Message to obama from We the People

The presidential nominee's had solutions they had spoken about before getting elected and before their Corporate bosses put the hammer down on them.

The Constitution had solutions. (all parties will get mad about some of these solutions.........all parties................maybe not the Constitutionalists on this specific point.)

The video didn't make a resolution, it showed many signs of how to map resolutions out. But "Joe Mama" wouldn't know about that............heh.
I'm good with bringing the goverment back within a strict interpretation of the constitution as the framers intended. That being said, the video is still void of solutions.
You must first realize that there is a problem before the solution can be found. The video is pointing out the problems.
It's Obama's solutions that I'm afraid of.
I'm pretty sure he's not supporting an obama solution.
I don't know why you are so sure of that.
By being very observant. Listening to what he says and the content within the video.
I'm good with bringing the goverment back within a strict interpretation of the constitution as the framers intended. That being said, the video is still void of solutions.
You must first realize that there is a problem before the solution can be found. The video is pointing out the problems.
It's Obama's solutions that I'm afraid of.
I'm pretty sure he's not supporting an obama solution.
I don't know why you are so sure of that.
By being very observant. Listening to what he says and the content within the video.
The video comes across as very left wing to me. It seems to say Obama is not liberal enough. Did you notice how the video portrayed cops?
You must first realize that there is a problem before the solution can be found. The video is pointing out the problems.
It's Obama's solutions that I'm afraid of.
I'm pretty sure he's not supporting an obama solution.
I don't know why you are so sure of that.
By being very observant. Listening to what he says and the content within the video.
The video comes across as very left wing to me. It seems to say Obama is not liberal enough. Did you notice how the video portrayed cops?
Left wing? Showing the failure of obama's policies are left wing?
It's Obama's solutions that I'm afraid of.
I'm pretty sure he's not supporting an obama solution.
I don't know why you are so sure of that.
By being very observant. Listening to what he says and the content within the video.
The video comes across as very left wing to me. It seems to say Obama is not liberal enough. Did you notice how the video portrayed cops?
Left wing? Showing the failure of obama's policies are left wing?
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Government isn't the solution to the problem, it is the problem. This video certainly is not conservative or libertarian.
I don't have the patience to listen to bad, racist-dialect-infused cheerleading with porn music in the background. I'd rather he make a succinct statement.
RAP -- Retards Attempting Poetry
Dr. Seuss on crack.
What are you talking about, bad racist dialect?
The cheerleading is bad. Rap is just bad cheerleading. The dialect is rooted in neo segregationist racism. I can't stand rap so I never watched the video and have no idea what the message was.
I don't have the patience to listen to bad, racist-dialect-infused cheerleading with porn music in the background. I'd rather he make a succinct statement.
RAP -- Retards Attempting Poetry
Dr. Seuss on crack.
What are you talking about, bad racist dialect?
The cheerleading is bad. Rap is just bad cheerleading. The dialect is rooted in neo segregationist racism. I can't stand rap so I never watched the video and have no idea what the message was.
The message is good why are we arguing about the message?
I'm pretty sure he's not supporting an obama solution.
I don't know why you are so sure of that.
By being very observant. Listening to what he says and the content within the video.
The video comes across as very left wing to me. It seems to say Obama is not liberal enough. Did you notice how the video portrayed cops?
Left wing? Showing the failure of obama's policies are left wing?
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, Government isn't the solution to the problem, it is the problem. This video certainly is not conservative or libertarian.
True, but maybe he's trying to imply obama needs to stop what he is doing.
I don't have the patience to listen to bad, racist-dialect-infused cheerleading with porn music in the background. I'd rather he make a succinct statement.
RAP -- Retards Attempting Poetry
Dr. Seuss on crack.
What are you talking about, bad racist dialect?
The cheerleading is bad. Rap is just bad cheerleading. The dialect is rooted in neo segregationist racism. I can't stand rap so I never watched the video and have no idea what the message was.
The message is good why are we arguing about the message?
I'm not. It's the method that drives me nuts. Like eating bad food.
I don't have the patience to listen to bad, racist-dialect-infused cheerleading with porn music in the background. I'd rather he make a succinct statement.
RAP -- Retards Attempting Poetry
Dr. Seuss on crack.
What are you talking about, bad racist dialect?
The cheerleading is bad. Rap is just bad cheerleading. The dialect is rooted in neo segregationist racism. I can't stand rap so I never watched the video and have no idea what the message was.
The message is good why are we arguing about the message?
I'm not. It's the method that drives me nuts. Like eating bad food.
As long as it's not kill whitey or kill anyone it really shouldn't bother you.

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