Military killed Taliban who downed US helicopter


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
The best outcome would be those brave troops still be alive today.

But this is the second best outcome. :clap2:

WASHINGTON (AP) — International forces killed the Taliban insurgents responsible for shooting down a U.S. helicopter and killing 38 U.S. and Afghan forces over the weekend, but they are still seeking the top insurgent leader they were going after in Saturday's mission, the top American commander in Afghanistan said Wednesday.

Military killed Taliban who downed US helicopter - Yahoo! News
In another news account, the term "kinetic strike" was used. What's that?


My google fu came up with this..

[ame=]‪Bunker Kinetic Strike‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Did Obama and Hillary watch it live? :lol:


And I don't know what this has to do with killing the assholes who killed our boys.
The Administration changed the story of the Osama bin Laden Raid numerous times, and we may still not know what really happened. So how are you certain that this story is the real deal? Oh, because they told you so? :lol:

Hint: Google Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch.
It was done pretty quick. Too bad the "international forces" didn't take out the insurgents before the helicopter was shot down. My guess is that liberals have set the rules so that "international forces" hesitate out of fear of being accused of murder if a civilian is killed but in this case it was OK to take the chance and kill the bad guys.

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