Men's Meeting

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Alright, men. We're almost there. May as well go over some final preparation steps here to make sure everybody's ready. Do or do not. It is a choice.

The election is right around the corner. It is my view that regardless of who wins this one, ''anarchy'' and death will follow. Combine this with the already existing flu lockdowns.

Many businesses have already closed their doors and emptied their inventory in preparation or otherwise have those similar plans in place with regard to how they're going to deal with the election aftermath. Major supply chains will likely stop for some time, should this occur. I don't believe the shelves will be empty for longer than a few weeks, as the intended effect will take no longer than this. Those who are not prepared will likely be left to fight over inventory, making the situation worse, particularly in heavily black populated areas if those acting out in current events are of any indicator. They've proven that they will arbitrarily rob, loot , assault and kill without remorse. Turn the idiot box on and tune into any major news channel for proof of just that. It's going on as we sit here.

So there are just a few days left to prepare. May as well go over some things.

Non-perishable food and water. Make sure we all have it. The shelves will likely be empty, and for a much longer period of time. Have enough to last. How long? I'm not saying. This is strategic. But shutdowns and the supply chain will likely extend to the burbs. I imagine this will likely be arranged inter-governmentally.

Guns and ammo. We should already have it. How much? I'm not saying. This is also strategic.

Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

If you have any attractive women in your home, wives, daughters, you shoud keep them safe and hidden. Conceal everything you have. Everything you've prepped.

First Aid. Self explanatory. Make sure you have a good kit.

Medications. Fill what prescriptions you can.

Quiet means of backup electricity.

Keep a very low profile. Attract no attention.

All of these people we're seeing with political signs in their yards, or politically incorrect propaganda in their windows or all over their cars, don't do it. You're putting a big red X on yourself at a very delicate time.

Do not pretend that we will escape from reality. We won't. We're gonna have to deal with it. But we're men, many of us trained defenders and killers. So we can. Get out of the cities if you can. Particularly heavily black polulated cities. If you can't, make sure you've at least covered the basics mentioned here.

Those are the basics to get us through a few weeks. I doubt it'll last longer than that. In time, the guard et al will likely thin them out.

I'll post a link just to comply with rules, but I don't really care about the link, we already know why we have to do what we have to do. In fact, I didn't even read it myself, I just looked for a relevant headline in support of what I just said.

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I do believe it is better to be prepared than not. Some areas may get pretty rough; and the corrupt do not desire to go down easily. What better way than to get masses to distract what is going down as they wrestle to gain power that was never intended to be theirs in the first place.
- only the pandemic from mt high is preventing the possible christian crucifier's land slide that is historically the norm, and yes if they fail the deplorables will be a threat as a juveniles without their candy.
Alright, men. We're almost there. May as well go over some final preparation steps here to make sure everybody's ready. Do or do not. It is a choice.

The election is right around the corner. It is my view that regardless of who wins this one, ''anarchy'' and death will follow. Combine this with the already existing flu lockdowns.

Many businesses have already closed their doors and emptied their inventory in preparation or otherwise have those similar plans in place with regard to how they're going to deal with the election aftermath. Major supply chains will likely stop for some time, should this occur. I don't believe the shelves will be empty for longer than a few weeks, as the intended effect will take no longer than this. Those who are not prepared will likely be left to fight over inventory, making the situation worse, particularly in heavily black populated areas if those acting out in current events are of any indicator. They've proven that they will arbitrarily rob, loot , assault and kill without remorse. Turn the idiot box on and tune into any major news channel for proof of just that. It's going on as we sit here.

So there are just a few days left to prepare. May as well go over some things.

Non-perishable food and water. Make sure we all have it. The shelves will likely be empty, and for a much longer period of time. Have enough to last. How long? I'm not saying. This is strategic. But shutdowns and the supply chain will likely extend to the burbs. I imagine this will likely be arranged inter-governmentally.

Guns and ammo. We should already have it. How much? I'm not saying. This is also strategic.

Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

If you have any attractive women in your home, wives, daughters, you shoud keep them safe and hidden. Conceal everything you have. Everything you've prepped.

