Member Gold/Silver Upgrades are Not the Same as the Server Fund.

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Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Mod Staff has had to intervene to credit for member contributions that were made thru the "server fund" on the Home Page. Many thought that they were getting an automatic Gold/Silver upgrade that comes with actual meaningful benefits that are handy for posting and using USMB. We've generally had no problem crediting the members for an upgrade, but please use the Upgrade option if that is your intent.

Check under your profile. On the left side under "Settings" click "Account Upgrade".

NOTE: Donating to the Home Page server fund doesn't automatically link you to these benefits. They are separate way to continually upgrade the servers, provide more performance, and keep us from relying on hosting that's picky about content. It's just as vital, but the "credit" for the donations take a separate processing path.

This thread will be made sticky in about 24 hours. Contact myself or Dont Taz Me Bro for comments or questions.

Tonight we asked IT/Admin to include a note in the Server Fund landing dialogue to CLARIFY the difference. OR find a way to make ANY $25 or more donation link to automatic Silver/Gold benefits.
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