Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs

The whole reason for the need to increase the minimum wage is because the Dem are failures on the economy............

So now they demand more Gov't, as they are the reason for job killing Gov't............

That's like asking an arsonist to be the man in charge of putting out a fire he started.........That only works in Liberal Utopia.
Economic Recovery? We'll Take Reagan's, Thanks | NewsBusters

Total job growth during the first four years of the Obama recovery has been 4,657,000 or just 97,020 jobs per month. That's not even enough to hit the breakeven level of 150,000 jobs per month when population growth is taken into account. (video after break)

Now, contrast that with the Reagan recovery. That generated a total of 11.2 million new jobs or 233,333 per month, more than enough to put people back to work. Reagan's best job month garnered the very top ranking since WWII with 1,114,000 jobs added in September 1983. A single month with more than a million jobs added. So far Obama can only wish for such a total.

Tried and true recovery from Reagan after dealing Mr. Stagflation himself...............

Obama's recovery is BS.........

One sides plan worked.......Current admin is a failure.

This is how superstitions are created.

Economics is too complicated for many to understand so they attribute the difference between the Reagan administration and that of others based on ignorant perception.

Things get better when people put down superstition and start to learn how things actually work.


Which part of a different tactic to bring back jobs under Reagan don't you understand. Which part of it's success don't you understand................

A tactic that works...............instead of the failed policies currently underway including the job killing Obamacare.
Tried and true recovery from Reagan after dealing Mr. Stagflation himself...............

Obama's recovery is BS.........

One sides plan worked.......Current admin is a failure.

This is how superstitions are created.

Economics is too complicated for many to understand so they attribute the difference between the Reagan administration and that of others based on ignorant perception.

Things get better when people put down superstition and start to learn how things actually work.


Which part of a different tactic to bring back jobs under Reagan don't you understand. Which part of it's success don't you understand................

A tactic that works...............instead of the failed policies currently underway including the job killing Obamacare.

Obamacare is the problem now? It is like you are actively trying to prove my point.
aka You guys don't know jack squat, and we are always right by being leftist.............

LOL........Billy Bob.............We have something on you that you have no understanding of.............It's called COMMON SENSE...........You post your emotions and create policy based on emotion............Not facts and figures............

Anyone with a brain larger than a pea should understand that business will raise prices to compensate for overhead costs such as labor........Anyone with any common sense would understand that this will lead to making decisions on hiring more people because of the increased costs of doing so.......

Anyone with any common sense wouldn't say, I'm going to tax the S.......out of you you you 1%'s and then say create jobs for my state or city..........Which part of the brain damage are you afflicted with Billy Bob.....................

Hey eagle, you are free to tell your employer that you will work for ever how much he wants to pay you. If that is 5 bucks an hour, oh well.

Matter of fact, why don't ALL you republicans that hate the idea of raising the minimum wage, go to your employer (if you have one) and tell him/her this; say Boss, I know that an increase in minimum wage is gonna hurt you boss, so I and my fellow repubs on the job at your company, we all want to work for 5 dollars an hour.

Will you do that eagle? And if not, why? I know, you would be overpaid at 5 bucks. Right?

You are clueless to the debate......Making wild accusations of how we want everyone to work for less in this debate...............I have stated that increases in minimum wage has economic effects that people like you IGNORE. It is a double edged sword and it does damage on both sides of the equation. Arbitrary raises in the minimum will increase prices of goods and services across the board as these costs are added in as a cost of doing business.

The minimum wage should only appreciate with the CPI, which has been manipulated by the Feds by changing data that it uses to gauge these price indexes.........Too much increases based on emotion rather than using data are BS.

Oh yeah, my statement says I'll be a peasant and work for 5 bucks an hour BS...........You need to get back on your meds.............Reasonable adjustments may be necessary, but not based on your INCOME INEQUALITY BS.............That will cost jobs and raise prices................

