Milk: America’s Health Problem


Jul 21, 2008
NYC Area
Why is American Milk Banned in Europe?

American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”
Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks.
American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production.

European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards.

Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.)

more here:
Milk: America?s Health Problem

Educate Yourself!!!
I had a thread on this, watch this one too:

[ame=]YouTube - Why You Don't Want rBGH (rBST) in Milk - No More Hormones![/ame]

And this:

Last edited:
This is funny, but sadly it has a lot of truth to it!

[ame=]YouTube - The Onion: Domino's Tests Limits Of What Humans Will Eat[/ame]
I tried messaging you but could not???

Anyway, I seen many of the documentaries.
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Why is American Milk Banned in Europe?

American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”
Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks.
American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production.

European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards.

Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.)

more here:
Milk: America?s Health Problem

Educate Yourself!!!
More corrupt Liberal garbage. This is similar to the global warming hoax.
Make up anything to starve the American people to death.

A cow's pituitary gland naturally secretes BST into the bloodstream. Some of it latches on to receptors in the liver, which then produce Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) which enters the blood as well. These two hormones have many different effects in the body, including increasing the breakdown of fat for energy and helping to prevent mammary cell death.
The amount of IGF-1 and IGF-2 secreted varies greatly by stage of lactation and whether or not an animal is pregnant; most studies have shown that while these hormones are slightly elevated overall it falls within the normal range of variation.
Bovine somatotropin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More corrupt Liberal garbage. This is similar to the global warming hoax.
Make up anything to starve the American people to death.

A cow's pituitary gland naturally secretes BST into the bloodstream. Some of it latches on to receptors in the liver, which then produce Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) which enters the blood as well. These two hormones have many different effects in the body, including increasing the breakdown of fat for energy and helping to prevent mammary cell death.
The amount of IGF-1 and IGF-2 secreted varies greatly by stage of lactation and whether or not an animal is pregnant; most studies have shown that while these hormones are slightly elevated overall it falls within the normal range of variation.
Bovine somatotropin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Speaking of Garbage, got milk?

Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) or Bovine Somatotropin (BST) is a natural protein made by cows. Recombinant BGH (rBGH) is a genetically engineered,synthetic version of the hormone, developed and tested over thepast 10 years by drug and chemical companies such as Monsanto, Upjohn, Eli Lilly and American Cyanamid. It is injected every 14 days into dairy cows for 200 days of a cow's 335-day lactation cycle and increases milk production dramatically.
The use of rBGH was approved by the (FDA) in November, 1993, but its use is banned in many European countries, Australia and New Zealand.

There is mounting evidence that it may compromise the health of both cows and humans. But intensive lobbying by the chemical companies has helped ensure widespread use in the U.S. and Britain.

Now it is being promoted heavily in many developing countries as a solution to food shortages. But this could be a false economy for the developing world.

Under rBGH treatment cows are kept in a perpetual cycle of gestation and lactation which wears out their bodies quickly, cutting the normal life span of 20 to 25 years to five or less.

Already, cows are overproducing milk. In 1930, the average cow produced 5 kilograms of milk per day, but by 1988, milk production was at 18 kg a day. With rBGH injections it rises to 22 kg per day.

It is because rBGH-injected cows cannot consume and digest enough normal food to support this level of production that they are fed a highly concentrated diet. They are also more vulnerable to disease because their body systems are overworked. Thus they are often given increased doses of antibiotics to cope with the disease.

Residues from the disease and from the drugs then get into the milk. This added stress on cows lowers fertility as well as life span, reducing the number of calves each cow can produce.
Cow's milk is for cows. it is meant to do one thing and that's to make calves grow big and fat quickly. Contrary to popular myth, you don't need milk in your diet to be healthy

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