Methane is the real global warmer, not CO2.!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I been doing some serious research, and have come to the conclusion that methane, not
CO2, is the Earths real green house accelerating gas.

Scientists have concluded, that methane, trapped under the Earths oceans, and frozen in Artic, and Antartic ice, is what has heated the Earth in the past, and will reheat the Earth
in the Future.

Garbage land fills are also another big producer of methane. So, while many people focus on CO2, methane is three times more effective at raising the Earths overall global temperature, than CO2 is.
Maybe Monsignor Al Gore from the Church of the Hot and Gooey Death and Discount House of Carbon Credits will come along and make excuses....ah..I mean explain it.

Cap & Tax for nothing.
First, the CO2 is the primary GHG. Second, while methane, in the form of clathrate outgassing can provide the kick that puts us into a major climate change, it is CO2, with is formed as the CH4 oxidizes, that creates a long term heat effect.

The whole effect is covered here;

Methane catastrophe
[ame=]YouTube - Blazing Saddles --Farting Cowboys[/ame]

Responsible for our recent warming trend
Water vapor traps even more heat.

Are over educated under-common-sensed globalist/socialist authoritarians going to try and regulate cumulus clouds now??

"Stop taking such a hot shower! You're melting the polar ice caps!!"
What the science says...
Water vapour is indeed the most dominant greenhouse gas. Water vapour is also the dominant positive feedback in our climate system and amplifies any warming caused by changes in atmospheric CO2.

Water vapour is indeed the most dominant greenhouse gas. The radiative forcing for water is around 75 W/m2 while carbon dioxide contributes 32 W/m2 (Kiehl 1997). Water vapour is also the dominant positive feedback in our climate system and a major reason why temperature is so sensitive to changes in CO2.

Unlike external forcings such as CO2 which can be added to the atmosphere, the level of water vapour in the atmosphere is a function of temperature. Water vapour is brought into the atmosphere via evaporation - the rate depends on the ocean and air temperature and is governed by the Clausius-Clapeyron relation.

If extra water is added to the atmosphere, it condenses and falls as rain or snow within a week or two. Similarly, if somehow moisture was sucked out of the atmosphere, evaporation would restore water vapour levels to 'normal levels' in short time.

Water Vapour as a positive feedback
As water vapour is directly related to temperature, it's also a positive feedback - in fact, the largest positive feedback in the climate system (Soden 2005). As temperature rises, evaporation increases and more water vapour accumulates in the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas, the water absorbs more heat, further warming the air and causing more evaporation.

How does water vapour fit in with CO2 emissions? When CO2 is added to the atmosphere, as a greenhouse gas it has a warming effect. This causes more water to evaporate and warm the air more to a higher (more or less) stabilized level. So CO2 warming has an amplified effect, beyond a purely CO2 effect.

How much does water vapour amplify CO2 warming? Without any feedbacks, a doubling of CO2 would warm the globe around 1°C. Taken on its own, water vapour feedback roughly doubles the amount of CO2 warming. When other feedbacks are included (eg - loss of albedo due to melting ice), the total warming from a doubling of CO2 is around 3°C (Held 2000).

Water vapor is the most powerful greenhouse gas

Dude, you are just as willfully ignorant as ever.
Neither CO2 or Methane hold a candle to nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) in the "greenhouse gas" category. NF3 is about 17,000 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. The concentration of it in the atmosphere has increased 20 fold during the last two decades by its use in manufacturing processes. The level is increasing 11 percent per year.

The weaker CO2 stays in the atmosphere up to 100 years. NF3 stays in the atmosphere for 700 years or more.

NF3 is emitted during the process of manufacturing solar panels, flat-screen TV's, computer monitors, and just about everything electronic. BUT it's not a product of evil fossil fuels combustion or evil cow farts, so you have never heard of it.
Dumb as a Box of Old Rocks said:
What the science says...
No, you faithfully regurgitated what the junk science says, sock puppet.
Midnight, do you realize that there are several differant methods for manufacturing solar cells? That one of them is essentially an ink jet process? And that the amount of a GHG is also quite important. There are many GHGs being emmitted by industrial processes, some of them equally as retentive of heat as NH3. However, none of them have the sheer volume of emmission as the human contributions of CO2 and CH4.
Midnight, do you realize that there are several differant methods for manufacturing solar cells? That one of them is essentially an ink jet process? And that the amount of a GHG is also quite important. There are many GHGs being emmitted by industrial processes, some of them equally as retentive of heat as NH3. However, none of them have the sheer volume of emmission as the human contributions of CO2 and CH4.
NH3 is Anhydrous Ammonia, stupid. I am talking about NF3, nitrogen trifluoride. It sure took you quite awhile to come up with..... Nothing. The processes which emit NF3 are increasing geometrically all over the world, pretty much unchecked.

Plus, VOLUME doesn't matter all that much, when one component is 17,000 times MORE potent of a greenhouse gas than the one you idiots are all crying about. This component concentration in the atmosphere has increased 20 fold during the last two decades by its use in manufacturing processes. The level is increasing 11 percent per year. FAR outstripping CO2. And STAYS in the atmosphere 700 times or more LONGER than CO2.

But again, you're okay with it because it's not a product of that evil fossil fuels combustion!

Leave it to you Enviroloons to force shit on us that's actually far, far worse for the environment, all in the name of "saving the planet."
O.K. here is the thing........Massive amounts of dead vegitation is under the PERMA FROST as that land thaws METHANE is released......Now you COMPOUND that problem with DARK landmass under WHITE REFLECTIVE ice and you get a pretty nasty one-two punch.


Nice. I've motioned this before, about the melting permafrost releasing methane, all I got was vulgarity from the deniers.
This methane may be responsible, I hear for one of the Earths mass extinctions.

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