Mexico 'won't pay single cent for Trump's stupid wall'

You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.

You really think people dont understand the Obama Derangement Syndrome that took over the Republican party the day he was sworn in?

YOU really believe that?

After the royal fuckup that was the George Bush Presidency, of course Republicans hate Obama and by extension the rest of the Dems.
they (Obama and the Dems) keep pointing out the massive fuck up that went on for 8 years of Bush.

I would be pissed too if someone kept rubbing my nose in my own shit. Poor Republicans. Corrected like a dumb dog.
And still cant learn anything.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.

You really think people dont understand the Obama Derangement Syndrome that took over the Republican party the day he was sworn in?

YOU really believe that?

After the royal fuckup that was the George Bush Presidency, of course Republicans hate Obama and by extension the rest of the Dems.
they (Obama and the Dems) keep pointing out the massive fuck up that went on for 8 years of Bush.

I would be pissed too if someone kept rubbing my nose in my own shit. Poor Republicans. Corrected like a dumb dog.
And still cant learn anything.

So, you want to talk about the Bush screw up? Fine, I agree. How about we talk about the Carter disaster? 2 can play this game. Wait, wait! Lets talk about Nixon. And then, lets talk about LBJ not even trying to run.

You want to hang GW around our neck like an anchor, and rightfully so I suppose. We are going to hang Obama around your necks, and lets see what the citizens think-)
I'm closing in on actually wanting Trump to be elected President. Watching his ass scramble to catch his mouth will become a sport.
The crazy thing is that his actual policy proposals, the few there are, are pretty sane, but certainly not what a tea partier or wall st would like, but his blow hard feature sucks up all the energy. I'm not sure it's good or bad, but he seems to have insulted even enough of the GOP base that he'll not be the eventual nominee. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Hillary as potus is not something that thrills me, but Rubio might beat her, and that really does scare me.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.
You fail to understand that generally speaking DEMs/LIBS are the 'party of personality'. That's why LIBs voted for "The First Black President'. Why people who 'make believe' in the movies and on TV are LIB heros.
LIBs are more interested in having 'The First President With A Vagina' even though they know she enabled her husband to sexually predate on females he held power over, Even though she and her husband have slithered out from under law enforcement in spite of committing numerous crimes that would have landed anyone else in Federal prison for years.
That's the LIB mentality for you.
REPs, generally are 'The Party of Social Responsibility, hard work, obeying the law.
They are political pragmatics above all else.
They would vote in Charlie Manson as President rather than ever see the Clinton's back doing what they were up to in the White house again or giving Obama a third term.
Some REPs will certainly have to hold their noses when they vote for Trump but they will vote for Trump nonetheless.
Oye yeah, the tea party is "pragmatic." Thanks for playing.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.

You really think people dont understand the Obama Derangement Syndrome that took over the Republican party the day he was sworn in?

YOU really believe that?

After the royal fuckup that was the George Bush Presidency, of course Republicans hate Obama and by extension the rest of the Dems.
they (Obama and the Dems) keep pointing out the massive fuck up that went on for 8 years of Bush.

I would be pissed too if someone kept rubbing my nose in my own shit. Poor Republicans. Corrected like a dumb dog.
And still cant learn anything.

So, you want to talk about the Bush screw up? Fine, I agree. How about we talk about the Carter disaster? 2 can play this game. Wait, wait! Lets talk about Nixon. And then, lets talk about LBJ not even trying to run.

