Meet today’s featured unhinged lefty lunatic…

But the reality is that the large corporations that are profiting from the hormone treatments and sex reassignment surgeries, and the emasculation of men, are all capitalists. Only in your imagination are they communists.
Let people live their lives
The so-called "documentation" that you're referring to amounts to nothing more than Western cold-war propaganda. Have communists ever committed unwarranted acts of violence? Yes indeed, but much of what you're saying is nothing more than Western, cold-war rhetoric.
communist dont have to kill people...they just stand aside and let them starve to death
That creature in the OP self identifies as a loon with a bone in her nose, nose rings, blue lips, etc. Normal folks would give her a wide berth.
None of this American liberal lunacy has anything to do with Marxism or genuine leftist ideology or politics. Read Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, any of them, and you won't find a word about LGBTQ or "gender fluidity" or "non-binary" or any of that stuff. They actually were quite socially conservative compared to American liberals. All of this moral chaos and decadence is being funded by capitalist billionaires, like George Soros. Don't blame Marx for this, blame the blind pursuit of profits at all costs.
I blame fried chicken and fried balogna sandwiches
You first. Demofascists, communists, socialists ALL dictate to people how they must live.

Try reading a history book sometime.
First things first, Dude. This is Fran you're talking about here. You need to start off slow and then work up from there. "Fun With Dick and Jane" first and THEN some actual history.

on second thought and considering this is the grumpiest most humorless simpleton on this board, maybe she just needs fun with dick, instead.

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