Michael Mann Falsely Claims He Was Awarded Nobel Peace Prize


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Michael Mann Falsely Claims He Was Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Michael Mann was never awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, the director of the Nobel Institute says, despite Mann’s public claims that he was.

In court papers filed in connection with a defamation suit, Mann claims he was “awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.” Global warming alarmists who assist the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its various reports frequently describe themselves as Nobel Prize winners.


Washington Examiner writer Thomas Richard sent an email to Geir Lundestad, director of the Nobel Institute, pointing out how Mann claims to be a Nobel Prize winner. Richard asked if Mann’s Nobel Prize claim is true. Lundestad responded:

“1) Michael Mann has never been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

2) He did not receive any personal certificate. He has taken the diploma awarded in 2007 to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (and to Al Gore) and made his own text underneath this authentic-looking diploma.

3) The text underneath the diploma is entirely his own. We issued only the diploma to the IPCC as such. No individuals on the IPCC side received anything in 2007.”​
How sad is someone that has to massage their own credentials?

It's not like the Nobel committee has high standards or anything anymore..

But even they can't abide posers I guess. Lord I hope he keeps up his plan to sue his detractors. They will unravel his ass right quick..
I think we have all known small prickly men with inflated egos like Michael Mann. unfortunately he has had a lot of influence in climate science. I could care less whether he has printed up his own Nobel peace prize. it's the bogus science papers with tortured data and mangled methodologies that piss me off
I think we have all known small prickly men with inflated egos like Michael Mann. unfortunately he has had a lot of influence in climate science. I could care less whether he has printed up his own Nobel peace prize. it's the bogus science papers with tortured data and mangled methodologies that piss me off

Technically, AGW is not climate "Science", it's somewhere between palmistry and phrenology and far less accurate than astrology
I think we have all known small prickly men with inflated egos like Michael Mann. unfortunately he has had a lot of influence in climate science. I could care less whether he has printed up his own Nobel peace prize. it's the bogus science papers with tortured data and mangled methodologies that piss me off

Technically, AGW is not climate "Science", it's somewhere between palmistry and phrenology and far less accurate than astrology

there has been a lot more room for the moderates and lukewarmers in the CAGW wars lately. hopefully it will bring back science into climate science.
Mann Derangement Syndrome is an ugly thing, but it's all the denialist cranks have. After all, they can't address the science.

Let's summarize.

Dr. Mann and his colleagues at the IPCC were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In his filing, Dr. Mann states that he and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

This causes denialists to lose their minds. And denialists wonder why they're being ignored. That is, when they're not being laughed at.

Anyways kooks, good luck with the Mann Derangement Syndrome. While you're doing your cult bleating, the rest of the world will be doing science. Which no doubt angers you all to no end, given that the science always make you look like such retards.
Mann Derangement Syndrome is an ugly thing, but it's all the denialist cranks have. After all, they can't address the science.

Let's summarize.

Dr. Mann and his colleagues at the IPCC were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In his filing, Dr. Mann states that he and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

This causes denialists to lose their minds. And denialists wonder why they're being ignored. That is, when they're not being laughed at.

Anyways kooks, good luck with the Mann Derangement Syndrome. While you're doing your cult bleating, the rest of the world will be doing science. Which no doubt angers you all to no end, given that the science always make you look like such retards.


Look at the AGW under my pinkie
Mann Derangement Syndrome is an ugly thing, but it's all the denialist cranks have. After all, they can't address the science.

Let's summarize.

Dr. Mann and his colleagues at the IPCC were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

In his filing, Dr. Mann states that he and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

This causes denialists to lose their minds. And denialists wonder why they're being ignored. That is, when they're not being laughed at.

Anyways kooks, good luck with the Mann Derangement Syndrome. While you're doing your cult bleating, the rest of the world will be doing science. Which no doubt angers you all to no end, given that the science always make you look like such retards.
Hey, dumbshit:

Mann didn't win the Prize. He lied. You're stupid enough to believe him.

Let's summarize.

Dr. Mann and his colleagues at the IPCC were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

If you are going to summarize, why not at least make an attempt at honesty. First, the IPCC and algore were awarded the peace prize, not mann and his colleagues.

From the IPCC Statement regarding the peace prize:

"Statement about the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize

The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for its work on climate change, together with former US Vice-*‐President Al Gore.

In its citation, the Norwegian Nobel Committee said that the IPCC and Mr Gore shared the prize “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-*‐made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”......

The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner. It would be correct to describe a scientist who was involved with AR4 or earlier IPCC reports in this way: “X contributed to the reports of the IPCC, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.”......

Anyways kooks, good luck with the Mann Derangement Syndrome. While you're doing your cult bleating, the rest of the world will be doing science. Which no doubt angers you all to no end, given that the science always make you look like such retards.[/QUOTE]

In his filing, Dr. Mann states that he and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Did you make this statement out of ignorance because you didn't bother to read the filing to the court or did you deliberately lie? The fact is that he made the claim to be a nobel prize winner at least 3 times in his filing to the superior court.

From his filing to the court:

paragraph 5 - "It is one thing to engage in discussion about debatable topics. It is quite another to discredit consistently validated scientific research through the professional and personal defamation of a Nobel prize recipient"

He did not receive, or share in the prize according to the nobel committee.

Just for future reference, are you a liar prepared to just make up whatever you believe will help your case or are you one of those who only checks sources known to provide you with the accepted talking points?

BTW....it is your attempted defense of an indefensible lie by mann that makes you laughable, not the skeptics.
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