You want to hang GW around our neck like an anchor, and rightfully so I suppose. We are going to hang Obama around your necks, and lets see what the citizens think-)
Bush is discussed because his legacy of mistakes and bad decisions are still affecting citizen on a day to day and year to year basis. He failed to destroy the Jihad terrorist that attacked the US on his watch and allowed it to grow into the monster it is today. He left Afghanistan unfinished and began the terrorist stew that was created in Iraq. He will be blamed until it is over.
Why would Mexico PAY to stop one of one of their illicit cash cows? Drugs, illegal aliens, that's all they got. They are just working with whatever cheap amoral tools in their toolkit, can you fault them for that?
Why does any sane person believe Mexico is remotely interested in helping build a wall?
Right now Mexico receives multi millions of dollars flowing into their shit-hole economy from Mexicans sending home their paychecks from the US. The Mexican government is 100% corrupt and actively helping send hard drugs into the US which is destroying the fabric of American society.
Mexico is actively taking habitual criminals being held in Mexican jails to the US border and pointing out the easiest places for these criminals to cross into the US. Same with the most mentally ill and the poorest who are a drain on the Mexican economy.
'The Mexican government never had it so good.
Lots of drug Cartel kick-backs. "Get rid' of everyone who is a drain on the economy. Empty the prisons and the mental institutes and the shanty towns. Apparently the Mexican Government is not as fucking stupid as some suppose they are.
The REALLY fucking dummies are the LIBs who don't see the problem.
For them every illegal is a potential LIB voter in the future now that the negroes aren't the guaranteed 'block vote' the LIBs counted on. Remember what happened in the Mid -terms???????
I'm closing in on actually wanting Trump to be elected President. Watching his ass scramble to catch his mouth will become a sport.
The crazy thing is that his actual policy proposals, the few there are, are pretty sane, but certainly not what a tea partier or wall st would like, but his blow hard feature sucks up all the energy. I'm not sure it's good or bad, but he seems to have insulted even enough of the GOP base that he'll not be the eventual nominee. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Hillary as potus is not something that thrills me, but Rubio might beat her, and that really does scare me.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.
You fail to understand that generally speaking DEMs/LIBS are the 'party of personality'. That's why LIBs voted for "The First Black President'. Why people who 'make believe' in the movies and on TV are LIB heros.
LIBs are more interested in having 'The First President With A Vagina' even though they know she enabled her husband to sexually predate on females he held power over, Even though she and her husband have slithered out from under law enforcement in spite of committing numerous crimes that would have landed anyone else in Federal prison for years.
That's the LIB mentality for you.
REPs, generally are 'The Party of Social Responsibility, hard work, obeying the law.
They are political pragmatics above all else.
They would vote in Charlie Manson as President rather than ever see the Clinton's back doing what they were up to in the White house again or giving Obama a third term.
Some REPs will certainly have to hold their noses when they vote for Trump but they will vote for Trump nonetheless.
Oye yeah, the tea party is "pragmatic." Thanks for playing.
That's right it is. Apparently you need to look up the meaning of the word.
I'm closing in on actually wanting Trump to be elected President. Watching his ass scramble to catch his mouth will become a sport.
The crazy thing is that his actual policy proposals, the few there are, are pretty sane, but certainly not what a tea partier or wall st would like, but his blow hard feature sucks up all the energy. I'm not sure it's good or bad, but he seems to have insulted even enough of the GOP base that he'll not be the eventual nominee. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Hillary as potus is not something that thrills me, but Rubio might beat her, and that really does scare me.
You are failing to understand the level of antipathy that exists against Obama and by extension the DEMs.
You fail to understand that generally speaking DEMs/LIBS are the 'party of personality'. That's why LIBs voted for "The First Black President'. Why people who 'make believe' in the movies and on TV are LIB heros.
LIBs are more interested in having 'The First President With A Vagina' even though they know she enabled her husband to sexually predate on females he held power over, Even though she and her husband have slithered out from under law enforcement in spite of committing numerous crimes that would have landed anyone else in Federal prison for years.
That's the LIB mentality for you.
REPs, generally are 'The Party of Social Responsibility, hard work, obeying the law.
They are political pragmatics above all else.
They would vote in Charlie Manson as President rather than ever see the Clinton's back doing what they were up to in the White house again or giving Obama a third term.
Some REPs will certainly have to hold their noses when they vote for Trump but they will vote for Trump nonetheless.
Oye yeah, the tea party is "pragmatic." Thanks for playing.
That's right it is. Apparently you need to look up the meaning of the word.
Nothing in the Tea Party platform is pragmatic. They are the opposite of pragmatic. Name one thing in the 2015 platform that was pragmatic.
Meh, just withhold all foreign aid to the shit hole. They'll pay one way or another
Damn you're stupid! Mexico gets $51 million per year....the wall will cost $200 billion! Much of our food comes from Mexico. Produce and meat. Cut off Mexico and the rest of central and south America will cut off the a trade war the U.S. loses.

