Michael Doomberg Is Open to Spending $1 Billion to Defeat Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You know Mike if you spent your BILLION DOLLARS on SOMETHING...ALMOST ANYTHING that would enhance our way of life or produce something that everyone could use, pointing at you as the architect of that great feat, you might stand a chance...perhaps that CURE FOR CANCER that seems to be right around the corner would do the trick ....although the Hildebeast spent $1 billion. Had tremendous name recognition, and decades of being politically active but went down in flames because of her unpopular policies....shall we mention yours when mayor? Mike has as much chance of winning the dimwit nomination as anyone who is slightly larger in stature than a dwarf, and has the personality of a gnat.....But spend it all Mike and perhaps an extra billion will get you into third place...one never knows


Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, and said he would mobilize his well-financed political operation to help Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win in November if either is the party nominee, despite their sharp policy differences.

Mr. Bloomberg’s plans would effectively create a shadow campaign operation for the general election, complete with hundreds of organizers in key battleground states and a robust digital operation, ready to be inherited by the party nominee — regardless of who that nominee may be.

Already, Mr. Bloomberg has spent more than $200 million on advertising, putting him on pace to spend by early March about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire 2012 general election. If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump.

“It depends whether the candidate needs help; if they’re doing very well, they need less. If they’re not, they’ll need more,” he said in an interview after a lunch stop at a barbecue restaurant during a campaign swing through Texas.

While he did not rule out dropping a billion dollars on his effort, the former mayor of New York City blanched slightly at the size of the number, before mentioning the $2.8 billion he spent on charitable contributions last year, with the bulk going to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

“You know how much money a billion dollars is?” said Mr. Bloomberg. “It’s a lot of money to me. It’s a lot of money to anybody.”

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...
Make it rain!

So much for campaign finance reform. Sheesh. 1 Billion dollars won't by enough lipstick to make the eventual DEM look appealing enough to win. But hey, go ahead and make the ad companies rich.
You know Mike if you spent your BILLION DOLLARS on SOMETHING...ALMOST ANYTHING that would enhance our way of life or produce something that everyone could use, pointing at you as the architect of that great feat, you might stand a chance...perhaps that CURE FOR CANCER that seems to be right around the corner would do the trick ....although the Hildebeast spent $1 billion. Had tremendous name recognition, and decades of being politically active but went down in flames because of her unpopular policies....shall we mention yours when mayor? Mike has as much chance of winning the dimwit nomination as anyone who is slightly larger in stature than a dwarf, and has the personality of a gnat.....But spend it all Mike and perhaps an extra billion will get you into third place...one never knows


Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, and said he would mobilize his well-financed political operation to help Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win in November if either is the party nominee, despite their sharp policy differences.

Mr. Bloomberg’s plans would effectively create a shadow campaign operation for the general election, complete with hundreds of organizers in key battleground states and a robust digital operation, ready to be inherited by the party nominee — regardless of who that nominee may be.

Already, Mr. Bloomberg has spent more than $200 million on advertising, putting him on pace to spend by early March about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire 2012 general election. If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump.

“It depends whether the candidate needs help; if they’re doing very well, they need less. If they’re not, they’ll need more,” he said in an interview after a lunch stop at a barbecue restaurant during a campaign swing through Texas.

While he did not rule out dropping a billion dollars on his effort, the former mayor of New York City blanched slightly at the size of the number, before mentioning the $2.8 billion he spent on charitable contributions last year, with the bulk going to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

“You know how much money a billion dollars is?” said Mr. Bloomberg. “It’s a lot of money to me. It’s a lot of money to anybody.”