First Aid. Self explanatory. Make sure you have a good kit.

Medications. Fill what prescriptions you can.

Quiet means of backup electricity.

Keep a very low profile. Attract no attention.

All of these people we're seeing with political signs in their yards, or politically incorrect propaganda in their windows or all over their cars, don't do it. You're putting a big red X on yourself at a very delicate time.

Do not pretend that we will escape from reality. We won't. We're gonna have to deal with it. But we're men, many of us trained defenders and killers. So we can. Get out of the cities if you can. Particularly heavily black polulated cities. If you can't, make sure you've at least covered the basics mentioned here.

Those are the basics to get us through a few weeks. I doubt it'll last longer than that. In time, the guard et al will likely thin them out.

I'll post a link just to comply with rules, but I don't really care about the link, we already know why we have to do what we have to do. In fact, I didn't even read it myself, I just looked for a relevant headline in support of what I just said.

Or just go hunker down in your rural bolt hole....My plan of action.
Alright, men. We're almost there. May as well go over some final preparation steps here to make sure everybody's ready. Do or do not. It is a choice.

The election is right around the corner. It is my view that regardless of who wins this one, ''anarchy'' and death will follow. Combine this with the already existing flu lockdowns.

Many businesses have already closed their doors and emptied their inventory in preparation or otherwise have those similar plans in place with regard to how they're going to deal with the election aftermath. Major supply chains will likely stop for some time, should this occur. I don't believe the shelves will be empty for longer than a few weeks, as the intended effect will take no longer than this. Those who are not prepared will likely be left to fight over inventory, making the situation worse, particularly in heavily black populated areas if those acting out in current events are of any indicator. They've proven that they will arbitrarily rob, loot , assault and kill without remorse. Turn the idiot box on and tune into any major news channel for proof of just that. It's going on as we sit here.

So there are just a few days left to prepare. May as well go over some things.

Non-perishable food and water. Make sure we all have it. The shelves will likely be empty, and for a much longer period of time. Have enough to last. How long? I'm not saying. This is strategic. But shutdowns and the supply chain will likely extend to the burbs. I imagine this will likely be arranged inter-governmentally.

Guns and ammo. We should already have it. How much? I'm not saying. This is also strategic.

Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

If you have any attractive women in your home, wives, daughters, you shoud keep them safe and hidden. Conceal everything you have. Everything you've prepped.

First Aid. Self explanatory. Make sure you have a good kit.

Medications. Fill what prescriptions you can.

Quiet means of backup electricity.

Keep a very low profile. Attract no attention.

All of these people we're seeing with political signs in their yards, or politically incorrect propaganda in their windows or all over their cars, don't do it. You're putting a big red X on yourself at a very delicate time.

Do not pretend that we will escape from reality. We won't. We're gonna have to deal with it. But we're men, many of us trained defenders and killers. So we can. Get out of the cities if you can. Particularly heavily black polulated cities. If you can't, make sure you've at least covered the basics mentioned here.

Those are the basics to get us through a few weeks. I doubt it'll last longer than that. In time, the guard et al will likely thin them out.

I'll post a link just to comply with rules, but I don't really care about the link, we already know why we have to do what we have to do. In fact, I didn't even read it myself, I just looked for a relevant headline in support of what I just said.

No guns and ammo left; nitwit Trump voters have caused an unnecessary shortage the consequence of their panic buying.
Alright, men. We're almost there. May as well go over some final preparation steps here to make sure everybody's ready. Do or do not. It is a choice.

The election is right around the corner. It is my view that regardless of who wins this one, ''anarchy'' and death will follow. Combine this with the already existing flu lockdowns.

Many businesses have already closed their doors and emptied their inventory in preparation or otherwise have those similar plans in place with regard to how they're going to deal with the election aftermath. Major supply chains will likely stop for some time, should this occur. I don't believe the shelves will be empty for longer than a few weeks, as the intended effect will take no longer than this. Those who are not prepared will likely be left to fight over inventory, making the situation worse, particularly in heavily black populated areas if those acting out in current events are of any indicator. They've proven that they will arbitrarily rob, loot , assault and kill without remorse. Turn the idiot box on and tune into any major news channel for proof of just that. It's going on as we sit here.

