Merrick Garland Is Damned If He Does & Damned If He Doesn't


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Merrick Garland Is Damned If He Does & Damned If He Doesn't

And He's Got Nobody But Himself To Blame For The Fix He'll Soon Find Himself In

13 Feb 2023 ~~ By Brian Cates
Unlike the sham January 6 Committee, which was never able to find a real crime to refer Trump or his close associates for and ended up making a shallow and pretty much worthless referral of the former President to Attorney General Merrick Garland on it’s way out of power and into the dustbin of history, these new House Committees are investigating real and actual crimes.
Understand: these new House Committees don’t have to do months of investigations to determine whether chargeable crimes occurred or not; they’ve already been HANDED the documentary evidence of the crimes thanks to whoever ‘let that sink in!’ when Elon Musk purchased Twitter.
I cannot stress how **unusual it is** for a serious Congressional investigation into real and actual malfeasance by government agencies and officials to **begin** already having in its possession damning documentary evidence. Usually most of the investigation is spent trying to **pry** the evidence from uncooperative government witnesses who are doing their enthusiastic best to HIDE the key evidence from the committees.
Many people are watching a vast sea change that’s been started by the most unusual events surrounding the launch of this new House. The 15 rounds of voting for new Speaker Kevin McCarthy was followed by a radical new rules package that is already causing ripples across the fruited plain of these United States.
Is Garland really about to engineer for himself a national scandal in which he gets called out for having very publicly refused to prosecute Democrats for the exact same crimes for which he very ENTHUSIASTICALLY prosecuted two key Republicans?
Of course, I’m talking about the recent trials of Trump associates Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro. Bannon’s already been to trial while Navarro’s has been delayed indefinitely.
Its commonly assumed in Conservative and MAGA news media that when the new House Committees begin issuing subpoenas to witnesses who will not voluntarily appear to testify, these committees will send referrals to the Justice Department and then…AG Garland is going to very publicly ignore those referrals. It’s expected that even as Bannon appeals his conviction & Navarro’s trial approaches, Garland will stall and delay taking action on any new criminal referrals sent to him by the now-Republican-controlled House committees.
Does Jim Jordan strike you as a PASSIVE person who’s just gonna roll over and take a ‘no’ from Merrick Garland on any criminal referrals he sends to the DOJ on people who defy subpoenas from his House committee? Comer, the guy who’s chairing the Oversight Committee, I don’t know much about him, but I’ve had my eye on Jordan for quite awhile.
The second Garland decides that defying a House Committee investigative subpoena is in fact NOT A CRIME after all, Jordan is gonna move the House to IMPEACH his ass. I believe this without a single doubt.
No matter what he does at this point, Garland is in trouble. If he doesn’t act on the referrals, he exposes himself as a blatant partisan and faces impeachment as over half the country calls for his head. If he acts on the referrals, Democrats, the Fake News and the 1/4th of the country on the Left howls for his head for [checks card] following the established law & precedents.

I do not envy the position that AG Merrick Garland is in. But factually he's done it all by himself.
We've all seen the two tiered system of justice being handed out by D.C Judges and cheered on by the Quisling Media.
Our new Congress and leaders like McCarthy, Jordan, and Comer.
Cates as written a great article laying out the evidence for the position that Garland as put himself in. Time to fish in or cut bait.
It seems that AG Garland in is verve and hatred to see the conviction of Trump and is close associates as painted himself into a corner.

Merrick Garland Is Damned If He Does & Damned If He Doesn't

And He's Got Nobody But Himself To Blame For The Fix He'll Soon Find Himself In

13 Feb 2023 ~~ By Brian Cates
Unlike the sham January 6 Committee, which was never able to find a real crime to refer Trump or his close associates for and ended up making a shallow and pretty much worthless referral of the former President to Attorney General Merrick Garland on it’s way out of power and into the dustbin of history, these new House Committees are investigating real and actual crimes.
Understand: these new House Committees don’t have to do months of investigations to determine whether chargeable crimes occurred or not; they’ve already been HANDED the documentary evidence of the crimes thanks to whoever ‘let that sink in!’ when Elon Musk purchased Twitter.
I cannot stress how **unusual it is** for a serious Congressional investigation into real and actual malfeasance by government agencies and officials to **begin** already having in its possession damning documentary evidence. Usually most of the investigation is spent trying to **pry** the evidence from uncooperative government witnesses who are doing their enthusiastic best to HIDE the key evidence from the committees.
Many people are watching a vast sea change that’s been started by the most unusual events surrounding the launch of this new House. The 15 rounds of voting for new Speaker Kevin McCarthy was followed by a radical new rules package that is already causing ripples across the fruited plain of these United States.
Is Garland really about to engineer for himself a national scandal in which he gets called out for having very publicly refused to prosecute Democrats for the exact same crimes for which he very ENTHUSIASTICALLY prosecuted two key Republicans?
Of course, I’m talking about the recent trials of Trump associates Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro. Bannon’s already been to trial while Navarro’s has been delayed indefinitely.
Its commonly assumed in Conservative and MAGA news media that when the new House Committees begin issuing subpoenas to witnesses who will not voluntarily appear to testify, these committees will send referrals to the Justice Department and then…AG Garland is going to very publicly ignore those referrals. It’s expected that even as Bannon appeals his conviction & Navarro’s trial approaches, Garland will stall and delay taking action on any new criminal referrals sent to him by the now-Republican-controlled House committees.
Does Jim Jordan strike you as a PASSIVE person who’s just gonna roll over and take a ‘no’ from Merrick Garland on any criminal referrals he sends to the DOJ on people who defy subpoenas from his House committee? Comer, the guy who’s chairing the Oversight Committee, I don’t know much about him, but I’ve had my eye on Jordan for quite awhile.
The second Garland decides that defying a House Committee investigative subpoena is in fact NOT A CRIME after all, Jordan is gonna move the House to IMPEACH his ass. I believe this without a single doubt.
No matter what he does at this point, Garland is in trouble. If he doesn’t act on the referrals, he exposes himself as a blatant partisan and faces impeachment as over half the country calls for his head. If he acts on the referrals, Democrats, the Fake News and the 1/4th of the country on the Left howls for his head for [checks card] following the established law & precedents.