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...
He has NO chance of defeating Trump no matter HOW much spends in his campaign. What a loon!
Democrats are consumed with their hatred of Trump. They want America destroyed and overrun by people of other countries at all costs. Americans, Trump and his pesky wall are standing on the way.
You know Mike if you spent your BILLION DOLLARS on SOMETHING...ALMOST ANYTHING that would enhance our way of life or produce something that everyone could use, pointing at you as the architect of that great feat, you might stand a chance...perhaps that CURE FOR CANCER that seems to be right around the corner would do the trick ....although the Hildebeast spent $1 billion. Had tremendous name recognition, and decades of being politically active but went down in flames because of her unpopular policies....shall we mention yours when mayor? Mike has as much chance of winning the dimwit nomination as anyone who is slightly larger in stature than a dwarf, and has the personality of a gnat.....But spend it all Mike and perhaps an extra billion will get you into third place...one never knows


Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, and said he would mobilize his well-financed political operation to help Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win in November if either is the party nominee, despite their sharp policy differences.

Mr. Bloomberg’s plans would effectively create a shadow campaign operation for the general election, complete with hundreds of organizers in key battleground states and a robust digital operation, ready to be inherited by the party nominee — regardless of who that nominee may be.

Already, Mr. Bloomberg has spent more than $200 million on advertising, putting him on pace to spend by early March about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire 2012 general election. If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump.

“It depends whether the candidate needs help; if they’re doing very well, they need less. If they’re not, they’ll need more,” he said in an interview after a lunch stop at a barbecue restaurant during a campaign swing through Texas.

While he did not rule out dropping a billion dollars on his effort, the former mayor of New York City blanched slightly at the size of the number, before mentioning the $2.8 billion he spent on charitable contributions last year, with the bulk going to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

“You know how much money a billion dollars is?” said Mr. Bloomberg. “It’s a lot of money to me. It’s a lot of money to anybody.”

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...

Good for him. The shrilary spent more than two billion and lost.
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Democrats are consumed with their hatred of Trump. They want America destroyed and overrun by people of other countries at all costs. Americans, Trump and his pesky wall are standing on the way.
MB is not a D, he’s his own biggest fan.
You know Mike if you spent your BILLION DOLLARS on SOMETHING...ALMOST ANYTHING that would enhance our way of life or produce something that everyone could use, pointing at you as the architect of that great feat, you might stand a chance...perhaps that CURE FOR CANCER that seems to be right around the corner would do the trick ....although the Hildebeast spent $1 billion. Had tremendous name recognition, and decades of being politically active but went down in flames because of her unpopular policies....shall we mention yours when mayor? Mike has as much chance of winning the dimwit nomination as anyone who is slightly larger in stature than a dwarf, and has the personality of a gnat.....But spend it all Mike and perhaps an extra billion will get you into third place...one never knows


Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, and said he would mobilize his well-financed political operation to help Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win in November if either is the party nominee, despite their sharp policy differences.

Mr. Bloomberg’s plans would effectively create a shadow campaign operation for the general election, complete with hundreds of organizers in key battleground states and a robust digital operation, ready to be inherited by the party nominee — regardless of who that nominee may be.

Already, Mr. Bloomberg has spent more than $200 million on advertising, putting him on pace to spend by early March about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire 2012 general election. If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump.

“It depends whether the candidate needs help; if they’re doing very well, they need less. If they’re not, they’ll need more,” he said in an interview after a lunch stop at a barbecue restaurant during a campaign swing through Texas.

While he did not rule out dropping a billion dollars on his effort, the former mayor of New York City blanched slightly at the size of the number, before mentioning the $2.8 billion he spent on charitable contributions last year, with the bulk going to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

“You know how much money a billion dollars is?” said Mr. Bloomberg. “It’s a lot of money to me. It’s a lot of money to anybody.”

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...
He has NO chance of defeating Trump no matter HOW much spends in his campaign. What a loon!
Only a billion? Chump change!

Michael Bloomberg · Net worth
$56 billion USD
The 25 Richest People in the World 2020
So let's say Sanders win... is he going to accept a billion from a billionaire while claiming not to be bough off by the "rich".

