minimum wage; curb big corperations


Feb 3, 2004
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I understand that an unrestricted minimum wage hike in this country will destroy small buisnesses. But why not have this wage hike apply to only big buisnesses with bad track records such as Wal Mart, and Safeway. What are your thoughts?
Also another note, to you "family based" conservatives, it's pretty hard for daddy to support the family on $5.15 and hour
I understand that an unrestricted minimum wage hike in this country will destroy small buisnesses.

I wouldn't use the word destroy. Most businesses currently pay a little over the minimum wage, it may make a difference, but not a significant enough difference to constitute going out of business.

One of the dirty little secrets in this country is that most workers, apart from high school kids and people with absolutely NO skills WHATSOEVER, make above minimum wage. Not a lot, but above. The Democrats perpetuate this myth to try to make you feel sorry for the "minimum wage working poor". Not very significant.

But why not have this wage hike apply to only big buisnesses with bad track records such as Wal Mart, and Safeway. What are your thoughts?

It's never a good idea to single out a particular business with different legislation. We do it, but it hurts business in general. We need to stop punishing those businesses which are successful and instead create a climate for small businesses that do not want to greatly expand to exist.

Also another note, to you "family based" conservatives, it's pretty hard for
daddy to support the family on $5.15 and hour

If Daddy has kids and is only making $5.15 an hour, he is either too dumb to understand he's in a bad situation and could do better somewhere else or has so few skills that he's borderline retarded.
It's never a good idea to single out a particular business with different legislation. We do it, but it hurts business in general. We need to stop punishing those businesses which are successful and instead create a climate for small businesses that do not want to greatly expand to exist.

The only reason why these companies suceed in this "great capitalistic" Republic is because of the exportation of American jobs through NAFTA and through China.

The reason why Wal Mart is able to have such low prices in this capitalistic country is because its low priced manufacturers in China use prisoner, forced, and slave labor which is uncapitalistic. Doesnt that sound like cheating? With one hand you supplant other buisnesses through the constitutional right of capitalism, and with the other you exploit the forced labor of sweatshops in uncapitalistic countries.
The reason why Wal Mart is able to have such low prices in this capitalistic country is because its low priced manufacturers in China use prisoner, forced, and slave labor which is uncapitalistic.

Partly, but on the whole that is untrue. Wal-Mart has lower prices because they have a better understanding of economy of scale on the whole while understand the cheap value of bulk and an original domestic business model. Their labor overseas is a VERY small component of why their prices are so low.

Doesnt that sound like cheating? With one hand you supplant other buisnesses through the constitutional right of capitalism, and with the other you exploit the forced labor of sweatshops in uncapitalistic countries.

No. It's not "cheating" because there aren't any regulations which prohibit other businesses from doing the same. "Cheating" is compelling a business to do something to increase costs while telling another business they have to follow a completely different set of rules. What you are stating is just a different way of organizing the supply chain. Other businesses are not prohibited from using cheap labor.

It's completely different.
here's a hint, look at the tag of every product sold in Walmart. You'll see most of them are made in China. From appliances to refrigerators. Most of the labor in China is forced.
here's a hint, look at the tag of every product sold in Walmart. You'll see most of them are made in China. From appliances to refrigerators. Most of the labor in China is forced.

That has nothing to do with anything I said. I acknowledged the role of China in Wal-Mart's business model. It's still not cheating. What is your point?
Wal Mart is cheating in terms of Capitalism because they are using forced labor from a non Capitalistic country (China)to increase their gain.

Now let's just get back on track...
Wal Mart is cheating in terms of Capitalism because they are using forced labor from a non Capitalistic country (China)to increase their gain.

Now let's just get back on track...

right, miniumum wage vs. forced labor in China, who derailed?
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