In 2013, the United States gave Mexico $51.5 million in foreign aid. Of that amount, $24.8 million, the largest segment, was designated for democracy, human rights and governance. The next largest amount, $10.9 million, was designated for the environment, and $8.4 million was designated for economic development.
How much foreign aid does the United States give to Mexico?
Meh, just withhold all foreign aid to the shit hole. They'll pay one way or another
Damn you're stupid! Mexico gets $51 million per year....the wall will cost $200 billion! Much of our food comes from Mexico. Produce and meat. Cut off Mexico and the rest of central and south America will cut off the a trade war the U.S. loses.

In 2013, the United States gave Mexico $51.5 million in foreign aid. Of that amount, $24.8 million, the largest segment, was designated for democracy, human rights and governance. The next largest amount, $10.9 million, was designated for the environment, and $8.4 million was designated for economic development.
How much foreign aid does the United States give to Mexico?
You're the stupid one!
If the US shut down the border with Mexico are you reaaly so fucking stupid to think the other S. American countries would side with Mexico? REALLY?
These other S. American countries are all competing with Mexico to get their produce into the US.
Meh, just withhold all foreign aid to the shit hole. They'll pay one way or another
Damn you're stupid! Mexico gets $51 million per year....the wall will cost $200 billion! Much of our food comes from Mexico. Produce and meat. Cut off Mexico and the rest of central and south America will cut off the a trade war the U.S. loses.

In 2013, the United States gave Mexico $51.5 million in foreign aid. Of that amount, $24.8 million, the largest segment, was designated for democracy, human rights and governance. The next largest amount, $10.9 million, was designated for the environment, and $8.4 million was designated for economic development.
How much foreign aid does the United States give to Mexico?
I'm curious as to how a border wall will stop trade?
You're an idiot...Mexico COULD / SHOULD lose their 'foreign aid' they receive from the US every year, the money to be used to build 'the wall'. Technically that is still OUR money, but it would be money Mexico loses.

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's military invading the U.S. to provide cover / protection to Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

NBC news: Mexican incursions inflame border situation

(*** I personally would have scrambled jets / A-10s from the nearest airbase and would have blown their military and the drug cartel drug vehicles / shipment to hail. International incident? Absolutely!)

I wonder how many people / Liberals know (or care about) about Mexico's police crossing the border to protect Mexican Drug Cartel drug shipments.

Breitbart: Mexican Cops Crossed into U.S. Searching for Drug Smugglers

The Mexican Govt, while brutally protecting its own southern border, has not only been ALLOWING their people to cross into the US, they have HELPED them cross our borders, they have also aided them in doing so:

LINK: Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News

So, building a wall or not, for aiding illegals cross our borders, for their police and military escorting drug cartel drug shipments across into our country, foreign aid should be cut anyway.
If we cut aid and Mexico becomes even more poor, won't even MORE citizens come over here looking for a decent life?

Common sense...

How about instead of wall US stop exporting Guns to Mexico and importing Drugs....

That is actual help that will turn back immigration... But where would they get the cheap labour from then?
If we cut aid and Mexico becomes even more poor, won't even MORE citizens come over here looking for a decent life?

Not if there is a wall and the border has been secured.

Once the wall is in place and the border has been secure, we will know who is applying for entrance, people can be vetted, and work visas can be given. We will KNOW and be able to control who comes in at that point, though.

So Einstein....

When you stop someone on the street, how do you know if the are from Mexico or US?
Ok, so we put tariffs on Mexican products...and they the Ford automobiles which are going to be built there starting next year to be imported into the USA. Guess who will end up paying those tariffs? You guessed it! US Ford customers!

Maybe Ford should be incentivized to move those jobs back to the USA. What an extreme conservative idea. Why do you think Ford moved those US jobs to Mexico? any fricken idea? Unions and taxes, that's why. Our government has been finding ways to screw American businesses for years, and you liberfools beg for more of it.

Trump gets it wrong on Ford plants in Mexico

and Hillary is a criminal, do you have a point? can you name one candidate who has not stretched the truth? Its politics, fool. your sanctimonious bullshit does not play here.

my point wasn't about Hillary, it was about Ford, and your BS.

pay attention.

you posted a cite saying that Trump did not tell the truth about Ford and Mexico. I was merely pointing out that none of them tell the truth 100% of the time, and that Hillary lies 100% of the time.

I also asked you why Ford was moving to Mexico, any idea?

Not by independent Fact checkers...

Hillary tells the truth more than any of the main GOP candidates...

