching?

No. As I stated in the sleep thread, I was taking a brief nap holding my Chihuahua. And, gotta go out in a few minutes and won't get back to this until probably tomorrow morning. :eek:

The whole 'so-and-so left the thread, they can't defend it' is shear idiocy. Not everyone is tethered to their computer, and believe it or not, some people have lives outside the USMB. :cuckoo:
Republicans wouldn't care if they created a real poor class in this country that worked for pennies. This is how they believe in we can compete with China.

I'd rather education and focus on tech, science and compete within areas that we're good at.

This is priceless. Let me guess Matthew, you're ok with illegal immigrants, coming into this country in order to 'do the jobs that (regular-ie, white) americans won't?' And at 'wages that (regular-ie, white) americans won't?'

So your argument is basically, 'why should (regular-ie, white) americans be paid less, when there's so many mexicans?'

By Steve H. Hanke
President Obama set the chattering classes abuzz after his unilateral announcement to raise the minimum wage for newly hired Federal contract workers. During his State of the Union address, he sang the praises for his action, saying that “It’s good for the economy; it’s good for America.”[1] Yet this conclusion doesn’t pass the economic smell test; just look at the data from Europe.

Okay, so don't confront the messenger – read the piece and then jump in. Read more @ Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs | Cato @ Liberty


Well no it doesn't.

It CREATES jobs.

Which is not what the folks you swear fealty to, want.

A tight labor market DRIVES up the cost of labor.

The government forcing a small business to increase the cost of doing business CREATES jobs?? Please explain your logic...
oh like buying stuff.... creating a demand for stuff ... causing them to hire stuff to make the stuff ... so they have stuff to sell ...who would have thunk it ??? not republicans, thinking and under standing stuff, not so much...

Republicans think the rich will buy the stuff :eusa_eh: HOnestly you're right as middle class people turn into lower class people there will be less demand.

This is the problem with republican theory...

Republicans just don't get it ... they can't grasp the Idea that if you give people more income, that they will get more income ... all republicans see is they are forced to pay them more money and that will cause them to cut workers ... when in reality not once in the entire history of min wage law, when their wage has increased did they ever cut jobs ... history has shown us that jobs increased ... time and time again ... I challenge any republican here on these pages show us once when the min wage was increased that companies cut jobs ... just once is all I ask...

What liberals just can't grasp is the reality that when minimum wages increase, the prices of goods are raised to offset the cost to the business owner. So what minimum wage increases do are effectively, NOT help those who just had their wages increased and actually HURT those who did not.
Raising the minimum wage doesn't stimulate the economy any more than robbing a bank and spending the money. Small business owners will get the shaft so that democrats can pander for votes and franchise establishments will lay off workers.

So your saying that historically this min wage has always destroyed jobs, like in 2008? When the rich bastards went bankrupt and needed taxpayers to bail them out so they could stay in business to bitch about paying min wage?
When I ran my company I always paid more than min. wage, even new hires with no experience. You see I wasn't just working to support myself but other families and I knew my help would leave if I were a penny pinching asshole that treated people like wage slaves.

thats so true treat people with respect and they will work their ass off for you ... give them a decent wages and you have them for life ... i always used the sand witch method of correction.with a employee and it did wonders for me ... screaming and hollering only gets you a high turn over ...

"THAT'S SO TRUE" says Billyrock, having not yet caught up to Hunarcy's post about the minimum wage being increased in 2007, just before the market collapse! Which of course invalidates Billyrock's own claim that job losses don't follow minimum wage increases. Seriously, the best writers on the planet, working in tandem, could not script out this level of idiocy.
Minimum wage dles nothing but keep the poor poor lust what the liberals want

tapatalk post

There's truth to that:

"President Barack Obama and fellow Democrats have asserted the need for a $10.10 per hour minimum wage. But a new study suggests that such an increase could have adverse consequences on the very population such an increase seeks to mobilize.

As part of a study from the Employment Policies Institute, Dr. Joseph Sabia, a professor at San Diego State University, analyzed data from the Census Bureau to examine minimum wage increases in instances where the economy is thriving and in a recession. When examining data from 1990 and 2010 — the last three minimum wage increases — Sabia found that a 10 percent increase in the federal minimum wage has a substantial affect on less-educated young workers, with employment reducing as much as 2.3 percent.

“Minimum wage increases fail to reduce overall poverty rates or to reduce the poverty rates among workers,” Sabia said Thursday at a panel hosted by American Action Forum and the Employment Policies Institute.