I do not envy the position that AG Merrick Garland is in. But factually he's done it all by himself.
We've all seen the two tiered system of justice being handed out by D.C Judges and cheered on by the Quisling Media.
Our new Congress and leaders like McCarthy, Jordan, and Comer.
Cates as written a great article laying out the evidence for the position that Garland as put himself in. Time to fish in or cut bait.
It seems that AG Garland in is verve and hatred to see the conviction of Trump and is close associates as painted himself into a corner.
Remember Barr.
In my experience, one of the most effective ways for big, serious, obvious crimes to go unpunished is to be investigated by a congressional committee.

Stern looks and sound bites and then they go away, never to be heard of again.

Merrick Garland Is Damned If He Does & Damned If He Doesn't

And He's Got Nobody But Himself To Blame For The Fix He'll Soon Find Himself In

13 Feb 2023 ~~ By Brian Cates
Unlike the sham January 6 Committee, which was never able to find a real crime to refer Trump or his close associates for and ended up making a shallow and pretty much worthless referral of the former President to Attorney General Merrick Garland on it’s way out of power and into the dustbin of history, these new House Committees are investigating real and actual crimes.
Understand: these new House Committees don’t have to do months of investigations to determine whether chargeable crimes occurred or not; they’ve already been HANDED the documentary evidence of the crimes thanks to whoever ‘let that sink in!’ when Elon Musk purchased Twitter.
I cannot stress how **unusual it is** for a serious Congressional investigation into real and actual malfeasance by government agencies and officials to **begin** already having in its possession damning documentary evidence. Usually most of the investigation is spent trying to **pry** the evidence from uncooperative government witnesses who are doing their enthusiastic best to HIDE the key evidence from the committees.
Many people are watching a vast sea change that’s been started by the most unusual events surrounding the launch of this new House. The 15 rounds of voting for new Speaker Kevin McCarthy was followed by a radical new rules package that is already causing ripples across the fruited plain of these United States.
Is Garland really about to engineer for himself a national scandal in which he gets called out for having very publicly refused to prosecute Democrats for the exact same crimes for which he very ENTHUSIASTICALLY prosecuted two key Republicans?
Of course, I’m talking about the recent trials of Trump associates Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro. Bannon’s already been to trial while Navarro’s has been delayed indefinitely.
Its commonly assumed in Conservative and MAGA news media that when the new House Committees begin issuing subpoenas to witnesses who will not voluntarily appear to testify, these committees will send referrals to the Justice Department and then…AG Garland is going to very publicly ignore those referrals. It’s expected that even as Bannon appeals his conviction & Navarro’s trial approaches, Garland will stall and delay taking action on any new criminal referrals sent to him by the now-Republican-controlled House committees.
Does Jim Jordan strike you as a PASSIVE person who’s just gonna roll over and take a ‘no’ from Merrick Garland on any criminal referrals he sends to the DOJ on people who defy subpoenas from his House committee? Comer, the guy who’s chairing the Oversight Committee, I don’t know much about him, but I’ve had my eye on Jordan for quite awhile.
The second Garland decides that defying a House Committee investigative subpoena is in fact NOT A CRIME after all, Jordan is gonna move the House to IMPEACH his ass. I believe this without a single doubt.
No matter what he does at this point, Garland is in trouble. If he doesn’t act on the referrals, he exposes himself as a blatant partisan and faces impeachment as over half the country calls for his head. If he acts on the referrals, Democrats, the Fake News and the 1/4th of the country on the Left howls for his head for [checks card] following the established law & precedents.

I do not envy the position that AG Merrick Garland is in. But factually he's done it all by himself.
We've all seen the two tiered system of justice being handed out by D.C Judges and cheered on by the Quisling Media.
Our new Congress and leaders like McCarthy, Jordan, and Comer.
Cates as written a great article laying out the evidence for the position that Garland as put himself in. Time to fish in or cut bait.
It seems that AG Garland in is verve and hatred to see the conviction of Trump and is close associates as painted himself into a corner.
Everyone knows the circus is run by Democrats

Not checks and balances.
Whoever wrote this doesn't understand it's not about Garland. It's about Jack Smith.

The orange universe. Always weird.
It is about Garland. We were told he was a moderate. A real moderate. For years. Just like when we vote for so called conservatives. The ones you saw at the Republican House leadership vote are a minority compared to near all the Prog House members who are to the left of left. We have Republicans who are ready and willing to be best buddies with Progs. However, it is not very returnable unless the agreements are 90% for Progs. May Garland and others like him get their karma someday.
It is about Garland. We were told he was a moderate. A real moderate. For years. Just like when we vote for so called conservatives. The ones you saw at the Republican House leadership vote are a minority compared to near all the Prog House members who are to the left of left. We have Republicans who are ready and willing to be best buddies with Progs. However, it is not very returnable unless the agreements are 90% for Progs. May Garland and others like him get their karma someday.

Garland has never been a moderate. More to the point he has been a Liberal toody since he became an an attorney then judge.
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