Left is all about the billionaires, while the right... are the Americans.
The fucker is indeed arrogant .....I can be arrogant .....I call people from L.A hillbillies
Trump to can be an arrogant prick

Heres the difference .....me an trump grew up on the streets
Trump grew up with money yes but he stilled roamed the streets .....meatspace baby

That how come hes so at ease with bus boys and construction workers and people form all walks of life from every corner of the planet ...middle america eats him up..... hes always had a soft spot for the workin man ....granted hes done some dickish things ...like trying to get hot dog vendors tossed on 5th Avenue...these guys were veterans...in nyc thiers a law and a u.s. military veteran has a right to vend anything they want to on the streets of nyc

No license required for vets...it used to be honored ...i dont know anymore

Since I think from the civil war ..the law itself is from the 1800's that I'm pretty sure of

My point anyway

Hes extreamly comfortable around the working man
One time his limo broke down ....some regular joe pulled over helped out trump

Trump goes and pays off the guys home mortgage....hes that kind of guy

He just recently said wanna know what's wrong with one of your restaurants? ask the waiters! Ifnyoure not there everyday running it yourself maybe its management ...Hes right...
I hate the restaurants business.....the horror stories I've heard and seen
Consider myself Blessed I never even thought about going into

Bloomberg's not a native nyer.....beantown carpet bagger ....sheltered ...sheltered childhood to .....although I say we Bloomberg trump for 3 terms ....

Nationally Thank god bloomberg .... he ain't got a prayer ...
Bloomberg has a chance, if he stays in the race.

I wish he had remained a Republican. But he didn't.

I'm going to stick with the Republican nominee. He's worked hard, survived the liars on the left and their Me-tos. And I could never go against my late husband's party. :D
You know Mike if you spent your BILLION DOLLARS on SOMETHING...ALMOST ANYTHING that would enhance our way of life or produce something that everyone could use, pointing at you as the architect of that great feat, you might stand a chance...perhaps that CURE FOR CANCER that seems to be right around the corner would do the trick ....although the Hildebeast spent $1 billion. Had tremendous name recognition, and decades of being politically active but went down in flames because of her unpopular policies....shall we mention yours when mayor? Mike has as much chance of winning the dimwit nomination as anyone who is slightly larger in stature than a dwarf, and has the personality of a gnat.....But spend it all Mike and perhaps an extra billion will get you into third place...one never knows


Michael R. Bloomberg on Saturday did not rule out spending a billion dollars of his own money on the 2020 presidential race, even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, and said he would mobilize his well-financed political operation to help Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren win in November if either is the party nominee, despite their sharp policy differences.

Mr. Bloomberg’s plans would effectively create a shadow campaign operation for the general election, complete with hundreds of organizers in key battleground states and a robust digital operation, ready to be inherited by the party nominee — regardless of who that nominee may be.

Already, Mr. Bloomberg has spent more than $200 million on advertising, putting him on pace to spend by early March about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire 2012 general election. If Mr. Bloomberg fails to win the nomination, future spending would be redirected toward attacking Mr. Trump.

“It depends whether the candidate needs help; if they’re doing very well, they need less. If they’re not, they’ll need more,” he said in an interview after a lunch stop at a barbecue restaurant during a campaign swing through Texas.

While he did not rule out dropping a billion dollars on his effort, the former mayor of New York City blanched slightly at the size of the number, before mentioning the $2.8 billion he spent on charitable contributions last year, with the bulk going to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

“You know how much money a billion dollars is?” said Mr. Bloomberg. “It’s a lot of money to me. It’s a lot of money to anybody.”

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...

Bloomberg has about four tv ads per hour on every channel in the Atlanta area. Now, it doesn't matter to me who wins, but I WILL definitely vote for Trump if Dumbberg gets the nomination for the Ds.
Democrats are consumed with their hatred of Trump. They want America destroyed and overrun by people of other countries at all costs. Americans, Trump and his pesky wall are standing on the way.
congressman swallwell is open to spending at least five dollars to enter the presidential race
It explains just how much he expects to make if China First becomes the mantra of the day again.
This makes a lot more sense than Sanders who will take all of the money can get so that he can take more of the People’s money once he gets in.

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