Merkel Reversing Course on Refugees; Why Cant Trump Ban them Too Then?

This will just encourage more to come for the cash to go home, then return a few months later for more cash
because the congress has the power to do it and not the president.

The second question is why???
The president has the authority to ban entry of any foreign nationals that are deemed a threat to security. Stop lying.
because the congress has the power to do it and not the president.

The second question is why???
The president has the authority to ban entry of any foreign nationals that are deemed a threat to security. Stop lying.

The new executive order to add wording exempting those with greencards or who are citizens was needed to pass legal muster. What I don't understand is why Trump didn't enact a more limited ban of men 15-35, the most terror prone segment of the refugee population, in the first place. Freaking out the Salafists should be part of our foreign policy.
OK, then, what is the culture and values of Mexico that would make someone proud?
Well, starting out, that it was ones own heritage would be one reason.

Other reasons would be the indomitable spirit of their people and the hard working values that they represent.

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