Meghan McCain compares Obama's campaign finance fines with Trump's felonies.

I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
What are the names of these she’ll companies?
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
What are the names of these she’ll companies?
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
You're right. Their wasn't one felony.

There were TWO and that's why Cohen is going to prison. March 6 is the day he reports to begin his prison sentence.

Trump was in the room.

Trump was reportedly in the room when Michael Cohen was discussing hush-money payments with the publisher of the National Enquirer

Multiple witnesses? AND tape?


"But if Trump is now in the room ... you now squarely place Trump in the middle of a conspiracy to commit campaign-finance fraud,"

But prosecutors have a slew of corroborating evidence detailing Trump's involvement in the hush-money payments.

"This is what prosecutors, jurors, and sentencing judges call 'compelling evidence of a conspiracy,'"

Prosecutors also have a tape recording of Trump and Cohen discussing the payments and the setting up of shell companies, as well as referring to Pecker, who news reports have suggested has a history of burying potentially damaging stories about Trump.

Cohen's and AMI's admissions about the payments, moreover, were made under penalty of perjury.

"This is what prosecutors, jurors, and sentencing judges call 'compelling evidence of a conspiracy,'"


Trump is freaking out. And with good cause.

But how can Republicans on a DISCUSSION Board pretend it's all innocent and can be explained.

Well, it can be explained, but innocent? That is laughable!
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Well, you can't really say there is no felony. Why do you think Cohen is going to prison.

Come on, think it through.

Cohen is going to prison for years so he must have committed...........come on...........say the word.......................FELONY!

Trump is going



I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Well, you can't really say there is no felony. Why do you think Cohen is going to prison.

Come on, think it through.

Cohen is going to prison for years so he must have committed...........come on...........say the word.......................FELONY!

Trump is going



Reality is evident to the sane the insane are a different story. Mr. Cohen is not Mr. Trump. Mr. Cohen was convicted Mr. Trump was not therefore Mr. Trump is not a felon. Saying the same lie over and overi expecting it to become truth is pretty much the same as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, both are insanity. Conversing with the insane is in and of itself insane. Take a valium and relax.
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
What are the names of these she’ll companies?
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
So I was watching the View and when Trump's felonies came up, Meghan McCain jumped to his defense with:





Obama was fined for campaign finance violations. I checked it out. She's right. He was. But then it got me to thinking, what about her dad? Not only did the Obama campaign pay fines, but also the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain paid the SAME fines.

FEC Fines McCain Presidential Campaign $80,000
FEC Fines McCain Presidential Campaign

When you take in a billion dollars, many in small donations, you miss deadlines and you have clerical errors. You pay a fine. It’s not a felony.

Here's the difference between Obama and McCain compared to Trump.
Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.

So the next time anyone tries to use Obama to defend Trump, they should understand what exactly happened.

Obama's acceptance of contributions over the limit were not intentional. Trump and Cohen hiding Cohen's contribution was very deliberate.
Last edited:
They've proven Trump used campaign donations to pay Stormy or the bunny?

Or did he use pocket change?
Stormy was paid off with Cohen's personal money. He took out a HELOC. Then he filed false financial statements with the bank to hide the reason for the payment. When you move that kind of money around, the Patriot Act requires paperwork stating the reason for the transfer. Cohen deliberately lied. He committed the same crime as pedophile Denny Hastert. And now they are both in jail.

McDougal's story was captured and killed with $150,000 of Pecker's money.

All to help Trump get elected.

Thus, these payments count as campaign contributions. And they exceeded the limits. Limits well known to Trump, who has donated many millions to many politicians over several decades.

All caught up now?
They've proven Trump used campaign donations to pay Stormy or the bunny?

Or did he use pocket change?
Gawd, what is it you people don't understand?

You don't have to use campaign donations. You only need to help the campaign. When you help the campaign, you give it something of value. In this case, you helped the campaign and then tried to hide it and lied about it. That's a felony. I don't know how to explain it any other way.

I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Well, you can't really say there is no felony. Why do you think Cohen is going to prison.

Come on, think it through.

Cohen is going to prison for years so he must have committed...........come on...........say the word.......................FELONY!

Trump is going



Reality is evident to the sane the insane are a different story. Mr. Cohen is not Mr. Trump. Mr. Cohen was convicted Mr. Trump was not therefore Mr. Trump is not a felon. Saying the same lie over and overi expecting it to become truth is pretty much the same as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, both are insanity. Conversing with the insane is in and of itself insane. Take a valium and relax.
Mr. Cohen implicated Trump. And produced an audio recording PROVING that Trump was in on it.

That makes Trump an unindicted co-conspirator.

The only thing that saves him from going to prison is the fact he's the president.