The Dems have no leg to stand on here. Their policies have stagnated the economy and don't have jack squat to back up their claims that their policies are the answer. They spent Trillions with little effect. The last 3 years poverty rates are not decreasing as they should with true recovery. More are now on the dole as a result of their policies..............The best way to end poverty is to create jobs, not MASSIVE JOB KILLING legislation that the left ignores even when you smack them across the face with the facts..............They ignore the facts for their statist beliefs.

If we want to end this, we need to vote out all of those Dem losers to end their job killing BS.

Republicans insisted that raising the minimum wage would kill jobs... the early 1990's.

If you've resigned yourself to a belief that the only way your country can be prosperous for some is that it must have a permanent underclass of working poor,

then you have conceded that your nation is a failure.
This is how superstitions are created.

Economics is too complicated for many to understand so they attribute the difference between the Reagan administration and that of others based on ignorant perception.

Things get better when people put down superstition and start to learn how things actually work.


Which part of a different tactic to bring back jobs under Reagan don't you understand. Which part of it's success don't you understand................

A tactic that works...............instead of the failed policies currently underway including the job killing Obamacare.

Obamacare is the problem now? It is like you are actively trying to prove my point.

I could care less about your point.........I'm stating my opinions and if you don't like them well I simply don't care...................

Obamacare has caused an increase in part time employees, and it has greatly effected the jobs in this country.

Your side knows this, but ignores the data..................Even Union leaders have said the same...........but you still cheer for you ignore the reality of what it has done..............
Hey eagle, you are free to tell your employer that you will work for ever how much he wants to pay you. If that is 5 bucks an hour, oh well.

Matter of fact, why don't ALL you republicans that hate the idea of raising the minimum wage, go to your employer (if you have one) and tell him/her this; say Boss, I know that an increase in minimum wage is gonna hurt you boss, so I and my fellow repubs on the job at your company, we all want to work for 5 dollars an hour.

Will you do that eagle? And if not, why? I know, you would be overpaid at 5 bucks. Right?

You are clueless to the debate......Making wild accusations of how we want everyone to work for less in this debate...............I have stated that increases in minimum wage has economic effects that people like you IGNORE. It is a double edged sword and it does damage on both sides of the equation. Arbitrary raises in the minimum will increase prices of goods and services across the board as these costs are added in as a cost of doing business.

The minimum wage should only appreciate with the CPI, which has been manipulated by the Feds by changing data that it uses to gauge these price indexes.........Too much increases based on emotion rather than using data are BS.

Oh yeah, my statement says I'll be a peasant and work for 5 bucks an hour BS...........You need to get back on your meds.............Reasonable adjustments may be necessary, but not based on your INCOME INEQUALITY BS.............That will cost jobs and raise prices................

The Dems have no leg to stand on here. Their policies have stagnated the economy and don't have jack squat to back up their claims that their policies are the answer. They spent Trillions with little effect. The last 3 years poverty rates are not decreasing as they should with true recovery. More are now on the dole as a result of their policies..............The best way to end poverty is to create jobs, not MASSIVE JOB KILLING legislation that the left ignores even when you smack them across the face with the facts..............They ignore the facts for their statist beliefs.

If we want to end this, we need to vote out all of those Dem losers to end their job killing BS.

Republicans insisted that raising the minimum wage would kill jobs... the early 1990's.

If you've resigned yourself to a belief that the only way your country can be prosperous for some is that it must have a permanent underclass of working poor,

then you have conceded that your nation is a failure.

BS.........Look at the poverty rates under Obama after 5 years and get back to me..........

Your side creates and underclass by your own policies..........

Which part of a different tactic to bring back jobs under Reagan don't you understand. Which part of it's success don't you understand................

A tactic that works...............instead of the failed policies currently underway including the job killing Obamacare.

Obamacare is the problem now? It is like you are actively trying to prove my point.

I could care less about your point.........I'm stating my opinions and if you don't like them well I simply don't care...................

Obamacare has caused an increase in part time employees, and it has greatly effected the jobs in this country.

Your side knows this, but ignores the data..................Even Union leaders have said the same...........but you still cheer for you ignore the reality of what it has done..............

