Merry Christmas!

Speaking of...
It's not projection. We have sky high metabolism from running around in your mind all day.
Sounds like you've got a real problem, if you believe that. Seek professional help. I wish I could say it's been fun talking to you but it wasn't. Wasted enough time on you losers. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. Goodbye.
I’d prefer 2.50 gas and you prefer 7.00 gas and I’m twisted
I would prefer that too. But given the fact that oil will run out in less than 40 years, I'm surprised it's still as cheap as it is and still widely available. Long before it's end I'm certain the price will be prohibitive to utilize as we do now.
His $7 will save the planet!!!!!
I am fortunate, I live 3 blocks from work, so I walk and here in the Midwest it only got up to a little over $5.00 a gallon and that was only for a short time. Fortunately I didn't have to buy any gas during that period of time. And you're wrong the profits were kept by the oil companies and the republicans who own them. You're complaining to the wrong people. You've been had again.
The only med I take is for blood pressure and mine's fine. What kind of meds do you have to take for your obvious mental problems.

Either you're stupid or senile, probably both.

I already said, I get my high metabolism from running around in your mind all day.

Hey, I thought you're leaving, but no, you just couldn't resist. :laughing0301:

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