Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
The global socialists are pleased. How to turn this around? Improved education, including history of U.S triumphs and why these battles needed to be won. America First and the return of a thriving middle class.

Trump has the ball and let's hope he spikes it for another 4 years. It will undue a great deal of the damage done to youth that have known very little of the qualities that made America so dominant for so long.

Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says
Millennials don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.
The survey, conducted by Wall Street Journal/NBC News, began 21 years ago when Americans were asked which values were most important to them and the majority responded that “principles of hard work, patriotism, commitment to religion and the goal of having children” were critical.

“Today, hard work remains atop the list, but the shares of Americans listing the other three values have fallen substantially,” Day wrote.
The global socialists are pleased. How to turn this around? Improved education, including history of U.S triumphs and why these battles needed to be won. America First and the return of a thriving middle class.

Trump has the ball and let's hope he spikes it for another 4 years. It will undue a great deal of the damage done to youth that have known very little of the qualities that made America so dominant for so long.

Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says
Millennials don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.
The survey, conducted by Wall Street Journal/NBC News, began 21 years ago when Americans were asked which values were most important to them and the majority responded that “principles of hard work, patriotism, commitment to religion and the goal of having children” were critical.

“Today, hard work remains atop the list, but the shares of Americans listing the other three values have fallen substantially,” Day wrote.

As it should be, because that is EXACTLY where the public school system has been designed to steer them.
  1. America as a bad guy. Not even saluting the flag.
  2. ZERO religious doctrine. Prayer banned.
  3. Family unit gone. Mom is a dad and dad is a mom, there are 26 genders, we're all in the same shower, locker and bathrooms and both parents work anyway. Your cellphone and GameBoy are your new "parents."
improperly raised millennials and their improperly taught and raised kids will get what they deserve is what I think SCanadian .
The global socialists are pleased. How to turn this around? Improved education, including history of U.S triumphs and why these battles needed to be won. America First and the return of a thriving middle class.

Trump has the ball and let's hope he spikes it for another 4 years. It will undue a great deal of the damage done to youth that have known very little of the qualities that made America so dominant for so long.

Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says
Millennials don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.
The survey, conducted by Wall Street Journal/NBC News, began 21 years ago when Americans were asked which values were most important to them and the majority responded that “principles of hard work, patriotism, commitment to religion and the goal of having children” were critical.

“Today, hard work remains atop the list, but the shares of Americans listing the other three values have fallen substantially,” Day wrote.
left wing ideology has been taught in the public schools for a long time now
The global socialists are pleased. How to turn this around? Improved education, including history of U.S triumphs and why these battles needed to be won. America First and the return of a thriving middle class.

Trump has the ball and let's hope he spikes it for another 4 years. It will undue a great deal of the damage done to youth that have known very little of the qualities that made America so dominant for so long.

Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says
Millennials don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.
The survey, conducted by Wall Street Journal/NBC News, began 21 years ago when Americans were asked which values were most important to them and the majority responded that “principles of hard work, patriotism, commitment to religion and the goal of having children” were critical.

“Today, hard work remains atop the list, but the shares of Americans listing the other three values have fallen substantially,” Day wrote.

As it should be, because that is EXACTLY where the public school system has been designed to steer them.
  1. America as a bad guy. Not even saluting the flag.
  2. ZERO religious doctrine. Prayer banned.
  3. Family unit gone. Mom is a dad and dad is a mom, there are 26 genders, we're all in the same shower, locker and bathrooms and both parents work anyway. Your cellphone and GameBoy are your new "parents."
Are Game Boy systems ever played still now?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I still have the first one ever created, but that is the only one that I ever got and I don't even remember the last time that I ever touched it.
I've talked to the millennials at work about politics, they've stated their views.
When enough older whites with common sense kick the bucket and millennials take over, America is screwed.
that's the way I see things in your post number 7 . Once Granpaw and DAD are all gone things in the USA will realy go to heck Lenny .
my view is that millennial and similar types living in the USA think that things will just keep getting Better . They seem to have NO forethought , foresight or to see and think ahead towards the future . Its my OPINION that the Good old days are going away . ------------ just a comment eh .
my view is that millennial and similar types living in the USA think that things will just keep getting Better . They seem to have NO forethought , foresight or to see and think ahead towards the future . Its my OPINION that the Good old days are going away . ------------ just a comment eh .
Sure our best days are behind us. Stupid millennials embrace the diversity which guarantees our doom.
People always complain about the younger generation having no morals or values, but there's one thing that happens in every young person's life that might turn things around for them.

The day they see their first paycheck and see how much the government takes out of it.

I have a female friend who was pretty liberal before that happened, but when she got her first paycheck she became a conservative.
The global socialists are pleased. How to turn this around? Improved education, including history of U.S triumphs and why these battles needed to be won. America First and the return of a thriving middle class.

Trump has the ball and let's hope he spikes it for another 4 years. It will undue a great deal of the damage done to youth that have known very little of the qualities that made America so dominant for so long.

Millennials care less about patriotism, religion and family than previous generations, study says
Millennials don’t value patriotism, family and religion as passionately as previous generations, according to a new survey.

“The values that Americans say define the national character are changing, as younger generations rate patriotism, religion and having children as less important to them than did young people two decades ago,” Wall Street Journal reporter Chad Day wrote about the results.
The survey, conducted by Wall Street Journal/NBC News, began 21 years ago when Americans were asked which values were most important to them and the majority responded that “principles of hard work, patriotism, commitment to religion and the goal of having children” were critical.

“Today, hard work remains atop the list, but the shares of Americans listing the other three values have fallen substantially,” Day wrote.

As it should be, because that is EXACTLY where the public school system has been designed to steer them.
  1. America as a bad guy. Not even saluting the flag.
  2. ZERO religious doctrine. Prayer banned.
  3. Family unit gone. Mom is a dad and dad is a mom, there are 26 genders, we're all in the same shower, locker and bathrooms and both parents work anyway. Your cellphone and GameBoy are your new "parents."
Feel sorry for them for they have no direction. my kids all know about the WWII Korean Police Action, War in Nam the little bitty ones we have had. They know about Commies and what happen under that type of Gov,.
The millennial will ensure the country gets stronger than ever with their work ethic and productivity. The good ole days are gone to be replaced by a lot better days.
What the ancients said about the youth of their day.....

'The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.' Socrates
we will see what happens with the young dopers and hip hoppers , Election coming up shortly so that will be a big indicator in my opinion Jason and ' INIT !!
Just out of curiosity, who birthed and raised the millennial or parents of the millennial?

If millennial's are lacking in pride of country or work ethic it falls on their families not party politics. Perhaps more self reflection is needed on personal roles and responsibilities in this situation rather than reassigning blame to others. Funny how blaming others is one of the behaviors or traits millennial's are accused of doing. I wonder where they learned it?
mostly agree . SOME or many millennials come from doper scum type parents . But that was years ago , so the blame is acknowledged . But that blame being acknowledged doesn't mean anything about what the millennials will do and are doing now or in the future as their scum parents die off Katniss .
I am a proponent of the model that Israel has regarding service to country. Every citizen should serve their country in some way during their lifetime. I also believe the country needs to invest in it's young people via education or training in areas that are relevant to the times that will help America thrive. If you want to promote pride and family you have to give kids something to feel proud about. I have little hope for the country anymore. We have weakened ourselves by attacking each.

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