Mind Your Own Damn Business!!!!


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
I think most of you know that I have a full facial birthmark, It's been discussed around here many times. For those not sure what that means.... my face is purple from ear to ear and from the corners of my mouth over the crown of my skull. It also means the skin is not nice and smooth, but somewhat bumpy and my nose is a bit larger than normal. I've been like this my entire life. The birthmark is part of a larger genetic neurological condition called Sturge-Weber Syndrome. About 70-80% of Sturge Weber patients will require 24/7 care for their entire life.

I've learned to deal with being out in public looking like this, and the reactions that it brings from many people. However, in recent years I've noticed the reactions of people becoming much less polite, and noticeably less restrained/kept to themselves. Two incidents this past weekend TRULY pissed me off...

I was in the grocery store that my wife and I shop at all the time. I had a woman come up to me and ask if I would mind if she prayed for me. This is not a terribly uncommon thing for people to ask. Especially older folks or members of the black and latino communities. I generally smile, nod, and move on. Personally, I don't care if they pray or not, since I'm not religious. Well, this woman decided she was going to pray for me RIGHT THEN and RIGHT THERE in the middle of the store, out loud, and WITH ME. I didn't make a scene or anything, but the nearly 3 minute prayer she came up with did annoy me somewhat. Now I'm not sure if I should continue being polite to these prayer requestors or tell them to go pound sand in the future.

The second one came in a local chain restaurant that my wife and I frequent. We had finished our appetizers and I excused myself to use the Men's room. While I was gone a woman wearing nurses scrubs approached my wife and proceeded to tell her how lucky she (my wife) was to have a Sturge-Weber patient who was at least somewhat functional, because this woman (the nurse) had overseen two Sturge-Weber patients when she was a home health aide who were just the worst patients she'd ever had. My wife was stunned by this woman's forwardness. When my wife told her that I was her husband, and she wasn't a nurse, the nurse responded by asking her how she could stand to be with someone who looked like that, and needed so much help. My wife proceeded to explain to this woman that actually I was the one who helped her with her PTSD because I was actually the fully functional member of the couple, not her. That's when I returned. The nurse just shook her head and muttered the word "freaks" as she walked away from the table.

Folks, do us ALL a favor... If you are not 100% certain that you know what someone is actually going through... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!
No I didn't know , I just thought you were a grumpy old man. :) They were both very rude.
I despise nosey people- the lady praying I'd have told her its a bit late- I'd have told the nurse that real freaks are busy bodies.
I despise nosey people- the lady praying I'd have told her its a bit late- I'd have told the nurse that real freaks are busy bodies.

The “Prayer Ladies” have always been the type to walk away after talking to me and just add me to their prayer list. This one was a real evangelical who was gonna do it right then and there, which I didn’t appreciate.

The nurse shocked me a bit because I’ve dealt with medical professionals my entire life and while I know many are jaded, she seemed to actually be upset thst my wife didn’t have to deal with what she had to, and thst I was actually a functioning adult.
I despise nosey people- the lady praying I'd have told her its a bit late- I'd have told the nurse that real freaks are busy bodies.

The “Prayer Ladies” have always been the type to walk away after talking to me and just add me to their prayer list. This one was a real evangelical who was gonna do it right then and there, which I didn’t appreciate.

The nurse shocked me a bit because I’ve dealt with medical professionals my entire life and while I know many are jaded, she seemed to actually be upset thst my wife didn’t have to deal with what she had to, and thst I was actually a functioning adult.
I have a hard time tolerating rude behavior from anyone.
I have a hard time tolerating rude behavior from anyone.

It really seems to have gotten worse in recent years. Especially among the adults and young adults. Kids will say things because they don’t know any better. I’d like to think the adults have better manners than that. I guess not.
^^^ Not everyone is like those people. I never would've been so forward. I most definitely wouldn't have had the nerve to call you and your wife such a name. I was in a similar situation not too long ago. I asked a man if I could ask him what happened to his nose and when he told me that he had cancer, I told him that I would be praying for him and I did. He wasn't mad at me for asking. I was at work when I saw him, but sadly I don't remember seeing him since then. I pray that he is still here even if his nose may not be here anymore. What made his nose stand out so much? It looked someone had tried to set it on fire! For real, it was completely black in the middle. I was horrified.

God bless you and him and your wife always!!!


P.S. My big question now would be why wasn't it covered with any kind of bandage? Wouldn't covering it up keep infection away from him if that still matters since cancer is what was on his plate?
I think most of you know that I have a full facial birthmark, It's been discussed around here many times. For those not sure what that means.... my face is purple from ear to ear and from the corners of my mouth over the crown of my skull. It also means the skin is not nice and smooth, but somewhat bumpy and my nose is a bit larger than normal. I've been like this my entire life. The birthmark is part of a larger genetic neurological condition called Sturge-Weber Syndrome. About 70-80% of Sturge Weber patients will require 24/7 care for their entire life.

I've learned to deal with being out in public looking like this, and the reactions that it brings from many people. However, in recent years I've noticed the reactions of people becoming much less polite, and noticeably less restrained/kept to themselves. Two incidents this past weekend TRULY pissed me off...

I was in the grocery store that my wife and I shop at all the time. I had a woman come up to me and ask if I would mind if she prayed for me. This is not a terribly uncommon thing for people to ask. Especially older folks or members of the black and latino communities. I generally smile, nod, and move on. Personally, I don't care if they pray or not, since I'm not religious. Well, this woman decided she was going to pray for me RIGHT THEN and RIGHT THERE in the middle of the store, out loud, and WITH ME. I didn't make a scene or anything, but the nearly 3 minute prayer she came up with did annoy me somewhat. Now I'm not sure if I should continue being polite to these prayer requestors or tell them to go pound sand in the future.

The second one came in a local chain restaurant that my wife and I frequent. We had finished our appetizers and I excused myself to use the Men's room. While I was gone a woman wearing nurses scrubs approached my wife and proceeded to tell her how lucky she (my wife) was to have a Sturge-Weber patient who was at least somewhat functional, because this woman (the nurse) had overseen two Sturge-Weber patients when she was a home health aide who were just the worst patients she'd ever had. My wife was stunned by this woman's forwardness. When my wife told her that I was her husband, and she wasn't a nurse, the nurse responded by asking her how she could stand to be with someone who looked like that, and needed so much help. My wife proceeded to explain to this woman that actually I was the one who helped her with her PTSD because I was actually the fully functional member of the couple, not her. That's when I returned. The nurse just shook her head and muttered the word "freaks" as she walked away from the table.

Folks, do us ALL a favor... If you are not 100% certain that you know what someone is actually going through... MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!
Such is the arrogance common to most theists.

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