But he won't be president forever.
So I was watching the View and when Trump's felonies came up, Meghan McCain jumped to his defense with:





Obama was fined for campaign finance violations. I checked it out. She's right. He was. But then it got me to thinking, what about her dad? Not only did the Obama campaign pay fines, but also the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain paid the SAME fines.

FEC Fines McCain Presidential Campaign $80,000
FEC Fines McCain Presidential Campaign

When you take in a billion dollars, many in small donations, you miss deadlines and you have clerical errors. You pay a fine. It’s not a felony.

Here's the difference between Obama and McCain compared to Trump.
Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.

So the next time anyone tries to use Obama to defend Trump, they should understand what exactly happened.
Conservatives: masters of the red herring fallacy.

And in this case, a false comparison fallacy as well.
Ya got a conviction for the bullshit you are sceaming? Without a conviction there is no felony. Just bullshit whimpering, crying and spitting up because you opinion is worth what it cost.
Micheal Cohen is going to prison.

Why do you think that is?
Mr. Trump was not a defendant in Mr. Cohens' trial. Again until there is a conviction there is no felony no matter how hard you wish. Try this, wish in one hand shit in the other and see which one fills up first.
Well, you can't really say there is no felony. Why do you think Cohen is going to prison.

Come on, think it through.

Cohen is going to prison for years so he must have committed...........come on...........say the word.......................FELONY!

Trump is going



Reality is evident to the sane the insane are a different story. Mr. Cohen is not Mr. Trump. Mr. Cohen was convicted Mr. Trump was not therefore Mr. Trump is not a felon. Saying the same lie over and overi expecting it to become truth is pretty much the same as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, both are insanity. Conversing with the insane is in and of itself insane. Take a valium and relax.
Mr. Cohen implicated Trump. And produced an audio recording PROVING that Trump was in on it.

That makes Trump an unindicted co-conspirator.

The only thing that saves him from going to prison is the fact he's the president.

But he won't be president forever.
When the jury reaches a verdict there will be an answer, until then there is only speculation, allegation and wishful thinking.
I even highlighted it and they STILL don't get it. Is this "determined ignorance"?

Let's try it again:

Once again, I'll repeat. In fact, I'll use cut and paste:

Trump created shell companies to hide payments that if the American people found out, could change the election. That’s FRAUD and those are FELONIES and they attack our democracy. And they have multiple witnesses and Trump is on tape. There is no reasonable defense.


Let's start with that. Do you understand what this means?

created shell companies to hide payments
What are the names of these she’ll companies?
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
Not at all.
Trump could very well last for a full term.
The voters put him in, they will take him out.
What are the names of these she’ll companies?
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
Not at all.
Trump could very well last for a full term.
The voters put him in, they will take him out.
then you guys had better get someone with a likability factor and has nationwide appeal....
Michael Cohen recorded Trump discussing payment to ex-Playboy model

President Trump Continues to Claim He Did Nothing Wrong With Illegal Hush-Money Payments

It doesn't matter if you guys understand or not.

Mueller understands.

Cohen understands.

Trump understands.

The courts will understand.

The majority of the American people understand.

You guys understanding or not? No one cares.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
Not at all.
Trump could very well last for a full term.
The voters put him in, they will take him out.
then you guys had better get someone with a likability factor and has nationwide appeal....
They only need to be less despised than Trump.
So if you know about she’ll companies what are their names?
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
Not at all.
Trump could very well last for a full term.
The voters put him in, they will take him out.
then you guys had better get someone with a likability factor and has nationwide appeal....
They only need to be less despised than Trump.
well you guys said hillary was.....what happened there?...
Who cares? Cohen is going to prison.

Sorry, Say Legal Experts, Creating Shell Company During 2016 Campaign for Secret Payments to Hide Extramarital Affairs Not 'Simple Private Transaction'

"Under U.S. law, campaign contributions, defined as things of value given to a campaign to influence an election, must be disclosed. Such payments are also limited to $2,700 per person."

According to a Saturday column in the Times by government watchdog experts Barry Berke, Noah Bookbinder and Norman Eisen, the sentencing memos released last week are, in fact, quite damaging to Trump and put him at legal risk:

The Trump Organization’s reimbursements to Mr. Cohen for payments were fraudulently disguised as legal fees — and, according to the memo, were approved by senior executives at the organization. The New York prosecutors also disclosed that they are investigating additional unspecified matters involving Mr. Cohen and, presumably, the Trump Organization. In light of these disclosures, the likelihood that the company and the Trump campaign face charges is now high.


Trump is going



dean if he is still here next year will we see you here saying....Ooops!.....
Not at all.
Trump could very well last for a full term.
The voters put him in, they will take him out.
then you guys had better get someone with a likability factor and has nationwide appeal....
They only need to be less despised than Trump.
well you guys said hillary was.....what happened there?...
I don’t know. Ask Putin.

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