Mike Pence Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
(Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has filed a statement of candidacy to the Federal Election Commission to run for U.S. president in 2024, Sky News reported on Monday.


Good luck with all that.

I wonder what the over/under is on how many RINO hacks The Turtle will field? 40 this go-round?

BTW.....There was tweet from another source but it was pulled so keep your powder dry.
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I'm a pence fan. Exudes leadership. Doesn't call names like a school child.
Then by all means, write that man a CHECK! Pence could have made the difference if he hadn't been SWAMP RINO and now that he has exposed himself, he's wasting his time and fool's money.
A snowball's chance in Hell comes to mind.

I'll first need to see proof that Pence is a natural born citizen.

Then I'll need to see ten years of his tax returns.

Then I still wouldn't vote for him even if he promises to pay off my credit cards, my car loan and my mortgage!

But it will be fun to watch him run and lose badly! I can only hope that Mitch endorses him as a "quality" candidate! :laugh2:
I'm a pence fan. Exudes leadership. Doesn't call names like a school child.
Yep.....he's a real straight shooter:

The arrogance and contempt of these people is staggering, I predict that if the nation exists come 2024 that the fascist democrats do not even need nominate anyone for president, just inform their base of slaves, and the American people, that they will appoint a body upon winning the election, and I predict that the fascist base will turn out in legions to get the fascist democrat party the victory, so they may appoint an unknown body to sit as president. As for Pence, his running at all demonstrates exactly the same level of contempt for the nation, he is revealed as utterly disloyal and self-absorbed, if hell truly exists then Pence has a very special place in it awaiting him!
(Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence has filed a statement of candidacy to the Federal Election Commission to run for U.S. president in 2024, Sky News reported on Monday.


Good luck with all that.

I wonder what the over/under is on how many RINO hacks The Turtle will field? 40 this go-round?

BTW.....There was tweet from another source but it was pulled so keep your powder dry.
This would be hilarious but, in the modern world of massive election fraud sanctioned by corrupted courts, anything is possible.
He may not win the general but could easily win the primary through the usual methods
I'll first need to see proof that Pence is a natural born citizen.

Then I'll need to see ten years of his tax returns.

Then I still wouldn't vote for him even if he promises to pay off my credit cards, my car loan and my mortgage!

But it will be fun to watch him run and lose badly! I can only hope that Mitch endorses him as a "quality" candidate! :laugh2:

The idea that he thinks Trump supporters would vote for him is hilarious.
He'll no doubt lose and lose badly.
The idea that he thinks Trump supporters would vote for him is hilarious.
He can forget about at least 74 million voters right off the top voting for him. If he's my only GOP choice, I'd rather just stay home.

He'll no doubt lose and lose badly.
Part of me wants to see Mitch run nothing but a bunch of his handpicked "quality" candidates just so I can watch the GOP get spanked bad.
He can forget about at least 74 million voters right off the top voting for him. If he's my only GOP choice, I'd rather just stay home.

Part of me wants to see Mitch run nothing but a bunch of his handpicked "quality" candidates just so I can watch the GOP get spanked bad.

It's almost like the GOP hasn't noticed the huge part of their constituents want nothing to do with with the old GOP.
After they promised so much in the midterms years back and delivered absolutely nothing,it's been down hill for them ever since.
And then Trump came along and it was over for the old guard GOP and the voters were correct as we've seen with all of the RINO's.
It's almost like the GOP hasn't noticed the huge part of their constituents want nothing to do with with the old GOP.
The old GOP are now mostly all turncoat RINO uniparty traitors. One of them just denounced Lake's election battle loss as good for democracy! Because she supports Trump, in his eyes, that means her case is automatically invalidated, illegitimate and meritless! With friends like these, who needs enemies?!

After they promised so much in the midterms years back and delivered absolutely nothing,it's been down hill for them ever since.
Absolutely. In 2008 they said they were powerless to stop Obumma, so in 2010, we gave them the House, then in 2012, Obumma used the IRS to steal the election from Romney. Then we gave them the Senate in 2014, and finally the WH too in 2016 with an all pro-America first president ready to rock all over the DNC, and they did NOTHING. McCain even flew back from Arizona with a brain tumor to cast the defeating vote against Trump's effort to mend Obummacare.

Then they did nothing and lost everything in 2018, let the left steal the election from Trump in 2020, and literally ASSISTED the democrats in losing several key GOP election battles in minimize their victories last month because Mitch's GOP considered MAGA a greater threat to the nation than the Biden agenda!

If Mitch succeeds in routing all candidates just because they liked Trump, I may have to start voting a straight D ticket just to help assure Mitch an embarrassing defeat.

Might have to move to KY just to vote Mitch out of office.
It's almost like the GOP hasn't noticed the huge part of their constituents want nothing to do with with the old GOP.
After they promised so much in the midterms years back and delivered absolutely nothing,it's been down hill for them ever since.
And then Trump came along and it was over for the old guard GOP and the voters were correct as we've seen with all of the RINO's.
Republicans are growing tired of MAGA Crazies

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