Simple fact...
I don't have to stop on the street. E-Verify can ID who is a citizen and who is not. Not a citizen? No Job. No Job? They aren't going to stay here long - no need to deport. They'll leave on their own.

Not likely? Az passed its own Immigration Law and declared it was going to strictly enforce it. BEFORE IT WENT INTO EFFECT the tidal wave of illegals leaving the state overwhelmed neighboring states to the point they demanded Az stop and asked for help from 'Big Brother'. THEY LEFT ON THEIR OWN. Other states SHOULD have joined Az, but they chose the Obama route.
Neither is true. Securing the border is relatively easy, the current president just doesn't want to do it. Enforcing current immigration law and figuring what to do about the illegals already here are two different endeavors, Until the borders are secure, there will be no sentiment to deal with the illegals already here.

Why exactly do you oppose enforcing our immigration laws? Be specific.
It is not easy. It would be extremely expensive and the effectiveness of a physical wall still leaves plenty of options for sneaking into the country, including ladders, tunnels and holes created by various methods, including explosives and ramming. The idea is somewhat silly when you think of it. Promoted mostly by folks who have never witnessed the expanse of the border in person.
The talking point that the border is open is another silly notion along with the talking point that immigration laws are not enforced. Enforcement requires funding and the do nothing Congress that refuses to increase revenue are the people who control the issue.

Digging a tunnel is a lot harder than walking across open land.

And considering the talking points the Left uses against enforcing immigration laws, ie Humans have a right to go where they want, or that whites stole the land from the indians, discussing Open Border is completely called for.


Arguing that the border is not "open" when 11 MILLION ILLEGALS ARE LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY IS semantic nonsense.
Taking a boat to get around it is much easier than digging a tunnel.

Getting a boat is a lot harder than walking across open ground.
Smugglers have been smuggling people into America for decades and decades. They will not let a Trump built wall stop them. They will adjust and adapt the way they always have. As long as people can get jobs here they will keep coming. The problem will not stop until the people who hire them are targeted and prosecuted. Those are the laws that need enforcing, but will not be. Corrupt politicians won't let those kinds of laws be enforced. Even Trump turns a blind eye and blamed the undocumented on his job sites on the "contractors". The walls we need are already built. We just have the wrong people enclosed in them.

Does that include the government jobs they get appointed and elected to. What about them opening their own businesses?

Tough to punish a business when the government supports them and provides sanctuary cities.
Maybe Ford should be incentivized to move those jobs back to the USA. What an extreme conservative idea. Why do you think Ford moved those US jobs to Mexico? any fricken idea? Unions and taxes, that's why. Our government has been finding ways to screw American businesses for years, and you liberfools beg for more of it.

Trump gets it wrong on Ford plants in Mexico

and Hillary is a criminal, do you have a point? can you name one candidate who has not stretched the truth? Its politics, fool. your sanctimonious bullshit does not play here.

my point wasn't about Hillary, it was about Ford, and your BS.

pay attention.

you posted a cite saying that Trump did not tell the truth about Ford and Mexico. I was merely pointing out that none of them tell the truth 100% of the time, and that Hillary lies 100% of the time.

I also asked you why Ford was moving to Mexico, any idea?

Not by independent Fact checkers...

Hillary tells the truth more than any of the main GOP candidates...

Simple fact...

More BS from the left wing nuts.
Not by independent Fact checkers...

Hillary tells the truth more than any of the main GOP candidates...

Simple fact...


Where is your proof...

You better go in to Poltifact and just look...



That must hurt... Bring up all the other GOP candidates...

By you saying it is Bullshit it shows that you live on Bullshit Mountain...

You will go for your usual Bias bullshit but that is the crap you have to go for... You can't even take the fact that your knowledge today is coming from a heavy use of misinformation.


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Cowboy, to take a page from the Liberal Playbook, Politifact is a left-leaning source, and just because THEY show - out of the things they CHOOSE to 'assess' - Hillary to be 'more honest, doesn't make it so...

...and the American people know it .The latest polls CONTINUE to show the American people in an overwhelming majority think Hillary is the LEAST trustworthy candidate in this entire race.

Considering she is the only one under investigation by the FBI for crimes under the Espionage Act and for potential Corruption crimes AND has been lying her ass off about it, the American People are more trustworthy in THIS case than Politifact.

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