So there are just a few days left to prepare. May as well go over some things.

Non-perishable food and water. Make sure we all have it. The shelves will likely be empty, and for a much longer period of time. Have enough to last. How long? I'm not saying. This is strategic. But shutdowns and the supply chain will likely extend to the burbs. I imagine this will likely be arranged inter-governmentally.

Guns and ammo. We should already have it. How much? I'm not saying. This is also strategic.

Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

If you have any attractive women in your home, wives, daughters, you shoud keep them safe and hidden. Conceal everything you have. Everything you've prepped.

First Aid. Self explanatory. Make sure you have a good kit.

Medications. Fill what prescriptions you can.

Quiet means of backup electricity.

Keep a very low profile. Attract no attention.

All of these people we're seeing with political signs in their yards, or politically incorrect propaganda in their windows or all over their cars, don't do it. You're putting a big red X on yourself at a very delicate time.

Do not pretend that we will escape from reality. We won't. We're gonna have to deal with it. But we're men, many of us trained defenders and killers. So we can. Get out of the cities if you can. Particularly heavily black polulated cities. If you can't, make sure you've at least covered the basics mentioned here.

Those are the basics to get us through a few weeks. I doubt it'll last longer than that. In time, the guard et al will likely thin them out.

I'll post a link just to comply with rules, but I don't really care about the link, we already know why we have to do what we have to do. In fact, I didn't even read it myself, I just looked for a relevant headline in support of what I just said.

No guns and ammo left; nitwit Trump voters have caused an unnecessary shortage the consequence of their panic buying.
The thread is to and about MEN, pajama boi.

Alright, men. We're almost there. May as well go over some final preparation steps here to make sure everybody's ready. Do or do not. It is a choice.

The election is right around the corner. It is my view that regardless of who wins this one, ''anarchy'' and death will follow. Combine this with the already existing flu lockdowns.

Many businesses have already closed their doors and emptied their inventory in preparation or otherwise have those similar plans in place with regard to how they're going to deal with the election aftermath. Major supply chains will likely stop for some time, should this occur. I don't believe the shelves will be empty for longer than a few weeks, as the intended effect will take no longer than this. Those who are not prepared will likely be left to fight over inventory, making the situation worse, particularly in heavily black populated areas if those acting out in current events are of any indicator. They've proven that they will arbitrarily rob, loot , assault and kill without remorse. Turn the idiot box on and tune into any major news channel for proof of just that. It's going on as we sit here.

So there are just a few days left to prepare. May as well go over some things.

Non-perishable food and water. Make sure we all have it. The shelves will likely be empty, and for a much longer period of time. Have enough to last. How long? I'm not saying. This is strategic. But shutdowns and the supply chain will likely extend to the burbs. I imagine this will likely be arranged inter-governmentally.

Guns and ammo. We should already have it. How much? I'm not saying. This is also strategic.

Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

If you have any attractive women in your home, wives, daughters, you shoud keep them safe and hidden. Conceal everything you have. Everything you've prepped.

First Aid. Self explanatory. Make sure you have a good kit.

Medications. Fill what prescriptions you can.

Quiet means of backup electricity.

Keep a very low profile. Attract no attention.

All of these people we're seeing with political signs in their yards, or politically incorrect propaganda in their windows or all over their cars, don't do it. You're putting a big red X on yourself at a very delicate time.

Do not pretend that we will escape from reality. We won't. We're gonna have to deal with it. But we're men, many of us trained defenders and killers. So we can. Get out of the cities if you can. Particularly heavily black polulated cities. If you can't, make sure you've at least covered the basics mentioned here.

Those are the basics to get us through a few weeks. I doubt it'll last longer than that. In time, the guard et al will likely thin them out.

I'll post a link just to comply with rules, but I don't really care about the link, we already know why we have to do what we have to do. In fact, I didn't even read it myself, I just looked for a relevant headline in support of what I just said.

Or just go hunker down in your rural bolt hole....My plan of action.

