Memorial Day crosses for fallen soldiers removed after single complaint

We renovated city hall while I was on council to the tune of $1.7m. A bronze plaque was placed naming all the council members, mayor, architect and construction firm. My last time is tricky, so they spent a lot of time proofing that and misspelled my first name. Point is, it was nice to be remembered, even if it was slightly imperfect. The building committee was mortified, I was amused.
I suppose a compromise to leave them out for this year and do something more appropriate next would be too easy and fair.

Whoever the person was, was willing to sacrifice fallen soldiers for their cause of religious persecution.

The People who put them out took them down without ONE SINGLE request for it to be removed. Its right there in the article that Sassy omitted the next paragraph
I suppose a compromise to leave them out for this year and do something more appropriate next would be too easy and fair.

Whoever the person was, was willing to sacrifice fallen soldiers for their cause of religious persecution.

The People who put them out took them down without ONE SINGLE request for it to be removed. Its right there in the article that Sassy omitted the next paragraph

No, it was taken down after a complaint. They feared legal action, so they folded. Nice spin attempt.
I suppose a compromise to leave them out for this year and do something more appropriate next would be too easy and fair.

Whoever the person was, was willing to sacrifice fallen soldiers for their cause of religious persecution.

The People who put them out took them down without ONE SINGLE request for it to be removed. Its right there in the article that Sassy omitted the next paragraph

No, it was taken down after a complaint. They feared legal action, so they folded. Nice spin attempt.

No they didnt. It said right from the people who did it. Someone asked were they all Christian. Without one request, from the ARTICLE, they said THEY THEMSELVES realized the mistake and took them down.

No one asked them to. No one requested it be done. They decided themselves
To me if you don't want anything where your family's name is, just get rid of whatever may be there, but leave everyone else's spot alone. It is their property and no one else's.

God bless you always!!!

No, Misses Holly Otto, it was public property, not privately owned.
What the fuck did I tell you!! Click on the Whining OP's link. She FORGOT *winnk* to include the next paragraph

fta: “They asked were all those fallen soldiers Christian, and the answer to that was not, they obviously weren’t,” Mr. Atkinson said, a local ABC News affiliate reported. “It opened our eyes that we missed something here, and we immediately took corrective action.”

Ladies and Gentlemen it was not about 1 Compliant. The people realized they fucked up.
So instead of removing the crosses they could have added, what? A crescent? Yep. The underlying reason liberals bitch about crosses is because they want crescents.
Memorial Day crosses for fallen soldiers removed after single complaint

“They asked were all those fallen soldiers Christian, and the answer to that was not, they obviously weren’t,” Mr. Atkinson said, a local ABC News affiliate reported. “It opened our eyes that we missed something here, and we immediately took corrective action.”

He said the caller offered to make a donation if the city decided to build a new memorial.

“If Hiram was willing to do a permanent veterans memorial, they offered to make a cash contribution, so I wouldn’t say they were really mad,” Mr. Atkinson said.

Sassy forgot to include this part because she knew she had to lie to get you guys whipped up into a religious persecution froth about it
What the fuck did I tell you!! Click on the Whining OP's link. She FORGOT *winnk* to include the next paragraph

fta: “They asked were all those fallen soldiers Christian, and the answer to that was not, they obviously weren’t,” Mr. Atkinson said, a local ABC News affiliate reported. “It opened our eyes that we missed something here, and we immediately took corrective action.”

Ladies and Gentlemen it was not about 1 Compliant. The people realized they fucked up.
So instead of removing the crosses they could have added, what? A crescent? Yep. The underlying reason liberals bitch about crosses is because they want crescents.

I dont know, the people who put the crosses out decided to take them down. And the caller offered a cash donation toward a permanent memorial. I can see why you're mad tho:confused:
The person who made the crosses was right, but so was the caller. Where this went wrong was not using common sense and not trying to see the others point of view. At the end of he day the crosses were meant to honor the soldiers - not to make a religious statement. In a common sense world the crosses would have stayed up until after Memorial Day, then a less religious permanent symbol would have been constructed to replace the crosses. Give a little, take a little. Everyone wins.

This is why this country fucking sucks.

Totalitarians won't tolerate anything but their views and wants
Why does Sassy keep lying about this story? Will she use her lies to complain about dividing people?
Sometimes you have to shrug your shoulders and say, big deal. It was a temporary memorial. And I hope they find someone to put up it on private property.

Correct, sometimes whiny pussies need to shrug their shoulders and say "big deal" when they see something that offends them.

This is getting fucking ridiculous.

Cross offends one person, gotta take the cross down. Man in a woman's bathroom offends millions? Tough shit.

I personally don't give one hoot about a cross at a memorial, but this country has lost and semblance of principles and sense of what is right in favor of this PC bullshit.
The person who made the crosses was right, but so was the caller. Where this went wrong was not using common sense and not trying to see the others point of view. At the end of he day the crosses were meant to honor the soldiers - not to make a religious statement. In a common sense world the crosses would have stayed up until after Memorial Day, then a less religious permanent symbol would have been constructed to replace the crosses. Give a little, take a little. Everyone wins.

This is why this country fucking sucks.

Totalitarians won't tolerate anything but their views and wants

Exactly. The intent was to honor the soldiers.

I'm not Jewish, but if someone put up a Jewish symbol to honor my family member it wouldn't bother me at all. I would just be glad someone thought to do that. It all depends in the intent of the individual. There's no reason the crosses couldn't stay (at least until Memorial Day) until a different memorial was constructed.
Cross offends one person, gotta take the cross down.

Read the story. OP lied

I posted the rest of the story on page 3

Meh, the story may be a lie, in fact I'm willing to accept your word on that. But in a general sense what I said is correct. We have became a nation of pussies who just cry anytime they see something that offends them and run to daddy government to silence it. It's pathetic.

And ANYONE who believes the founding fathers intended for the government to disallow religious artifacts on government property is quite retarded.
Cross offends one person, gotta take the cross down.

Read the story. OP lied

I posted the rest of the story on page 3

Meh, the story may be a lie, in fact I'm willing to accept your word on that. But in a general sense what I said is correct. We have became a nation of pussies who just cry anytime they see something that offends them and run to daddy government to silence it. It's pathetic.

And ANYONE who believes the founding fathers intended for the government to disallow religious artifacts on government property is quite retarded.

Yeah but this story isnt that story. OP lied as bait and the typical bunch ran in all offended when the people didnt receive ONE compliant.

Cross offends one person, gotta take the cross down.

Read the story. OP lied

I posted the rest of the story on page 3

Meh, the story may be a lie, in fact I'm willing to accept your word on that. But in a general sense what I said is correct. We have became a nation of pussies who just cry anytime they see something that offends them and run to daddy government to silence it. It's pathetic.

And ANYONE who believes the founding fathers intended for the government to disallow religious artifacts on government property is quite retarded.

Yeah but this story isnt that story. OP lied as bait and the typical bunch ran in all offended when the people didnt receive ONE compliant.


So you want me to concede that liars post here? LOL I concede that point. Pssst, morons post here as well.
The person who made the crosses was right, but so was the caller. Where this went wrong was not using common sense and not trying to see the others point of view. At the end of he day the crosses were meant to honor the soldiers - not to make a religious statement. In a common sense world the crosses would have stayed up until after Memorial Day, then a less religious permanent symbol would have been constructed to replace the crosses. Give a little, take a little. Everyone wins.

This is why this country fucking sucks.

Totalitarians won't tolerate anything but their views and wants
I know. Christmas is such fun. The whiners are out in full force. They make me gag.

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