You are stating talking points created by politicians. They have no basis in economics or rational thought in general. Understanding of economics is the modern day superstition. Maybe if you throw some salt over your shoulder the economy will get better.
Every Citizen is their own Sovereign. That's what the Founders built upon. You're just an ignorant boob that is afraid of his liberty and the responsibility that comes with it. Therefore, YOU must have Government telling YOU how to run your life.


No..they absolutely did not.

You have trouble reading the Constitution.

And understanding it.

Citizens are not "sovereign" apart from the government in this country.

The Constitution does not bestow that sort of "power" to each and every citizen.

It would be impossible to have a nation if that was done.

This is a crazy and patently stupid argument.

Hey dumbo, PEOPLE were before the Constitution! Sovereign People wrote the Constitution.

"Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights". Those "unalienable rights" are what makes me "sovereign", gives me sovereinty over my person and my property.

The Constitution does not give us Rights, it protects our "unalienable rights".
"Among them", signifies that these are only part of our "unalienable rights".

You don't understand the Declaration Of Independence very well or you'd know that Governments are instituted among men to protect their rights, not to give them rights!


That is not in what's in the Constitution.

And the Declaration of Independence isn't where we draw the power of government to legislate.

You really don't understand the underlying concepts of either.

Forming a government represents a social contract.

Once entered, "The People" are part of it.

As are the representatives of "The People".

In it, "The People" give up some individual "powers" to be part of a community.

For example "The People" cannot mint their own currency.

See how that works?
Obamacare is the problem now? It is like you are actively trying to prove my point.

I could care less about your point.........I'm stating my opinions and if you don't like them well I simply don't care...................

Obamacare has caused an increase in part time employees, and it has greatly effected the jobs in this country.

Your side knows this, but ignores the data..................Even Union leaders have said the same...........but you still cheer for you ignore the reality of what it has done..............

You are stating talking points created by politicians. They have no basis in economics or rational thought in general. Understanding of economics is the modern day superstition. Maybe if you throw some salt over your shoulder the economy will get better.

BS........I'm talking Gov't and their actions leading to killing jobs........which is about the economy.

Any Gov't that spent a couple of Trillion and not create jobs on a massive scale is simply an idiot........Hell a 5 year old would have done a better job..........

Any Gov't that sees millions getting increases in their health care cost and says Oh Well, for the better good aren't serving the people of this country.

When they ignore the rise in part time employment, they ignore the economy...........

You need unemployment increases because of the Gov't Stupidity on economics.................To bail out their own failures as leaders..........

Go to the bubble machine markets, at a cost of 85 Billion a month from the Fed.............Another disaster waiting to happen as they borrow just to pay margin again..............

A recipe for disaster............yet again...........all staged by the idiot politicians ruling the roost..........

2 parties same result........All status quo politicians need to go.............Then maybe we can finally get a real recovery instead of the BS we have now.
You are clueless to the debate......Making wild accusations of how we want everyone to work for less in this debate...............I have stated that increases in minimum wage has economic effects that people like you IGNORE. It is a double edged sword and it does damage on both sides of the equation. Arbitrary raises in the minimum will increase prices of goods and services across the board as these costs are added in as a cost of doing business.

The minimum wage should only appreciate with the CPI, which has been manipulated by the Feds by changing data that it uses to gauge these price indexes.........Too much increases based on emotion rather than using data are BS.

Oh yeah, my statement says I'll be a peasant and work for 5 bucks an hour BS...........You need to get back on your meds.............Reasonable adjustments may be necessary, but not based on your INCOME INEQUALITY BS.............That will cost jobs and raise prices................

The Dems have no leg to stand on here. Their policies have stagnated the economy and don't have jack squat to back up their claims that their policies are the answer. They spent Trillions with little effect. The last 3 years poverty rates are not decreasing as they should with true recovery. More are now on the dole as a result of their policies..............The best way to end poverty is to create jobs, not MASSIVE JOB KILLING legislation that the left ignores even when you smack them across the face with the facts..............They ignore the facts for their statist beliefs.