I'm ALWAYS prepared. But just what are we preparing for this time? I thought the Dems told us this is going to be a SLAM DUNK BLUE WAVE? That support for Trump was leaving him in droves?!

So just what are the kooks preparing to protest about, victory?

Sure doesn't sound like these people are confident in a Biden-Harris win.
I'm ALWAYS prepared. But just what are we preparing for this time? I thought the Dems told us this is going to be a SLAM DUNK BLUE WAVE? That support for Trump was leaving him in droves?!

So just what are the kooks preparing to protest about, victory?

Sure doesn't sound like these people are confident in a Biden-Harris win.

I know we're prepared. I was basically just reminding those who maybe aren't to get prepared with the basics to get them by for a few weeks. It's a wise precaution given what we're currently seeing in the cities. If the stores are preparing, and they are, that makes us the next stop on a looter's shopping spree. As you likely know, people who go looking for fights are rarely much of a problem to those of us who are ready for one.
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Have a plan with your neighbors to prepare for looters and outsiders who are not prepared and who will come looking for your money, weapons, food and water. At the same time, be aware that your neighbors may themselves come knocking on your door at some point. So do not let them know how much food, water and ammo you have.

Great plan!

If any of those hungry neighbors come knocking at your door you can shoot them with all that ammo. After you run out of food (don't knock on anyone's door) you can always eat your neighbors so remember to refrigerate the corpses after you shoot all those thirsty and hungry bastards!

I'm sure there is a justification for that in your survival manual for dummies.

Praise Jesus!
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Relevant reading...

''Left-wing activists are descending on the US capital for a mass demonstration on polling day and security experts have predicted that violence could erupt no matter what the result of the vote shows.''

A collection of activist groups including Black Lives Matter and Shutdown DC are planning an eight-hour demonstration in the shadow of the White House. Shutdown DC protesters have revealed that they are rehearsing “election meltdown simulations” and have plans to indefinitely occupy public spaces.

The police will also be out in force as DC Metro Police Chief Peter Newsham pledged that the entire department will be working on election day. The force also splurged tens of thousands of dollars on riot-control munitions after unrest throughout the summer depleted its stockpile.

In New York City, the police issued an order that trash cans be removed from key thoroughfares to prevent them from being used as projectiles.

Several states are preparing to deploy the National Guard in a bid to clamp down on unrest.''

Relevant reading...

''Left-wing activists are descending on the US capital for a mass demonstration on polling day and security experts have predicted that violence could erupt no matter what the result of the vote shows.''

A collection of activist groups including Black Lives Matter and Shutdown DC are planning an eight-hour demonstration in the shadow of the White House. Shutdown DC protesters have revealed that they are rehearsing “election meltdown simulations” and have plans to indefinitely occupy public spaces.

The police will also be out in force as DC Metro Police Chief Peter Newsham pledged that the entire department will be working on election day. The force also splurged tens of thousands of dollars on riot-control munitions after unrest throughout the summer depleted its stockpile.

In New York City, the police issued an order that trash cans be removed from key thoroughfares to prevent them from being used as projectiles.

Several states are preparing to deploy the National Guard in a bid to clamp down on unrest.''


No, just more fake news from Vlad.
I'm ALWAYS prepared. But just what are we preparing for this time? I thought the Dems told us this is going to be a SLAM DUNK BLUE WAVE? That support for Trump was leaving him in droves?!

So just what are the kooks preparing to protest about, victory?

Sure doesn't sound like these people are confident in a Biden-Harris win.

I know we're prepared. I was basically just reminding those who maybe aren't to get prepared with the basics to get them by for a few weeks. It's a wise precaution given what we're currently seeing in the cities. If the stores are preparing, and they are, that makes us the next stop on a looter's shopping spree. As you likely know, people who go looking for fights are rarely much of a problem to those of us who are ready for one.
I'm ALWAYS prepared.
... the basics to get them by for a few weeks.
... are rarely much of a problem to those of us who are ready for one.
a few weeks, liars - theirs is an addiction for life, deception and conflict is their holy grail.

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