President Obama issued an executive order Tuesday to raise the minimum wage for those working under federal contracts to $10.10 per hour, a 40 percent increase from the current level of $7.25 per hour. And a bill introduced by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) last year would raise the federal minimum wage to the same level. The proposal is one supported by many Democrats who feel that raising the minimum wage would help lessen income inequality and lift many out of poverty.

“Americans are hard working and the productivity has soared, but their paychecks have not kept pace,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a speech earlier this month. “Stagnant wages and widening income inequality is hurting families, holding back our economy and eroding the basic American principle of respecting work.”

Pelosi, continued, saying raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would “give a long overdue raise to 28 million hardworking men and women,” create 85,000 new jobs and lift more than 4.5 million Americans out of poverty.

But Sabia’s findings speak to the contrary.

He found that an increase in the federal minimum wage does little to help those living in poverty. As cost for low-skilled labor increases with a minimum wage increase, hours for workers can be cut and jobs lost. Additionally, such an increase raises the price of goods for consumers and could cause companies to look toward technology to take the place of human beings. For example, instead of employing workers as cashiers in a grocery store, businesses may turn to self-checkout lanes instead.


Study finds minimum wage increase hurts young, poor

The Employment Policies Institute (EPI) is one of several front groups created by Berman & Co., a Washington, DC public affairs firm owned by Rick Berman, who lobbies for the restaurant, hotel, alcoholic beverage and tobacco industries.

Employment Policies Institute - SourceWatch
Minimum wage dles nothing but keep the poor poor lust what the liberals want

tapatalk post

There's truth to that:

"President Barack Obama and fellow Democrats have asserted the need for a $10.10 per hour minimum wage. But a new study suggests that such an increase could have adverse consequences on the very population such an increase seeks to mobilize.

As part of a study from the Employment Policies Institute, Dr. Joseph Sabia, a professor at San Diego State University, analyzed data from the Census Bureau to examine minimum wage increases in instances where the economy is thriving and in a recession. When examining data from 1990 and 2010 — the last three minimum wage increases — Sabia found that a 10 percent increase in the federal minimum wage has a substantial affect on less-educated young workers, with employment reducing as much as 2.3 percent.

“Minimum wage increases fail to reduce overall poverty rates or to reduce the poverty rates among workers,” Sabia said Thursday at a panel hosted by American Action Forum and the Employment Policies Institute.

President Obama issued an executive order Tuesday to raise the minimum wage for those working under federal contracts to $10.10 per hour, a 40 percent increase from the current level of $7.25 per hour. And a bill introduced by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) last year would raise the federal minimum wage to the same level. The proposal is one supported by many Democrats who feel that raising the minimum wage would help lessen income inequality and lift many out of poverty.

“Americans are hard working and the productivity has soared, but their paychecks have not kept pace,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a speech earlier this month. “Stagnant wages and widening income inequality is hurting families, holding back our economy and eroding the basic American principle of respecting work.”

Pelosi, continued, saying raising the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour would “give a long overdue raise to 28 million hardworking men and women,” create 85,000 new jobs and lift more than 4.5 million Americans out of poverty.

But Sabia’s findings speak to the contrary.

He found that an increase in the federal minimum wage does little to help those living in poverty. As cost for low-skilled labor increases with a minimum wage increase, hours for workers can be cut and jobs lost. Additionally, such an increase raises the price of goods for consumers and could cause companies to look toward technology to take the place of human beings. For example, instead of employing workers as cashiers in a grocery store, businesses may turn to self-checkout lanes instead.


Study finds minimum wage increase hurts young, poor

The Employment Policies Institute (EPI) is one of several front groups created by Berman & Co., a Washington, DC public affairs firm owned by Rick Berman, who lobbies for the restaurant, hotel, alcoholic beverage and tobacco industries.

Employment Policies Institute - SourceWatch

I presume your goal is to impugn the source because you can't refute the content. Kind of sad.
If the jobs are shitty, there's not much to lose. This stuff is just more stale Corporate fear mongering. They're scared shitless they may have to pay workers a decent wage. But oh well, boohoo for them. Time to pay up.
Can anyone explain to me how raising the minimum wage is going to kill jobs?

In states where they VOLUNTARILY decided to raise it, the job market has gotten better.

In states where they keep trying to kill it, the job market is getting worse.

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