If we want to end this, we need to vote out all of those Dem losers to end their job killing BS.

Republicans insisted that raising the minimum wage would kill jobs... the early 1990's.

If you've resigned yourself to a belief that the only way your country can be prosperous for some is that it must have a permanent underclass of working poor,

then you have conceded that your nation is a failure.

BS.........Look at the poverty rates under Obama after 5 years and get back to me..........

Your side creates and underclass by your own policies..........

Who gets out of poverty if you abolish the minimum wage and end all government programs for the poor?

Explain that in detail.
I could care less about your point.........I'm stating my opinions and if you don't like them well I simply don't care...................

Obamacare has caused an increase in part time employees, and it has greatly effected the jobs in this country.

Your side knows this, but ignores the data..................Even Union leaders have said the same...........but you still cheer for you ignore the reality of what it has done..............

You are stating talking points created by politicians. They have no basis in economics or rational thought in general. Understanding of economics is the modern day superstition. Maybe if you throw some salt over your shoulder the economy will get better.

BS........I'm talking Gov't and their actions leading to killing jobs........which is about the economy.

Any Gov't that spent a couple of Trillion and not create jobs on a massive scale is simply an idiot........Hell a 5 year old would have done a better job..........

Any Gov't that sees millions getting increases in their health care cost and says Oh Well, for the better good aren't serving the people of this country.

When they ignore the rise in part time employment, they ignore the economy...........

You need unemployment increases because of the Gov't Stupidity on economics.................To bail out their own failures as leaders..........

Go to the bubble machine markets, at a cost of 85 Billion a month from the Fed.............Another disaster waiting to happen as they borrow just to pay margin again..............

A recipe for disaster............yet again...........all staged by the idiot politicians ruling the roost..........

2 parties same result........All status quo politicians need to go.............Then maybe we can finally get a real recovery instead of the BS we have now.

It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.
Republicans insisted that raising the minimum wage would kill jobs... the early 1990's.

If you've resigned yourself to a belief that the only way your country can be prosperous for some is that it must have a permanent underclass of working poor,

then you have conceded that your nation is a failure.

BS.........Look at the poverty rates under Obama after 5 years and get back to me..........

Your side creates and underclass by your own policies..........

Who gets out of poverty if you abolish the minimum wage and end all government programs for the poor?

Explain that in detail.

Exactly when did I say I'd abolish the minimum wage................

Exactly when did i say I'd abolish all Gov't programs for the poor.............

You are taking my points out of context...............As usual...........and inputting your own leftist talking points in place of my comments..........Hardly truthful, and Not even close to the truth....................

I've never argued against smaller increases due to the CPI increases..........I've tried to let you know that these increases must be done in reason as there are effects of doing so..................

But you people blab on about chit we didn't even say.........

It's all you have...........Because after 5 years the recovery is a joke.
You are stating talking points created by politicians. They have no basis in economics or rational thought in general. Understanding of economics is the modern day superstition. Maybe if you throw some salt over your shoulder the economy will get better.

BS........I'm talking Gov't and their actions leading to killing jobs........which is about the economy.

Any Gov't that spent a couple of Trillion and not create jobs on a massive scale is simply an idiot........Hell a 5 year old would have done a better job..........

Any Gov't that sees millions getting increases in their health care cost and says Oh Well, for the better good aren't serving the people of this country.

When they ignore the rise in part time employment, they ignore the economy...........

You need unemployment increases because of the Gov't Stupidity on economics.................To bail out their own failures as leaders..........

Go to the bubble machine markets, at a cost of 85 Billion a month from the Fed.............Another disaster waiting to happen as they borrow just to pay margin again..............

A recipe for disaster............yet again...........all staged by the idiot politicians ruling the roost..........

2 parties same result........All status quo politicians need to go.............Then maybe we can finally get a real recovery instead of the BS we have now.

It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.


Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.
BS........I'm talking Gov't and their actions leading to killing jobs........which is about the economy.

Any Gov't that spent a couple of Trillion and not create jobs on a massive scale is simply an idiot........Hell a 5 year old would have done a better job..........

Any Gov't that sees millions getting increases in their health care cost and says Oh Well, for the better good aren't serving the people of this country.

When they ignore the rise in part time employment, they ignore the economy...........

You need unemployment increases because of the Gov't Stupidity on economics.................To bail out their own failures as leaders..........

Go to the bubble machine markets, at a cost of 85 Billion a month from the Fed.............Another disaster waiting to happen as they borrow just to pay margin again..............

A recipe for disaster............yet again...........all staged by the idiot politicians ruling the roost..........

2 parties same result........All status quo politicians need to go.............Then maybe we can finally get a real recovery instead of the BS we have now.

It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.


Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.
So in response to me claiming you just have politically driven talking points based on superstition you make one of the most over used and tired talking point out there.

If you want to talk economics then learn something about it first.
It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.


Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.
So in response to me claiming you just have politically driven talking points based on superstition you make one of the most over used and tired talking point out there.

If you want to talk economics then learn something about it first.

I understand it very well thank you...........You just ignore what works............

Riddle me this smart ass................Why has the job participation rate fallen since 2000..............

Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.
So in response to me claiming you just have politically driven talking points based on superstition you make one of the most over used and tired talking point out there.

If you want to talk economics then learn something about it first.

I understand it very well thank you...........You just ignore what works............

Riddle me this smart ass................Why has the job participation rate fallen since 2000..............

The labor market in general has struggled for a lot of reasons but among them are trade imbalances/globalization and demand growth not keeping up with productivity growth.
Fewer than 10% of employees who work for federal contractors make less than
$10.00 per hour. In addition, the Obama order will not take effect until late in
2015. The statement was made, and flourishing the pen was performed, for the
sake of political theatre.
What Americans really wanted to hear about was Obama Care and Illegal Immigration.
BS........I'm talking Gov't and their actions leading to killing jobs........which is about the economy.

Any Gov't that spent a couple of Trillion and not create jobs on a massive scale is simply an idiot........Hell a 5 year old would have done a better job..........

Any Gov't that sees millions getting increases in their health care cost and says Oh Well, for the better good aren't serving the people of this country.

When they ignore the rise in part time employment, they ignore the economy...........

You need unemployment increases because of the Gov't Stupidity on economics.................To bail out their own failures as leaders..........

Go to the bubble machine markets, at a cost of 85 Billion a month from the Fed.............Another disaster waiting to happen as they borrow just to pay margin again..............

A recipe for disaster............yet again...........all staged by the idiot politicians ruling the roost..........

2 parties same result........All status quo politicians need to go.............Then maybe we can finally get a real recovery instead of the BS we have now.

It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.


Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.

Let's simply repeal all International Trade treaties created by Clinton and GW and not repealed yet by Obama.
And eliminate Tax Shelters which DON'T promote US citizen employment.
So in response to me claiming you just have politically driven talking points based on superstition you make one of the most over used and tired talking point out there.

If you want to talk economics then learn something about it first.

I understand it very well thank you...........You just ignore what works............

Riddle me this smart ass................Why has the job participation rate fallen since 2000..............

The labor market in general has struggled for a lot of reasons but among them are trade imbalances/globalization and demand growth not keeping up with productivity growth.

and what actions caused these trade imbalances here in the United States............Why did many of our jobs leave............
It is like a laundry list of economic superstitions.


Lets go the economy of the left.........I'll tax the shit out of the 1%'s..........that will create prosperity to our country..........

Your clueless.

Let's simply repeal all International Trade treaties created by Clinton and GW and not repealed yet by Obama.
And eliminate Tax Shelters which DON'T promote US citizen employment.

Absolutely............Free Trade to countries with laughable EPA and Wage standards are complete BS, and have outsourced millions of jobs...................While we don't want full protectionism, we should have Fair Trade and not Free Trade............

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