Michigan residents hope they can find judges with morals


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
The voters made a mistake. Hopefully a judge will realize this. I'd love to see this case go to Amy Comey Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

---Right to Life sues to block Michigan abortion rights law---

The voters made a mistake. Hopefully a judge will realize this. I'd love to see this case go to Amy Comey Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

---Right to Life sues to block Michigan abortion rights law---

A mistake? In what way? They voted as individuals, and as they chose to.

Show me the mistake.
The voters made a mistake. Hopefully a judge will realize this. I'd love to see this case go to Amy Comey Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

---Right to Life sues to block Michigan abortion rights law---

The sad fact is that there are very few unbiased judges. Most of them have a political agenda.
The voters made a mistake. Hopefully a judge will realize this. I'd love to see this case go to Amy Comey Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh.

---Right to Life sues to block Michigan abortion rights law---

Unfortunately for you, the voters did not make a mistake in putting the right in the state constitution. It does not conflict with the US Constitution is any way. The "free exercise of religion for medical professionals" is a red herring attempt to invoke a constitutional right that does not apply because doctors are not required to perform abortions. Are they?
The voters can't make a mistake. All they can do is vote. The appeals will be overturned for lack of standing.
Voters 100% can make a mistake. What if they voted to legalize slavery or child sex trafficking? That would definitely be a mistake. The court isn’t going to entertain this lawsuit, nor should it but that doesn’t mean voters can’t make a mistake.
Voters 100% can make a mistake. What if they voted to legalize slavery or child sex trafficking? That would definitely be a mistake. The court isn’t going to entertain this lawsuit, nor should it but that doesn’t mean voters can’t make a mistake.
Those things are already against the law, federally. Abortion is not, unfortunately for opponents.

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